
Because I Was Bad

Hae Won slammed the table with her fists, surprising all the students inside the class. Everyone was looking at her like she’s some kind of lunatic person. Realizing that she’s the center of attention because of her sudden action, Hae Won put down her arms on her lap slowly. She’s too embarrassed to lift her head.

“Ya, Kim Hae Won! What’s the noice you just made in the middle of the test?” the homeroom yelled her from his desk.

“I’m sorry, Sir...”

“Finish the test quitely! If anyone dares to make another noise, I’ll rip your paper test right in front of your face,” the teacher threatened. He drowned himself back reading the newspaper on his hands.

The students put their attention back to their own papers, but Hae Won needed some time to put herself together. Her face was still like boiled crab, from her forehead to her nap. If only Seung Ho didn’t so much...


Few Hours Ago

When Seung Ho suddenly woke up that night, he noticed it was still around 3 am in the morning. He stretched out his arms as he left the bed to grab a drink. When he’s about to go back sleeping again, he saw Hae Won fell asleep on the desk she’s using to study. He walked toward her and turned off the lamp.

“Ya, Hae Won-ah,” Seung Ho shook her shoulder. “Don’t sleep like this. Sleep on the couch!”

Hae Won only replied him with murmur. Seung Ho tried to wake her up several times, but there’s no use. Seung Ho went back to the bed and grabbed some pillow. He put it on the couch as he lifted her there. He took the extra blanket from the closet. He covered Hae Won with it, the girl moaned in her sleep.

Seung Ho stared at the tired face, the dark circles started to appear under her eyes. He her hair, slowly bent down and left a peck on the girl’s lips. Hae Won who was a light sleeper opened her eyes when she felt something touching her lips. She startled when she saw Seung Ho’s face was so close to hers.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I just kissed you,” Seung Ho answered calmly.

“So sneaky! You attacked me when I was unguarded!”

“Yah, it’s just a kiss.”

“Move away, I want to go to sleep,” Hae Won tried to push back the guy in front of her. but instead of giving up, Seung Ho slipped his arms under Hae Won’s knees and back. He circled his arms and lifted the girl from the couch. “Ya!? Put me down!”

Seung Ho just ignored the noise and continued walking to the bed. The girl inside his arms were struggling to get loose, but it just made Seung Ho tightened his grip. When the bed was closer, Seung Ho threw her to the bed’s side, locking her arms with his.

“This is ual harrassment! Let me go!” Hae Won was panic by the sudden attack. Seung Ho stepped to the bed and now he’s already on top of Hae Won. He moved closer to her, making the girl frustrated more. “I swear if you touch me—”

Seung Ho covered Hae Won’s mouth with his palm. “If you’re afraid, or scared, just close your eyes and I’ll do the rest.”

He could hear the girl was trying to speak something, but Seung Ho didn’t want to hear it. he moved forward by leaving a peck on her forehead, moving down to her cheeks. He could feel the warm heat on his lips coming from Hae Won’s skin. He stared at Hae Won’s closely, noticing that the girl’s face was red like boiled crab. She’s about to cry.

Realized that was not a right time,Seung Ho threw a light sigh to the air. He loosened his grip on Hae Won’s arm, lifting his palm from Hae Won’s mouth and just landed a light kiss on hers. The soft touched was surprised her.

Seung Ho her cheek, “I said I just want to kiss you. You made it hard yourself.”

She could feel her heartbeat moved faster than normal. The cold eyes kept staring at her closely, the natural red lips, and the manly arms. If she couldn’t hold herself, Hae Won would be crazy already looking at the beautiful man on top of her. But, all of the sudden, Hae Won tried to loose herself this time, she didn’t know why.

“If you want to do it, do it properly.”

Seung Ho lifted his eyebrows, couldn’t believe what he just heard. The girl already closed her eyes like she’s ready to be destroyed. He tried so hard to hold back his smile, because Hae Won suddenly looked so cute in his eyes.

“Well, then.”

Seung Ho put his arm which used to grab Hae Won’s arm earlier under her nape. He pulled her closely to his body, kissing the girl deeper. Hae Won, trying to follow the moment, putting her arms around Seung Ho’s waist. She’s still nervous about the situation happened at the exact moment, Hae Won really didn’t know what to do. She could feel Seung Ho moved his other arm from her cheek to her neck. The hand slowly moved down passing through her chest while their lips were still locking each other. It moved forward and Hae Won could feel the fingers were trying to reach her—

“I think we should stop here!!” Hae Won shoutted, surprising the guy.

Seung Ho stopped what he almost did, “Why?...Do you feel uncomfortable?”

“Actually...yes.” Hae Won told him the truth. “I know that we’re leading to something more intimate but I’m sorry...I think...I’m not ready yet. I thought I was ready, believe me, but...”

“I got it,” Seung Ho raised his palm as the sign he understood Hae Won’s situation. “I’m also sorry that I abruptly did it. It feels like I forced you to do it with me.”

“Yang Seung Ho...”

“No, it’s okay, Hae Won, really,” Seung Ho convinced her. “You are not like the girls I used to...have fun with. I’m a guy, you’re a girl, and we’re in relationship, so I do think it’s natural that, as a man, I want to have with you. But, at the same time, I don’t want you to regret anything. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Hae Won was more surprised that Seung Ho had that kind of thought about her. She’s glad that Seung Ho didn’t see her like the former girls Seung Ho used to date. It means he valued her more, and that already made her smile. “Well,” Hae Won stated, “I guess we have to wait ‘til the right time, don’t we?”

Seung Ho nodded. “For now, let’s just sleep. You have your mock test in couple hours, you better sleep.”

Seung Ho tidied up the pillow and gave some of them to Hae Won’s side. Both of them were sleeping on the same bed, but they believed that nothing would happen until morning. They just held each other hands and covering themselves inside the blanket, dreaming their own dream. At least in the end they had built something new, the feeling of trusting each other.


The mock test finally over. They submitted the paper to the teacher’s table then they could take a break. Joon who was not sure if he had answered at least half of the question right, staring his paper with heavy heart.

“How’s yours?” Hae Won suddenly already stood on his side.

“Bad. Horrible. Doomed,” Joon answered, making Hae Won giggled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll pass it,” Hae Won tapped his back lightly. “Anyway, I haven’t seen JiYeon for couple days. Is she sick?”

“I don’t know, she never answered my call. I thought you knew something.”

“She missed the mock test, I hope she’ll be okay for the actual one. We better study together soon,” Hae Won made a suggestion and Joon didn’t refuse it.

“You guys, hurry up submit your papers,” the homeroom teacher warned them. They walked faster to the front of the class.

“Excuse me, Sir,” Hae Won spoke after submitting hers. “I wonder for the student who missed the test today, is there any chance she could get the test the other day?”

The homeroom teacher frowned. “Who missed the test today? Everyone’s present.”

Hae Won was confused, “But Jiyeon missed it.”

“Oh, haven’t you guys heard?” the homeroom sound surprised. He knew that the students infront of him were close to JiYeon. “She got out of school yesterday.”



sorry for the late update

mind me if there's grammar mistakes +_+, i'll check them later

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xsher204 #1
An update ^-^ still stuck to this fic's plot.
Chapter 10: WAAA (º̩̩́_º̩̩̀) finally~ an update... I'm really miss this story (•́-̯•̀) poor Seungho, get well soon okay~
Chapter 9: aaaaaaaaw.....the updating stopped! (T^T) i hope you could update soon authornim :)
Chapter 9: Love this <3
Update again soon, please ! ;)
Chapter 9: Finallyy!!!
It's an update ~
Awww!!!! I'm so happyyy when you updated! ~
And why you hurt my Seungho? (‾̩̩̩﹏‾̩̩̩)
hottesthunnybunny #6
Chapter 8: Please update.... ):
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!
may_21st #9
Up date pleassseee
<333 omo! :D UPDATE! :D