
Curses and Enchants


She couldn’t find sadness inside the eyes of a guy in front of her. She was expecting it, but she couldn’t find it in his awkward stare. He supposed to have it in a situation like this, didn’t he? But it didn’t matter anymore. Wether they had it or not, it wasn’t going to change anything, her feelings, or her decision. The silence between them froze for a while, giving them time to let everything sank in their little heads. It’s over, the brief and glorious time they had. And it strangely ended without any tears nor anger. It just ended.  


But vaguely she could hear again the screams inside her head, a scream that begged her to stop right there right now. But the voice somehow couldn’t reach the surface of her consciousness. It’s really weird when you could hear yourself begged you to stop but you just couldn’t obey it. The things that she just said to the young guy in front of her killed her. But she just had to die in order to live again. And she did, betraying her shrieking and searing heart. Then the emptyness started to seep when he turned his back on her. The sight of Chanyeol’s back was a sharp knife to Annisa.

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