Chapter 3 Meeting

Totally complicated

5 minutes before the meeting starts, Jessica and Unnie leaves the office and go to the next room. As they enter, they greeted Jessica and Unnie and get settled themselves.

As the meeting starts, the team prepared a presentation about the new designs that they have for the season. Other designers are there as Jessica checks every details of it as per her approval. Jessica as a designer is very keen and very objective. She called unnie and shared her thoughts about it. As they finish to run it throught, she calls for a break as they have discussed so many they were not able to check the time. It's past lunch break. The PA called Jessica's attention telling that the Team leader would like to discussed something to her. Jessica said it's fine with her.

Team Leader: I'm sorry maam for doing this on short notice.

Jessica: it's okay. What is it?

Team Leader: Before we start, i ask the PR group and our head of security to be with us here to join the meeting

Jessica: Make yourselves comfortable, please proceed.

Team Leader: Our team in Korea would

like to ask your presence to celebrate the charity anniversary. This charity is one of our benefiaciaries in our last project. 

Jessica: i am glad they invited me. Personally I am happy to come in that even. 

When would it that be?

Team Leader: In 2 weeks maam. We just received the invitation this morning.

Jessica: Okay. Security and PR get yourselves ready. We have to discuss this thoroughly, set your preparations let me know as soon as possible...

TEam Leader: Noted maam. 

The short meeting ended and everybody have their break.


Jessica: Unnie lets eat somewhere else..

Unnie: okay coming...

"This way maam," PA escorted them

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