Chapter 3

Welcome To Madtown
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"Ugh! Just why did I volunter to help. This is driving me nuts!" Sohyun ruffled her hair as she stare at the crumple paper infront of her. 

*knock knock* 

She immediately starighten her hair. 

"Can I come in?" Her mom asked behind the door. 

"Sure mom."

The door opened, revealling her mom carrying what look like a bowl of fruits with milk on a tray. Ms. Kwon walked were Sohyun was at the study table, and place the tray beside her. 

"You okay there Hyunnie?" Ms. Kwon asked with a worried tone. She has looked at her daughter condition when sha came. Even heard the frustration voice before she knocked. 

"Yea mom. Just a little stress with what to design. I'll be alright. Need a little motivavtion though," Sohyun reply with a small smile to reassure her mom. 

"I should have told your father to go easy on you," Ms. Kwon said while shaking her head. 

"I'm alright mom. This is the least I can do to help with the project."

"Alright then. I leave you too it." With that Ms. Kwon exit the room. 

Sohyun heaved a sigh of frustration and boost her laptop open to looked for motivavtion. After searching and searching, she gave up as none come close to what she want. 

She close her eyes to take a few rest but her phone rang. She looked at her side table, where her phone was placed, and looked at the caller ID.

"Hello HeoJun-shii," Sohyun answered. 

"What  did I say about calling me?" The other end reply.

Sohyun chuckled at his words, making his heart's flustered. 

"Sorry, sorry. HeoJun. What do you need?" Sohyun asked as she sober up. 

"I have come up with a few ideas. Just wonder if you like me to sent you via email or should we meet up to discussed?" 

"Hmm... Which do you think is better?" Sohyun asked back. 

"I think that we should meet?" HeoJun voice seem to drop as he spoke. It sent shiver to Sohyun's spine. 

"That's a gret I idea too. Tomorrow at a cafe near the office?" 

" How about my house?" HeoJun asked. 

This seem to shocked Sohyun. She was not used to going to a guy's house. Not someone that she's not closed to though. 


"Because I have all the things that we need. Plus, cafe is to crowded and busy," HeoJun reasoned. 

"We could go somewhere else you know. Not just the cafe," Sohyun said. 

"Are you really rejecting me Sohyun? I'm hurt." HeoJun teased. 

Sohyun laughed at his comment. 

"I'm not. It's just that.."

"Just what?'

"Uncomfortable? I have never been to a stranger's house before." Sohyun try to reasoned.

"Is that what you think of us Sohyun? Just a stranger," HeoJun asked. There were no joke in his voice and Sohyun scared that she have wounded him. 

"Y-you know t-that's not what I-i mean," Sohyun stuttered in reply. Defeaning herself. 

"I'm joking Sohyun. It's up too you. We could go somewhere else to work on it. I'm okay with everything," HeoJun chuckled at Sohyun's flustered voice. 

Sohyun thought for awhile. 

It's not that bad. Just working on the project. Plus we don't have to waste our money or the gas. I also wonder what type of house he owned. Sohyun thought.

Who are you trying to reasoned with? You know what you want. Her conscious asked. 

"Hello? Sohyun, you there? Hyunnie?"

Sohyun snapped out of her thoughts as she heard HeoJun's voice.

"Sorry. I've zoned out for a bit." Sohyun sheepishly reply.

"It's okay. So what is your decision?" HeoJun reply.


"Don't tell me you haven't decided yet after zooning out on me just now?" HeoJun asked with amusement. 

"Haha. You're funny. I think that we should go to your house," Sohyun said after much debate.

HeoJun seem shocked by her answer. "Alright then. It settle. I text you my address. See you later chipmunks." HeoJun bid his goodbye. 

"Why you-" Sohyun was about to reply however, the line went dead. 

"This little mutt," Sohyun frowned at her phone before switching off everything to get ready for bed.


She took her phone only to be received a msg by HeoJun. 

Mine address :) See you tomorrow Chipmunks x

You will get it from me Mr. HeoJun. 


Pulling over at the driveway, Sohyun exit her car and walked toward the building. She entered the elevator and pressed the no.9. While waiting she fidget with her shirt. 

She wore a white spaghetti strap top with short jean and a long lace cardigen. To top it all of, she carry a brown leather vintage backpack and wore black converse shoe. 

She walked to her right heading towards the last door at the furthest end. 

"Hello?" The other end answer as she pressed the telecom. 

"HeoJun can you please open the door." 

"What the password?" HeoJun teased. 

Sohyun stood there buffled. 

"Are you kidding me Mr. HeoJun. You know I could leave anytime right?" Sohyun threathen him. 

"Are threathening me chipmunks?" HeoJun asked amused. 

"Okay that's it. I'm going." Sohyun said as she turned to leave. 

Not even a step away, she heard the door unlock. She didn't bother looking back as she continue walking. 

She heard footsteps thumping on the ground, indicating that the person was running. A hand stop her from walking futher and turned her around. 

"I'm sorry Sohyun," HeoJun apologised, hand still holding her wrist.

Sohyun looked everywhere except for him. 

"Nope. You're not. You're still laughing," Sohyun said with an annoyed look. 

"Alright, alright. I promise I won't do it again. Come on now. We don't want to wasted time right," HeoJun said as he pulled her towards the open the door. 

"Look who's wasting time," Sohyun muttered under her breathe as she's being dragged. 

HeoJun chuckled at her cute attempt to be angry. 

"What do you want to drink? Oh! And make yourself comfortable," HeoJun said as he walked to the kitchen, as soon as they enter his apartment. 

"Water fine. By the way, you said we are going to your house. This is an apartment. Not your house," Sohyun asked as she looked around the place. 

The place was simple with a grey and white wall. As soon as you walked in, there's a long corridor that lead to the living room. Which h

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lolexotics #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon ...
angelchunjiwifey #2
Chapter 7: Update please! I'm dying to know what happens next!!!!
Chapter 4: Awwww this is awesome! I like this book and this chap xx I guess one and each of them know about her past is it? I'm curious to find out.
Chapter 4: GOOD STORY Update soon please you make me feel sooolloo curiousss
Thx for the fast update tho :'3
mrsdean #5
I love this!! Omg, madtown, finally ;_;
Chapter 2: Awwwwww who is he i didnt think it will be heo jun ><
Update please!! Love ur story and Madtown!! hehe
Chapter 1: Hmm... Is the man with the camera possibly a childhood friend? Haha
Icecream2000 #9
Chapter 1: Love your story alreadyy~~~~~ Thanks for the update ^^