-- in the dark.

24/7 = Heaven

You know that feeling when you're lying in the dark and you think you see something or someone standing there. It's like you can feel them standing -right- there. If you reached your hand out you would probably end up touching them before fear struck through you.

But that wasn't the case. 

She sat up on her bed, staring out into the darkness of her room. He couldn't possibly be standing in her room, in the dark, at two o'clock in the morning. She had been thinking about him, again, while she laid awake. It was after she had locked her phone, placing it on the bed, that she thought she saw his dark silhouette in the shadows.

He's not there. She thought to herself, but it didn't stop her from reaching out anyways. Her fingers grasped at the darkness and met nothing but thin air. It was just her eyes playing tricks on her. She thought about him to the point where she thought the idea of him standing in her room in the early morning was plausible. She leaned her back against the wall that her bed was pressed up against, eyes simply gazing into the dark. "I have school in five hours." She said aloud to herself just to break the silence and also maybe, just maybe, he would reply... somehow? 

But suddenly her phone lit up the entire room. She could actually feel her pupils dilate from the brightness, eyes glancing down to squint at the atomic flash that was her phone.

1 new message.

Who is texting me at two in the morning...? And instead of reaching for her phone once the light went off she began thinking of who could possibly be awake and texting her. It could be her friend Suki, but probably not. It could be her friend Jin but he sleeps early. Then her thoughts began to grow into anger towards Jin for having a pretty face. No eye bags whatsoever. That brat. With that she picked her phone up, not with the intention of reading the message, but to text Jin with a one word text: brat. She hit send.

She checked her inbox and her eyes widened. So, he is awake... A faint red tinge colored her cheeks as she read the message. It wasn't even a sweet message... just a greeting.

You up...?

She hummed to herself, corners of her lips perking into a smile. Even though she doubted it meant anything special to him, it was special to her. It was now two thirty in the morning and here was the man she thought she saw in her room, Taehyung, texting her when he could have been sleeping. She replied with a simple 'yeah' before dropping her phone onto her lap. I'm way too excited... calm, calm.

The screen flashed again and she instantly brought her phone up, sliding the lock screen to reveal the message. Her head tilted as she read it.

I'm outside.

Her brows furrowed, instantly typing 'why are you outside?' into the text box and sending it. Why -was- he outside? She glanced out her window momentarily, eyeing the silhouette on her curtains only for a second before dismissing it and looking elsewhere. Then there was a doubletake and she stood up faster than ever before in her life. "WAH!" Was the only noise she could muster in her surprise and she didn't know whether she should run into the hallway or open the curtains. Moments later her phone began ringing and she picked it up immediately, knowing it was Taehyung from the cute picture on the lock screen of him making some stupid face.

"I said I'm outside." He mumbled, "literally right here. I heard you yell. What kinda noise was that?" His voice was deep and her eyes were wide with confusing. She looked at her phone before pressing it back against her ear and slowly inching towards the window. She shoved the curtains back then let out a huge sigh.
"Kim Taehyung... You know you probably scared ten years of my life away?" She said into the phones mic and saw Taehyung's stupid square-shaped smile through the window. He nodded and his messy hair fell infront of his eyes which caused blush to rise to her cheeks. "We have school tomorrow." She mumbled, "Well, today..."

Taehyung brought his phone away from his ear, finger lightly tapping against the thin glass. Open was the word he mouthed and she instantly complied. She stood a couple inches back from the window sill while Taehyung instantly leaned against it, his arms hanging over and into her room. "I couldn't wait to see you at school, though." He said, peering off to the side. He was looking at her room. He'd only been in it once. He had noticed she didn't really have much in it and the only personal decoration was a picture of the two of them. He smiled and looked back up at her, "Can I come in?"

Her eyes simply widened at the question. It was three in the morning and he wanted to come into her room? "Uh, no." She said and his bottom lip instantly pouted out. Suddenly, a grin replaced the pout and he reached into her room to grasp at her waist.

"Then you're coming out. Come on, hold onto my shoulders!" He said, shimmying his shoulders until she finally gave in and placed her hands on them. This is how he was. You couldn't deny him something because he was either too cute to deny or would bug you until you gave in. Taehyung placed her on the ground, the cold blades of grass almost stinging her bare feet. "Let's go."

His hand grasped hers before he started walking. It was three in the morning, on a school night, it was cold and she was wearing jeans and a giant sweater - which coincidentally belonged to Taehyung. There were a lot of things she couldn't get over when she was with Taehyung. She couldn't get over the fact that his hands were rather big and held hers securely, that he walked quickly and almost with a bounce when he was excited to go somewhere, the side of his face, the fact his friends called him V like why do they call him that. A lot of things. They were all very overwhelming. "Where are we going, Taehyung?" She asked, her breath escaping as a vapor due to the cold. 

"Ahh..." He said and she could see him looking around. "I dunno." He finally said and she stopped in her tracks, tugging him back as she refused to move. "H-Hey! I'm kidding! Come, come." He nudged her forward by pulling her hand, and by smiling radiantly, until she was following him once again. After a couple minutes of walking she knew where they were headed... towards his dorm. The fact that Taehyung didn't live with his parents was something she didn't question and she didn't mind because she knew he loved his dorm and the people he lived with. It was a place he always took her when he wasn't feeling well, when he was lonely and just wanted to hold her, when they make plans with his roommates to stay up night playing games and ordering in a bunch of food. 

She didn't quite understand why they were walking there in the early morning with light from the sun already touching the sky though it hadn't risen yet. She wondered if he was upset? It was hard to tell with Taehyung, though. He likes to always appear happy. "Taehyungie." She said quietly but he picked it up right as the word left his mouth, peering down at her for a moment and matching her gaze. He raised a brow in response and she continued, "Is there something wrong? I can't think of any reason for you to want to bring me to your dorm so early."

Taehyung shrugged though a smile threatened to blow his cool and composed cover. "Just wanna." With those words they had arrived at the dorm. It really wasn't a long walk from her house which they were both really happy about. His flat that he shared with his roommates was on the top floor of the seven story building. They reached it and opened the door only to be welcomed by the living room filled with darkness. "Taehyung?" Her voice made his heart warm and when her hand squeezes his he couldn't hold back the smile anymore. 

With that, Taehyung quickly swept her up in his arms. The butterflies in his stomach jumped when she instictively wrapped her arms around him, biting down on his bottom lip so his smile wouldn't break his face. "I really just wanted to see you..." He muttered into her hair before dropping her onto the couch that also double as a futon which served its purpose as Taehyung's bed. "You know that I love you, right?" He asked quietly, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her. Though he couldn't see her in the pitch black, the fact she was in his arms made him happy.


Sometimes when Taehyung was lying awake at night he thought he could see her there, standing in the dark. He figured himself crazy because there was no way she would be standing in his dorm room at three in the morning. Though, despite his consciousness telling him he's an idiot, he would reach out into the darkness and hope that his fingertips would reach her. But they didn't. Of course she isn't there he would think, a sigh escaping him before he closed his eyes, his hand holding onto his phone unless she decided to message him.

"I know you do." 

She replied to his question, pulling him away from his memories. He then reached for his phone, pressing the flashlight tab then lying it upside down on the couch. He reached into his pocket and, distracting her with a quick kiss, brought a small box out and infront of the two of them. He parted from her lips and tapped the box with his finger. He watched as she reluctantly pulled her attention away from him - which made him smirk - then stared wide eyed at the box. 
"Wh-What's this?" She asked, bringing her hands up, not to grab the box, but to grasp Taehyung's hands as he held it. "Taehyung? Hey. Hey, what-" She had this habit of talking too much in situations like this. She only realized it was thing because Taehyung would start to quietly whisper into her ear when she would... and she would stop. His breath mixed with his low voice passing her ear would leave her stunned.

"I want you to be mine forever." 

He whispered and then opened the box slowly. Her eyes widened and he hid his face in her hair. There was a ring within the box and it was nothing grand, of course, but there was a ring. It had two small diamonds on the silver band and on the inner side was a simple 'T' on the bottom. "So selfish." She said upon seeing the letter but she reached for the ring, tears stinging her eyes but refusing to fall. "Taehyu-"

"I know. We're still in school. This is just so you - and other people! - know that you are mine..." He said before lifting his left hand with a stupid grin on his face. "And that I'm yours! Tadaaa." And with that the seriousness of the moment was gone. She broke out into a laugh, blinking the tears away as she peered down at the ring. 

"Will you put it on me, then...?" She bit down on her lip as she handed the ring to him as he stared almost dumbfounded back at her. He quickly nodded, taking the ring and holding her left hand with his own. "I love you." He mumbled, slipping the band onto her ring finger and smiling unconsciously as it was a perfect fit. She instantly wrapped her arms around him, squeezing the life out of him, grasping his shirt as if it would bring him closer. 

She was about to say something but then a series of whispers could be heard from the hallway. The two of them froze.There are six others that live there. They listened a bit more and could heard the faint words of his roommates. 

"Waaa, he actually did it." 
"Jin, you owe me twenty bucks."
"Hey now, I never agreed to that."
"Why at six in the morning? Are they nocturnal."
"They're vampires. I knew it."

There was a moment of silence after the last voice followed by what seemed like a series of sighs..

"Please just go back to sleep, Jimin."

The two stared at eachother for a moment before bursting into laughter. After calming back down, the two stood up and unfurled the futon from the couch. They both laid down and made themselves comfortable before Taehyung whispered to her. "Skipping school?" He asked with a smirk. She looked up at him, his features were now visible thanks to the early morning light. Even though his eyes weren't open he was smiling, his hand holding her left one with his thumb gently caressing over the ring. "Yeah..." She replied, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips and she could tell he was already quickly falling asleep. He let out a small giggle before nuzzling closer to her, allowing sleep to take him since he was now with her.

Jungkook flopped onto his own futon in the room he shared with Jimin and Jin. The other two were slowly crawling into their bunks before one spoke up.
"I hate V."
Jimin and Jin both peered over the bunk and down at Jungkook who was just lying there face down on the bed. "Why?" They both asked before sharing a glance, squinting at the other and resisting to say 'jinx'.
"I want a girlfriend."




TO BE CONTINUED. Comment below?? :)

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Chapter 5: I am everyone's mom okay.
Chapter 3: ..... why does he look like he's talking about s in the last gif oh my god.
Rinahopie1994 #3
Chapter 4: Can have more hoseok...pls
shimerexous #4
Chapter 4: wow~

can't wait for another chapter ^O^
Chapter 3: I. AM SO. ING. EMOTIONAL.
Chapter 2: i hate you
Chapter 1: Of course Taehyung would visit people at two in the morning. ;3
/sq ueals/ I'm looking forward to your future one shots. Update soon~ <3