-- height won't stop me.

24/7 = Heaven

".. So, why exactly did you all skip school yesterday?" Suki asked as she stuck close to Kyo while the two walked towards their school. It was a chilly morning and Suki was especially displeased by the fact a majority of her friends ditched her the day before without saying anything.

Kyo tilted her head in thought before shrugging, "Lack of sleep?  I dunno. Taehyung and I decided we weren't gonna go and when we woke up the other four were still there.. by the time everyone woke up school was almost over, anyways."

Suki just squinted at her and wanted to ask why five guys and one girl were all too tired to go to class but she decided against it. She might not want to hear the reason why. "Well.. break was awkward yesterday without you there." She pouted her lip out before looking down at Kyo only to catch the girl smirking. "What?"

"You can't talk to Yoongi yet?"

"Wha- Who was even talking about Yoongi?!" Suki flared up. She was a horrible liar and everyone knew it.

"You know that it's obvious, right? And your little fear keeping you from talking to him normally is something you should get over quickly! I told you, if he really got to know you and like you then he wouldn't care about it!" 

"Please don't use the word 'little' when you're talking about that..."

"It's really not a big deal."

"Don't use the word 'big' either!"

"Just cause you're a bit taller than him..."

"You don't understand the struggle!" Suki whined before stomping ahead, leaving Kyo laughing by herself outside the school gates. Kyo totally didn't understand her problem. Yoongi definitely didn't seem like the type who would date, let alone like, a girl who was taller than him.. even if it wasn't by that much. She had been introduced to Yoongi and everyone else a few years ago when Kyo began hanging out with Taehyung before they even started dating and at first she didn't pay much attention to him but when she heard him talk his attitude and personality appealed to her. The fact he was shorter than her didn't even bother her until a few months later when she found herself thinking about him all the time.

The first half of the school day went by quickly but it was always at lunch time where she struggled. "Gonna sit with us today?" Namjoon asked while shoving books into his locker which had been next to hers for a year already. "Kyo's here this time." He added and she nodded. He simply smiled before shutting his locker and jiggling some money around in his hand, "'kay, seeya at a table." Namjoon was so simple like that.

Suki sighed as she shut her locker, glancing up and down the hall. It's not that she didn't like sitting with everyone at lunch.. in fact she loved it. Everyone was funny and it was never awkward. It was just somewhat hard to sit near someone you had feelings for and have absolutely no idea about how they felt. Sure, Yoongi talked to her but it was always brief and he was so sarcastic with everyone she didn't know if she could ever trust what he said.

"Suuuuuuukiiiii." Kyo's voice drifted into Suki's thoughts and her expression deadpanned as she turned around, spotting her friend.


"Today, after school! Busy?" The two began walking towards the cafeteria while Kyo fiddled with her phone, most likely texting Taehyung. Suki squinted down at the screen before her eyes rolled. Texting Taehyung even though we were just about to see him. She shook her head in response to Kyo's question and the girl beamed up at her. "Cool! We're all goin' to the dorm. You wanna come? Yoong--"

"I'll go if you don't mention him." She said as they both entered the cafeteria. She only wanted Kyo to stop talking in case Yoongi or the others somehow had some sort of amazing hearing and could pick up on them talking about -him-. The two quickly grabbed their food and went to the table where seven boys sat, all of them happy as they appeared and one - Taehyung - all too excited to see his girlfriend at school with a ring on her finger, practically shouting how she looked "SO AMAZING WITH THIS RING I GOT HER. WOW." The lunch break was spent with steady conversation but Suki noticed sometimes when she would steal a glance over at Yoongi he would already be staring at her. And he wasn't the type to look away once caught staring, apparently, which freaked Suki out so she would look away. It's like he caught her staring and it was embarrassing... What is he doing?


The rest of the school day went by excrutiatingly slow. She hated to admit it but she was actually really looking forward to going to the dorm after school.. especially with what happened during lunch. Suki was staring down at her notebook, brow arching as she read over her notes. At some point in time while she was copying what the teacher wrote on the board she suddenly switched over to writing 'why did he do that.' She was way too distracted to learn anything.

The sound of the bell startled Suki out of her thoughts and by the time it stopped ringing she was already out the door. She spotted Namjoon standing at his locker with Jin, the two turning once they saw her shuffle her way past them to her own locker.

"You're coming over, right?" Jin popped out from behind Namjoon, brow raised. Suki paused to look at him and nodded. For some reason, she didn't know how to talk to Jin. There was just something about him... probably his face. Jin smiled as she nodded to him before pulling his phone out of his pocket, turning his attention to it with a smirk.

Namjoon shut his locker before turning around to lean against the wall of metal. "I guess we'll just wait for everyone here.."

There was a long moment of silence as the three just stood there before one of them broke it.

"So I heard you like Yoongi."

It was Jin.


"Wh-What?! Who even said that?!"

"We all know. You kinda make it really obvious. Don't worry, though, we're cheering for you." Namjoon said, lifting his fist up and pumping it in the air. Suki grimaced for a moment before smiling down at the ground and mumbling a 'thanks'. She looked back up towards Namjoon and was about to ask if even Yoongi knew but the rest of the group showed up following behind a sprinting Kyo and a loud Taehyung yelling after her. Kyo crashed fully into Suki before straightening herself out. The contact didn't even make Suki budge and she looked down at her friend who was beaming. 

"Sup! Let's go?" She suggested, looking back at everyone who just nodded and moved away from the spot. 

Suki caught herself looking around before spotting Yoongi who pulled up next to her for a second before walking quickly to be next to Namjoon. Her head tilted to the side for a moment, her gaze shifting between Namjoon and Yoongi. Namjoon wasn't too much taller than her and Yoongi didn't look too odd next to him. Sure, he was shorter than him but it wasn't too big of a difference. Maybe it didn't look too bad when they stood next to eachother. She felt blush rise to her cheeks at the thought of her and Yoongi walking next to eachother, holding hands and him saying something cynical about their height but she wouldn't even mind it from him when she knew how he felt. She sighed and shook her head of all thoughts.. no point in getting too emotional now.

The group reached the dorm and headed up, piling into living room. They all hung out so often in this place that everyone was comfortable enough to just flop onto the couch or stroll into the kitchen or sprint to the bathroom. It was a comfortable feeling and Suki loved it. Before she had met Kyo she only had one friend that went to another school and only had the chance to meet her twice a week which took a toll on a person sometimes. Looking around the room she noticed Yoongi absent from the group crowding around the TV and Xbox.

"Where's Yoongi?" Suki looked over from her spot on the couch to Kyo who was perched awkwardly on the chair beside her. The girl glanced up before pointing down the hall. "Probably in his room, you should go get him or somethin'. He likes this game." She turned her attention back to the TV while Suki hesitantly stood up and made her way down the hall.

She reached the door to Yoongi and Namjoon's room and could hear shuffling from inside. She knocked quietly and the shuffling stopped but there was no response. Her brow furrowed and she knocked again. "Yoon--" The door cracked open and she looked down, spotting Yoongi as he peeked out from behind the door. She could see his tongue swipe across his lips before he swung the door open enough to bring her into the room. She slowly entered the room, very hesitant because she had never actually been a room alone with him before.

"Sit over there." He said quietly, motioning towards a bed in the corner of the room next to a window. She obeyed and quickly made her way over to the bed, sitting down stiffly. She immediately noticed that the bed itself smelled a lot like Yoongi and blush rose to her cheeks once she noticed she was, indeed, sitting on his bed.

Yoongi closed the door before plopping down on the chair that sat infront of a computer. He looked a lot different today and Suki couldn't really figure out why. She noticed he would constantly look over at her before returning his attention to the screen. She had no idea what he was doing but he seemed very nervous about something. He his lips once again before spinning the chair around to face her, pulling his hat off his head and letting out a breath that who knows how long he'd been holding it in.

"I want you to listen to something I've been working on for... eh... quite a while." He said, his voice was abnormally quiet. Yoongi was generally a very loud person - sarcastic, yes - but also very loud and happy.

"Uhm, okay." Was all she said, accompanied by a quick nod and Yoongi nodded in return as a small smile slipped onto his features. He turned to the screen for a second and clicked on a file, brinding it up and pressing the space bar. A beat started to play with a soothing piano following up. Suki immediately smiled as the music seemed to warm her heart from how pleasant it sounded. Her eyes went wide as Yoongi started rapping to the beat. She did nothing but stare at him and how his face never looked so confident before, how the tips of his ears were tinged red and how the crooked yet shy smile splayed across his face. The words coming out of his mouth were about love. They described how he had met a girl was immediately intrigued because she didn't often show her emotions or she showed them too much, how there was never an in between. She blushed once he started rapping about height and how, to him, they were just numbers. Height wasn't going to stop him from getting what he wanted.

"And what I want is you." Were the last words he said before he reached over and tapped the space bar again. The music stopped and Suki was left stunned. She honestly had no idea what just happened. She wasn't confident enough to just automatically assume he just confessed to her but she couldn't think of anything else to describe that - aside from lyrical and musical genius. "Suki." He said and she looked up at him, and was on the verge of tears and she had no idea why. Yoongi was suddenly on his feet and came over to the edge of the bed, pursing his lips before his hand hesitantly reached over and he weaved his fingers into her hair, thumb carressing across her cheek for a moment. "Did... you like it?"

Her brows furrowed as she tried to keep her tears from falling. She still couldn't even understand why she felt like crying but once she looked up at him the tears fell and she nodded. "I loved it." He looked down towards her, a large smile on his face while he went to wipe away the tears.

"I started writing it when I first met you... I know that I'm really not the best at showing these types of emotions but even men get shy." He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead before she could do anything about it. It was fast and he pulled back as quickly as it happened and grinned before sitting back in the chair. "Ahh, won't be getting many of those forehead kisses... you can give me them, though." He said, his grin only growing. She smiled, wiping the remainder of her tears away and laughed upon hearing his little stab at their height difference. And she knew it, she didn't feel any sadness now that she knew how he felt about her. Height was just a number.


"And when we hug I can rest my head on your s."









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Chapter 5: I am everyone's mom okay.
Chapter 3: ..... why does he look like he's talking about s in the last gif oh my god.
Rinahopie1994 #3
Chapter 4: Can have more hoseok...pls
shimerexous #4
Chapter 4: wow~

can't wait for another chapter ^O^
Chapter 3: I. AM SO. ING. EMOTIONAL.
Chapter 2: i hate you
Chapter 1: Of course Taehyung would visit people at two in the morning. ;3
/sq ueals/ I'm looking forward to your future one shots. Update soon~ <3