Part 2/2

Love You to Death

BTW Kris' nephew Kevin is Kevin Woo from U-Kiss. 

Part 2/2 


The sun has started to set by the time they come back to reality. They’re squished together on the small bed, the sheets are sweaty and they both need to shower, but neither of them wants to move. Tao snuggles into Kris’ arms and kisses his shoulder.

“I wasn’t used to sleeping by myself,” he tells Kris. “After a few days I ended up with Sehun and Suho, but it wasn’t the same.”

Kris traces the sharp bones of Tao’s hips. “I mostly slept at the hospital,” he says. “But I didn’t get a whole lot of rest.”

Tao leans back slightly and looks at Kris. He looks so tired, and more worried than Tao has ever seen him. “I know you don’t want to talk about it—”

“Didn’t,” Kris interrupts, his voice soft. “I didn’t want to talk about it, but now I think I can.”


When Kris arrived with his mother, the first thing they did was go to the hospital. His father was already receiving treatment, but Kris knew what a person at the end of his life looked like. Even machines could only last so long, and eventually all natural organs would give out.

“We should have told you about this years ago,” his father said. “I’m so sorry, son. I thought I would have more time.”

Kris was furious, but seeing his father in such a vulnerable state made it hard to be angry. “How could you be dying?” He asked. “I don’t understand, you would have to be hundreds of years old!”

“And I am.”

Finally, Kris got the whole story. His father had lived a long time, he had done a lot for the people of the planet even before joining the council. He’d even traveled to Earth himself, and he’d been married. His wife had been older, and when she passed away he decided to join the Council of Ancients. Doing so meant taking a vow to cut off all ties to the outside world. He would not be able to see his friends or his two children ever again. But he took the vow and entered the Council.

After serving for many years, he met a young woman who was training to be a lawmaker. They didn’t even have a proper meeting, they just saw each other from across the room and knew right away.

“I never felt anything like it before,” Kris’ father said. He took his wife’s hand and smiled fondly. “I never felt that way before, not once in my whole life.”

It was rare for a council member to leave, but that was exactly what Kris’ father did. Doing so meant that he could never return to the council, but that was alright with him. The more difficult decision was whether to contact his children from his first marriage or not. In the end he had word sent that he was alive and remarrying, and left it up to them to contact him. But they had already said their goodbyes, and neither child felt it was appropriate to reenter their father’s life when he had started over.

“I know I should have told you,” Kris’ dad told him. “But there never seemed to be a good time. I thought when you went for your first surgery…but you were a child. You were mature, but how could I tell you about my age? What did you know of death when you were so young? And then you were so fascinated by my stories of Earth…I always knew you would go. And I didn’t want to stop you. I knew you wouldn’t go, but I wanted you to have your own life, your own adventures. I didn’t want you tethered to my side while I was dying.”

The anger had returned. “Well it ended up that way anyway, didn’t it?”

“I know you’re angry…”

“I’m not angry!” Kris shouted, “I’m furious! How could you do this to me? I had siblings, I had other family, and you didn’t tell me! I left you, and there’s so much I don’t know, and now there isn’t enough time—” He broke off and ran from the room.


“I haven’t really spoken to him since.”

Tao gasps. “What? But you’ve been in the hospital all this time!”

“Yes,” Kris sighs, “I go see him, and we do talk but…not about anything important. I want to, but I’m afraid that I’ll only get half the story. Or I was.” He sits up and draws his knees to his chest. “The doctor got back, and she examined him. She thinks there’s a way to buy him more time, maybe as much as fifty years. She’s treating him now, we should know if it worked within the next two days.”

Tao sits up as well. “That’s good news, then. You can have answers to your questions.”

Kris lowers his head. “I know. But I’m still so angry with him. With both of them. They lied to me for my whole life, because they didn’t believe that I could handle the news. And I guess they were right. I always thought I was stronger than this. I know that death isn’t the end, I know that. But now that it’s happening to my dad, I just…I just want more time.” His voice breaks and he starts to cry.

Tao wraps his arms around Kris’ shoulders and draws him close. For a long time they sit together while Kris sobs, and Tao realizes that he probably hasn’t cried once since arriving here.

When Kris begins to calm down, Tao asks him to look up. He carefully dries Kris’ face.

“You are strong. Being afraid doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. You’re mourning, and that’s fine. Even if your dad does get more time, you still need to come to terms with the fact that you will lose him eventually. But if you give yourself a chance to mourn and forgive him, then you’ll be able to have the relationship that you want with him, and with your mom. It’s alright to be mad, just let it happen, get it out of your system. Cry and scream if you have to, because when you let it out you’ll be able to make room for forgiveness. And it won’t make you weak. If anything it will make you stronger.”

Kris slowly begins to smile. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For coming here. I really needed to hear that, and I don’t think I would have listened if it had come from anyone else.” He kisses Tao slowly, sighing against his lips. “You’re very wise.”

Tao smiles. “I know. But that’s nothing you didn’t already know. You just forgot for a little while, and that’s why I’m here, to help you remember.”

They lapse into silence for a while. When Tao closes his eyes, it’s easy to forget that they’re on another world. It almost feels like it could be any other night, and he half expects to hear Kyungsoo calling them down for dinner. Speaking of which…



“I’ve been sleeping for two days. I’m really hungry.”

Kris gasps and starts to laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry! I completely forgot!”

And Tao can forgive him, it’s just nice to hear him laugh again.

They get dressed and Kris takes Tao back downstairs. The kitchen looks similar to the ones on Earth, there’s a sink and a polished stone counter, but the refrigerator is horizontal and there is no stove or oven.

“We have what you would call a microwave,” Kris says, pointing it out. It looks very similar to a microwave, but with more glass. “It can double as an oven for small things, too. We don’t do a lot of baking, cakes and things are usually bought, especially if they’re very large. And most of our food is cooked here.” And he slides a wall panel aside to reveal a fire pit, places right into the wall of the house.

“I didn’t see a chimney,” Is the only thing Tao can say.

Kris points to a button on the wall. “That’s what this is for. One of the panels in the roof slides away, this way it’s not totally exposed year round.”

Kris gets the fire pit going, explaining to Tao how the artificial fuel is made while he prepares the food. He promises that the food tastes like chicken and the fuel is safe. The fire warms the house up, which Kris says is actually why all the houses have the fire pit.

“We know about stoves. Earth invented them before we did, it was one thing our ambassadors brought back with them, but the fire pit has been with us since the early days and since it’s so cold for most of the year, this is more practical.”

“But even though the fuel is manmade, won’t it run out if so many people use it?”

Kris grins and shakes his head. “Some things are meant to be kept secret.” And before Tao can protest Kris pops a bit of food into his open mouth.

“It’s like a vegetable. How’s it taste?”

It may be like a vegetable, but it’s juicy like a fruit, and it’s delicious. “Is there more?”

And after they eat, Tao helps with the dishes, and he finally asks the question that’s been on the tip of his tongue since the afternoon. “So, how does Kevin fit into all of this?”

Kris grins at him. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, word was sent to my dad’s first family that he wasn’t doing well. but it turns out that his children also joined the Council of Ancients, so they don’t know anything. Instead the message went to their children, most of whom had families of their own and after having never met my dad, didn’t feel it was their place to get involved. But Kevin is very young and…well, it’s personal so I’ll let him tell you more, but he came to meet my dad and we met for the first time a few days ago. And I’m sure you’ve guessed that Kevin isn’t his real name. It turns out that he’s with the Agency too, and you’ll never guess where he’s stationed.”

Tao gasps. “No way, is it Seoul?”

Kris nods.

“Oh, wow! What are the odds?”

Kris pretends to think about it. “The odds…are absolutely miniscule. You know, my mom said that I looked like a Kevin when I was trying to pick a name for myself on Earth. I went for Kris but if I had chosen Kevin, we would have had exactly the same name. His last name is the same as mine, but he changed it to the korean spelling. Kevin Woo. We have to guess that someone behind the scenes was trying to get us to meet, but it only just happened. We’ve made plans to meet more often when we go back.” He turns away and Tao can tell that his mood has changed. “I think I would like to go back soon. I’ve missed my home for a long time but now that I’m here, I feel like an outsider. I never felt like Earth would be my home, but I’ve changed my mind. And I miss everyone.” He looks up. “How are they, by the way?”

Tao kisses Kris’ cheek. “You know how they are. They’re all doing well, but they miss you. Even Jongdae does. I don’t know what you did, but the change in your relationship with him is amazing.”

Kris laughs and Tao’s relieved that his mood has picked up. “It wasn’t really me, it was Jongdae.”

“What did he do?”

But Kris shakes his head. “Can’t say, it’s between me and him, and I gave my word that I would keep my mouth shut.”

That’s very mysterious, but Tao knows better than to press. Kris doesn’t keep secrets lightly, besides it obviously has no bearing on their relationship because nothing has changed.

They finish the dishes and they’re about to go back to Kris’ room when suddenly a sharp ‘ping’ sounds from Kris’ wrist. He yanks up his sleeve to reveal a device that looks like a smart watch. Tao doesn’t remember seeing Kris put it on.

Kris angles his wrist to show Tao the screen. He can’t read the writing, so Kris reads it for him. “It’s from Kevin. The doctor has been having a lot of success with my father’s treatment so far, she thinks that she’ll be done in a few hours.”

“And he’ll be…better?” Tao asks.

“I hope so,” Kris says, “Would you mind if we went back to the hospital now?”

“It’s fine with me,” Tao says.

They get back in the vehicle and Kris drives a lot faster than he did the first time around. Tao can see the tension in his body and he realizes that he’s not sure what to do. He thinks about touching Kris’ shoulder, or trying to talk to him, just anything that would remind Kris that he’s not alone. But Tao can’t make himself move or say anything, and it feels like the last few hours never happened. He’s back to feeling useless, as if he was back on Earth and not sitting right next to his boyfriend.

When they arrive at the hospital, Kris pulls Tao right past the guards and into the elevator. He’s impatient and anxious, and Tao glances at him nervously but can’t think of anything to say. They arrive on one of the top floors and Kris takes off down the hall. Kevin is waiting, and he tells Kris to go inside.

“They’re waiting for you. I already met with them.”

Kris looks over at Tao. “Are you coming?”

Tao shakes his head. “You go first.”

Kris heads into the room, and Tao leans against the far wall and puts his head in his hands. He feels so incredibly helpless.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Tao jumps—he didn’t realize Kevin was still there. “Yes,” He says quickly, “I’m okay, I’m fine.”

Kevin gives him a sympathetic look. “I can sense your emotions. I know you’re upset.”

Tao blushes, feeling embarrassed. “I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay,” Kevin says, “I don’t mean to sound like I’m prying, I just know that right now Yifan has a one-track mind and I want to make sure you’re okay.”

Tao feels his eyes sting with tears and he looks away. “I feel like I’m not being helpful at all,” he confesses. “The whole way here I didn’t say one word. I didn’t know what to say.”

Kevin puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You have been so helpful. Yifan hasn’t been happy at all since he got here, but when he saw you…I realized that previously when I thought he was happy, it wasn’t even close to the kind of aura he gives off when he’s truly delighted. You did that, Tao. It means the world to him that you’re here with him, please believe me when I say that you have been an enormous help.”

Kevin hands him a tissue and Tao wipes his eyes. “It’s nice to meet you, by the way,” He says. “Yifan told me about how you met. It’s crazy that you’re both in Seoul.”

“Isn’t it?” Kevin says with a smile. He has a really pretty face, and a soft voice. He’s almost the polar opposite of Kris as far as looks go. “It seems that grandfather passed his love of Earth to his other children, and my dad passed it to me. I thought leaving home would be the craziest story I would tell my own children one day, I never imagined I would have this whole other family back on my own planet. But I’m so happy to have met them, and you. I hope I’ll get to see you more often once we all get back to Earth.”

“So you are going back,” Tao says. “Yifan said so. To be honest I’m not sure when he and I will be going home. I get the feeling that he really doesn’t want to leave.”

Kevin sighs. “He doesn’t, but he will. Now that he knows his dad is going to be okay, he’ll want to get away for a little while to sort out his own thoughts. But he will be back soon.” He looks at Tao curiously. “Would you join him?”

“Yes,” Tao answers. “He has a family, and I don’t. I know how important his parents are to him, and that he eventually wants to return home for an extended period of time. I just hope it’s not too soon. I would miss my friends.”

“He’s lucky to have you,” Kevin says. “You’re very good to him.”

The door opens and Kris peeks out. “Tao, can I borrow you?”

Kevin grins and winks at Tao. “I’ll see you around. I’m going to go get some sleep.”

Tao says goodbye to Kevin and follows Kris inside. The room is relatively small, and only two other people are there besides himself and Kris. Tao is taken aback by how much Kris looks like his mother. She’s beautiful, and his father isn’t bad looking either—though he does look worn out.

“So, you’re Tao,” Kris’ father says. “My, it’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from my son.”

Tao shyly runs a hand through his hair. His hand brushes something in his ear and he jumps when he realizes that he never took the translating device out. He supposes it makes sense, he can understand everything, but he quite forgot it was there.

Kris takes Tao’s arm and leads him to the bed. There’s a chair waiting, and Tao sits. Kris’ father takes his hand and squeezes gently. “I’m so glad you could be here for my son. Thank you so much for coming.”

“It was partially for me, as well,” Tao admits. “I missed him very much.”

“You won’t have to for much longer,” Kris’ dad says with a smile. “Yifan will be going home in a few days.”

Tao looks to Kris for confirmation, and he nods.

Kris’ mother speaks next. “We wanted to meet you while you were here, and to wish you well.”

“We have something for the pair of you,” Kris’ father says. He lifts his other hand and holds up a small black box. He hands it to Tao, and Kris kneels by Tao’s side while he opens the box. Inside are two silver rings, engraved with a geometric pattern.

“It’s custom on Earth for couples to have rings, if I recall correctly.” Kris’ dad says. “I called in a favor to have these made for the two of you. They’re made of our native element, they’ll never become discolored or damaged, and they will automatically adjust to fit snugly to your finger, but when you want to take them off they will go easily.”

Tao feels a lump form in his throat and beside him Kris gasps.

“Dad, these are…how did you…when did you do this?”

“When I found out that I was fading,” His father says. “I wanted to give them to you now, even though I have time. It’s my hope that I will hold on long enough to see the two of you exchange vows.”

Tao lifts one ring from the box and holds it in his palm. “They’re beautiful,” he says, his voice breaking. “Thank you so much.”

Kris takes the other ring. He looks at it for a long moment, then he takes Tao’s hand. “Tao, can I help you with your ring?”

Tao hands Kris the ring he picked up with shaking fingers. Kris takes his right hand and slips the ring onto his middle finger. “Not an engagement, not yet,” Kris says quietly. “But a promise that someday, when we’re ready, it will happen.”

Tao nods, his eyes filling with tears. “Someday,” he agrees, and he takes Kris’ hand and puts the ring on his finger.


Over the next few days Kris makes peace with his parents. He hasn’t forgiven them, not really, but his anger is fading and now he’s mostly just grateful to have that extra time with them. He confesses to Tao that he doesn’t like leaving so soon, but he needs space and time, and he really wants to get back home.

“I miss our friends. And Hero, that little rascal of a puppy. Hell I miss our bed! Mattresses on Earth are so much nicer than the ones we have. We ought to invest in memory foam on this planet.”

Tao laughs—they’re in Kris’ room, gathering their things together. Or they’re supposed to be, really they’re just snuggling on the bed. Tao leans forward and kisses Kris slowly. “I didn’t notice the difference,” he murmurs. “I was just so happy to be back with you.”

Kris traces the ring on Tao’s finger. “Is this really okay with you? I didn’t know they were doing this, or I would have told you.”

It’s about the twentieth time he’s said that in four days. “It’s fine,” Tao says again. “I get why they did it, and I’m glad that they did. I love the rings, they’re beautiful. And like you said, it’s not an engagement yet.”

“Yet,” Kris repeats softly. “So do you think that someday we will get married?”

Tao shrugs. “I hope so. I would very much like to.” He plays with Kris’ ring, twisting it and feeling the grooved design. “What do you call it in your language?”

“We call it a bonding of lives.” And he gently tugs the translator out of Tao’s ear so Tao can hear him say it. Tao repeats the syllables confidently and Kris grins at him.

“Listen to you! You sound like a native speaker.”

“And you’ll help me get even better, right?”

Kris kisses his way up Tao’s neck and jaw until he reaches his lips. He kisses Tao deeply, leaning forward until Tao’s back hits the bed.

“I would be a horrible teacher,” Kris says breathlessly. “All you’ll learn from me is dirty words.”

Tao laughs and bends his knees so they bracket Kris’ hips. “Is that so?”

Kris nods, then he laughs. “You know, I never actually thought I’d have with you in my childhood home. On my bed.”

“Is it weird?”

Kris shrugs. “Have to admit I’m not really bothered by it.”

“Want to do it again?”

Kris groans and leans back to tug his shirt off. “It was your idea, just remember that.”



Kris slaps Tao’s hand away from him. “You will not feel me up in this shower, do you hear me? Save it for when we get home.”

Tao pouts. “Can I at least kiss you?”

“No way,” Kris says. “Because then you’ll get aroused and it will affect me and then next thing you know—oh no, I’m not even going to say it.”

Tao grins and kisses Kris’ shoulder. “You’re mine when we get home, I hope you know that.”

“I’m always yours,” Kris says teasingly. “Now the sooner we get out of this shower and get dressed, the sooner we can get home.”

That spurs Tao into action, and soon enough they’re both dry and dressed in scrubs, ready for intergalactic transport. They share a kiss before they leave, and they make it last because they won’t be kissing again for two days.

In the spacecraft Tao starts to get nervous, but Kris reaches across the bed and squeezes his hand. The staff place masks over their heads and they keep their eyes on each other as the gas turns on. Tao hears the beginning of the countdown, and then his eyes fall shut.



Tao wakes up to a gentle pressure on his lips. He slowly opens his eyes and nearly goes crosseyed trying to focus on Kris’ face.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

Tao groans. “You did not just kiss me awake like some damn prince charming,” he says—or he tries to say. Really all he gets out is “You kiss me damn prince charming.” Kris laughs at him all the way back to the apartment, and the first thing Tao does when he busts the door down is run to Suho and whine that Kris is being mean to him. In the ensuing chaos of welcoming them back Kris forgets why he was laughing in the first place, and Tao feels smug about it all day.

Then they go to bed and Kris asks if Tao is going to call him Prince Charming from now on. Tao punches him in the arm and calls him a frog. Kris pouts and Tao kisses him quickly.

“There. Now you can be a Prince, oh slimy frog of mine.”



Be happy, my loves.

As for the torture I'm going to inflict on them, don't worry, nobody dies in this story. They just get really big boo-boos.

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Chapter 2: So sweet and wonderful and god I love it so much it’s insane
Chapter 2: It's soooooooooo beautiful my heart is beating soo fast. Thank you soooooooo much :*
Jayluvskpop #3
Chapter 2: I said I would read your other work, yeah? Must say, I'm far from disappointed; AMAZING!! I feel as though I should've tried finding the beginning of this story first though, because it sounds as though it is ongoing? I'll find the rest later^^
Chapter 2: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
//jumps off cliff//
You're killing me, you know?
And this isn't even rated M!!!
Brigi_monster #5
Chapter 2: Good bye friends, I am gone
Avadak_Green #6
Chapter 2: I'm so worried. T^T Taoris is one of my favorite ships ever, so please treat them kindly-ish. Thank God you said no character death, or I'd never forgive you. >_> However, anything you write is always a complete delight and a joy to read, and this is no expection. It is a beacon of bright light in otherwise troubled days (aka finals). Again, please continue adding to this series! <3
easeguidelight #7
Chapter 2: This whole torture thing really get me anxious....
mink_wu #8
Chapter 2: Oh gosh thank god you didn't torture taoris in this but i am scared for my babies.. :'( Author-nim you are such a meanie :|
Btw i love this intergalactic AU stories so much <3 You are really such a great writer!
Chapter 2: I'm rolling up in feels ... Not sure whether it's good or health but dear god the feels i get everytime i read this au! Is too much to handle... Love u authornim. Muahsss!
Chapter 2: Omg hahahahahah but this ending... just... hahahah XD you are awesome! :D