{ here } // huneun

EXO and Son Naeun

p.s. it's angst.. and i think it's a little... long. idk.

p.p.s. i'm not really good at writing angst. i , ok. ;A;

italics = flashbacks.

You know that feeling when it's winter, and it's just too cold you think it'll never be hot again? And then summer comes and it'll be so hot, you think it'll never be cold again? I think that goes with our feelings. Like when we're happy, we think we can never be sad again but when we're sad, we think we can never be happy again. 

"One winterm.."

"One wintermelon milktea with pearls, I know." The ahjumma continues as she was already getting ready the said drink. "I started preparing when I saw you coming in." 

Her sentence made Naeun flash a bright smile. "I have been ordering regularly, huh?" 

"Hmm? But you're alone now," Mrs. Kim noticed as she let Naeun have her drink. "You always have someone when you go here. That tall guy who likes chocolate milktea." 

"Ah.. yeah." She bows before pulling up a chair, dragging it near to the counter to talk more to Mrs. Kim. "Well, things change.." Popping in the straw to her drink, she chuckles sheepishly. 

It's been two years. 

Two years since that guy who like chocolate milktea disappeared. That guy named Oh Sehun. He didn't vanish without a reason. He disappeared with a reason Naeun couldn't accept. It was an unacceptable reason for her, but for him, it was a very valid reason.

They both had different experiences, different view of the story. 

To Naeun, it was all a mistake. To Sehun, it was everything. She was just another girl. She was just like them. 

But she was not. Only if he let himself listen to her. 

"You'll come back, right?" Naeun asks, hugging his arm. "Just stay here with me now. I really missed you." 

It was two months without Sehun because of his schedules. Now that it was his vacation, he promised himself that he'll use it to be with Naeun. 

He smiles, ruffling Naeun's hair. "Look at how this girl missed me." Shaking his head, he chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll always be here. I promise." 

Stupid promises, stupid self. Naeun thought as she was sipping down her milktea. I'm so stupid.

Two years ago. 

"Yeah, I'll see you later." Naeun gave out a surpressed laugh, walking away. 

"Naeun-ah?" Luhan, one of Sehun's friends, grabbed Naeun's arm causing her to turn around, only to meet his lips. 

Naeun and Luhan had been seeing each other since Sehun's schedule got hectic. It was because next to Sehun, Luhan would be Naeun's closest friend in EXO. Since there's nothing to do as an EXO-M member, and an actor in China, Luhan said he would be by Naeun's side while Sehun is gone.

She blinked, letting her hand push Luhan away. Soon after, her phone started ringing and it was Sehun. 

"Yes, prince?" 

"I miss you. Meet me now." That was the only thing Sehun said before hanging up. 

Naeun looked at Luhan threatingly before running to the milktea shop Naeun and Sehun would always go to. 

As soon as Naeun got there, her eyes went to Sehun as if her eyes would only look at him. And automatically, there was already her favorite wintermelon. 

"Naeun-ah.. I miss you." There was a quiver found in Sehun's voice. 

Naeun only surpressed a laugh. "Sehun, baby, I'm just here.. and you're missing me?" 

"I'll be missing you as time goes by," He smiles, fixing his gaze at her as if it was his last time seeing her. 

"Eh?" She blinks before looking at him as she pout. 

"I have no one to be miss but you, so yeah.. there's a lot of space in my mind for missing you right away. My mind just wanders directly to you." He nods before keeping his head down.



Sehun shyly smiles at his previous line, looking up only to see Naeun wiping her tears.

He takes her hand, lacing her fingers with him as he rubs her hand. "Naeun-ah, why?" 

"I don't know.. ah.. I'm too speechless. I guess I missed you so much too." She laughs quietly before leaning forward, kissing Sehun. 

Sehun kisses back and pulls away. "I'm here, right? Why are you crying? I won't leave you." 

"I just miss him so much now, ahjumma. " Soju took place of Naeun's milktea. Seeing how Naeun was dealing with it as she tells stories to the ahjumma, Mrs. Kim let her drink. 

"But why is he gone?" Mrs. Kim asks. 

Naeun knocks softly at his door, keeping her head down. 

"Hun? Hey. Uhm, I don't really know how to start this but I guess I'll start with saying sorry. I'm really sorry. Oh my god. I did wait for you, and my what you saw wasn't real, alright? He grabbed me.. all of a sudden."

Sehun was there. Sehun was there in every 'date' Naeun has with Luhan. But Sehun wasn't mad at anyone. He wasn't mad at Naeun, nor Luhan. But himself. 

He hated it ever since how he has to leave Naeun because of his schedules.

"I sound so desperate right now--but, ugh, I still love you, you know. I'm sorry. I know you hate hoping and I'm totally hating myself right now for doing such things to you. I'm so stupid, aren't I? You might be hating me right now, and I understand. I made a stupid mistake. If you already love someone else, I can accept that. It was my fault anyway. And I really hate hoping too.. but in case you'll change your mind, I'll be waiting here. I miss you so much, Hun. There's still a chance for us, you know?"

"I'll always love you, Naeun-ah. But not right now." Sehun whispers to himself.

"I miss you so much.. but really, if you can't forgive me then I can accept that. I'm just here to let you know that I'm sorry, that I miss you, and that I love you. I finally got the courage to send you this and I hope I'm not too late. I just miss you so much, Oh Sehun. And I'll always do."

Those were Naeun's last words to him. 

But he ignored it all. 

But he promised, he promised to himself that he will never leave her. 

"And after that.. he just.. disappeared." She continues between her sobs. "And I just wish that he would come back unexpectedly and find me in my room crying and say, "Why are you still crying? I'm already here."

The ahjumma pats Naeun at the back with every word she says. "I just.. miss him saying that.."

"I'm here." Naeun and Sehun voiced out in unison, causing Mrs. Kim to be shocked, but at least in a good way. Confused, Naeun looks up and sees Sehun smiling at her at the shop's door.

"Why are you still crying? I'm already here." 

He finally shows up like nothing happened, after two years.


end. <3

did you guys like it? it's not really angst like i told you. HAHAHAHA.

guess i was just having too much feelings that i wrote it out here thinking it was angst. but oh well. 

thanks for reading. <3


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lovestory123 #1
Chapter 3: Chanyeol and Naeun was just to cute!!!!!!!!!!

Nayeol all the way!
dude sobs it's soooooooo cute ah i can't ;----; kyungeun more pls ;A;
Chapter 4: This is so cute, I want to cry rn.
so sweet! :)
puipui90 #4
Chapter 5: Wow!woah!woha!! I cant believe i just read your stories..i love every chapter..it is sweet and great..OMExo..
Plus the image and gifs make it so randomly exciting for me..fighting!
overlyrandom #5
Chapter 4: cuteee naeun is so cuteeeee
Stepfanietaeun #6
Chapter 4: It's so cute
koala_panda #7
Chapter 4: it's cute....hope u will update soon
Chapter 3: It's so cute author-niiiiiiiiimmmmm!! I really love this story!!! Update soooonnn!! ^^
nadiapmm #9
Chapter 1: Cutie cutie haneun update soon<3
Stepfanietaeun #10
update soon author^^