
Because I Was Bad

“How could you think that your only dad do such thing? Did you ever witness me do something bad?” Hae Won stared at her linked fingers, she didn’t dare to look her dad in the eyes. “Even my daughter doesn’t believe me.”

“Dad, it’s not like that.”

“What do you mean it’s not like that?” Mr. Kim leant back to his chair.

“I’m just trying to be fair here. I care about my family and about him. He’s part of our family now.”

“A family won’t do such thing to each other, Hae Won-ah,” Mr. Kim cut off. “He’s left his mother because he hates me. There’s no such thing as family here.”

“Dad, you’re being ironic right now. He had family too back then, but it’s ruined already. Because of you,” Hae Won stood up. She couldn’t hear such ridiculous thing anymore.

“Hae Won-ah, listen to your dad,” Mr. Kim grabbed his daughter’s arm. “To tell you the truth, it wasn’t me who directly ruined his family, my friends were. I did work with some influenced people before, but it’s over now. You know I’m not that kind of person. I’ve taken care of you since you’re born.”

“It’s not about who’s taken care of who only, Dad!” Hae Won tossed Mr. Kim’s hand away from her. “He’s lonely now, because of what happened in the past, wether you’re directly involved or not. I understand that feeling because—”

Hae Won stopped when she stared at her father’s face. She almost said thing her dad hated the most: her parents’ separation.

She continued by finding another words to say, “I understand that kind of loneliness, when nobody stays on your side.”

“Are you choose him more than your own father? Although I’ve told you the truth?” Mr. Kim couldn’t believe what he had heard. “Hae Won-ah, he’s not even our relatives!”

“If you want me to go home,” Hae Won didn’t know what she’s saying anymore. “Then end your marriage with Seung Ho’s mom now, so he has somebody on his side. If you do that, I’ll go home.”

“Kim Hae Won?! What did you say?!”

“If you don’t, I’ll be on Seung Ho’s side for a while.”

Hae Won grabbed her back and left the restaurant immediately. She didn’t want to hear another words that could change her mind. It was a final yet reckless decision she could make. She kept running to the parking lot when she heard Mr. Kim called her again.

“Hae Won-ah! Stop!”

But Hae Won kept running. She felt sorry for her dad, but Seung Ho was important too.

“What does that kid mean to you?!”

Hae Won stopped. That question succesfully caught her attention. She turned around, and saw her dad was hardly chasing her. He stopped, repeating the question again, “What does Seung Ho mean to you?”

She stood quitely. Why did words ‘like’ or ’love’ hardly come out from ?

“Do you like him? Love him?” Mr. Kim took a deep breath. “Or you’re just being sympathy toward him?”

Why is there no words came out from my mouth?!


“Hae Won-ah, what are you doing here?” Seung Ho greeted when Hae Won came back an hour later after meeting with her dad. “I thought you ran home because my story scared you.”

“You’re awake,” Hae Won replied when she saw Seung Ho at the kitchen. She took off her scarf while hiding her swollen face for crying too few minutes ago.

“I am. Now I don’t feel sleepy anymore, which is bad cause I get morning shift today,” Seung Ho answered while busy cleaning up the dish. “You better sleep now, you have to go to school today, right?”

“I don’t want to,” Hae Won sat at the tip of the bed.

“What the heck?! Eventhough you don’t want to, I’ll drag you to school. The final exam is coming. You’ve been studying so hard now you want to skip school? There’s no such thing—”

“I’m not in the mood to study.“

“I don’t care.”

“But you could drop out from school easily! Why can I do the same thing?!”

Seung Ho frowned. He turned around and stared at the girl who was sitting on the bed. “Ya, why are you talking about dropping out now? Something happened when you were out?”

“Nothing happened. Gosh, you’re so noisy!” Hae Won shoutted.

“YA! This kid, seriously! I was about to comfort you but you suddenly act like a brat!”

“I don’t need you to comfort me! I’ll sleep now,” Hae Won tucked herself inside the blanket. “And don’t you dare sneaking to the bed!”

“As if...a little brat is such a turn off.”

Seung Ho turned off the kitchen’s lamp. He walked to the bed which surprised Hae Won, “What are you doing?! Don’t come near me!!”

“I’m taking the pillow! Sheez!”


“Kim Hae Won...”

“I know, I know...don’t say anything, Joon-ah! I’m not in the mood right now,” Hae Won covered her face with her palms. Both of them were skipping class and talking at the rooftop. Hae Won didn’t have nobody to talk to about her confussion but Joon. “Why am I suddenly like this...”

“You’re just being hard to yourself. You’ve been staying on his side for quite some times. You care so much about him, isn’t that the most important?” Joon asked. “I hate to say that I’m jealous over him for stealing your heart succesfully, but on the other side, if you’re happy to be with him, then nothing matters.

To be honest with you, I also hate to admit that you’re already making the right move. Nobody deserves to be alone in this world, even a devil like Yang Seung Ho. You’re there for him because you care about him, and because you...that L word...him.”

Hae Won giggled, “Your words were awkward.”

“Well, duh, I still hate that guy! But you want to be with him, what can I do?” Joon’s face suddenly blushed. Hae Won smiled at Joon’s careness toward her. She’s still lucky that Joon wanted to stand beside her although she already rejected his love.

Hae Won linked her arm on Joon’s, she leant her head on Joon’s shoulder. “Joon-ah,” Hae Won sighed, “thank you for listening.”

At different place, Seung Ho was busy doing his part-time job as cashier at the store. It’s close to break time so he went back to locker room to end his shift that day. When he entered the room, one of his coworkers adressed him, “Seung Ho-ssi, your phone keeps ringing.”

“My phone?” He rushed to the locker and grabbed his inside the jacket.

“Yeah. You should’ve turned it off before doing your shift.”

“Right, I’m sorry,” Seung Ho apologize. He stared at the screen, unknown number. Since the phone kept ringing, Seung Ho had no choice to answer it.


“Hello?” the old man replied slowly. “Seung Ho-ssi?”

Although they never talked much, but Seung Ho recognized that voice. All the past memories suddenly flashing on his eyes, all the pain he had been dealing for years. Why the worst enemy suddenly called him? How could Mr. Kim find out his number?

“Please,” Mr. Kim continued, “don’t hang up the phone! Are you busy?”

Seung Ho didn’t answer the question.

“Can I talk to you?”

He wasn’t sure what to reply. It’s no use to deal with the enemy.

“You can hate me forever, but both of us care about the same person. It’s about Hae Won.”

“What happened to Hae Won?”

“That’s why we have to talk.”






it's been a while everyone :DDDD

you guys have waited right ;_;

thank you for patiently waiting, tho the chapters are a little bit slow,

just like I always say to myself I'm gonna finish this :D

and hello new subscribers^^

I can't greet you one by one, but thank you for subscribing!

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xsher204 #1
An update ^-^ still stuck to this fic's plot.
Chapter 10: WAAA (º̩̩́_º̩̩̀) finally~ an update... I'm really miss this story (•́-̯•̀) poor Seungho, get well soon okay~
Chapter 9: aaaaaaaaw.....the updating stopped! (T^T) i hope you could update soon authornim :)
Chapter 9: Love this <3
Update again soon, please ! ;)
Chapter 9: Finallyy!!!
It's an update ~
Awww!!!! I'm so happyyy when you updated! ~
And why you hurt my Seungho? (‾̩̩̩﹏‾̩̩̩)
hottesthunnybunny #6
Chapter 8: Please update.... ):
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!
may_21st #9
Up date pleassseee
<333 omo! :D UPDATE! :D