-- butterflies.

24/7 = Heaven

Jimin and Jin both sighed before lying back in their bunks. This definitely wasn't the first time they heard Jungkook's complaints about wanting a girlfriend. The kid wasn't in school anymore and never went outside, how did he expect to find a girl that'll want him when they can't see him?!

"Really, though! I'm really good looking and have so many talents.." Jungkook said and Jin rolled his eyes even though the younger couldn't see. 

"You know, when we hung out with Kyo before she started dating V she brought her friend Suki over but you didn't go anywhere near either of them." Jimin piped up, trying to hint to Jungkook that the boy was too shy.

"Eh? Cause I'm smart, too. I picked up that V liked Kyo and I don't know about Suki... She would always look over at Yoongi. And they're both older than me." Jungkook shrugged, rolling from side-to-side in his bed before stopping while he was face down and sighed into his pillow.

There was a long moment of silence before Jin's phone buzzed. He looked at the sender then raised a brow, peering over his bunk at the other that Jimin was in and saw the younger staring rather gravely at him. Jin returned his attention to the text.

We need to find that kid a girl. NOW.

Jin sighed before returning to his inbox. His jaw dropped.

"Ehh, Kyo called me a brat! What the hell! Rude."


Everyone except Namjoon and Yoongi ended up skipping school that day, waking up at around two in the afternoon and groggily leaving their rooms to make their way to the kitchen. They were met with Taehyung leaning against the counter in stupid heart boxers and a big t-shirt while Kyo was also there and preparing food for the others.

"You called me a brat and that was so uncalled for." Jin grumbled, flicking the girls' shoulder as he passed by her and made his way to the fridge.

"Have you seen your face? You deserved it!" She called back before taking a couple dishes and taking them towards the living room where Jimin and Hoseok had set up the folding table. She placed the dishes down and everyone helped themselves. This is something they were used to by now since Taehyung and Kyo had been dating for a few years.

Jungkook excused himself from the table and Jimin instantly brought his arms around the shoulders of Hoseok, Jin and then locked eyes with Taehyung. "We're gonna find Jungkook a girl. We need to, for the sake of our sanity."

Hoseok let out an awkward laugh. "Find him a girl? They're not hiding. He just doesn't know how to talk to girls."

"Then we need to be his wingmen!"

"Wingeu... men?" Taehyung echoed.

"We'll help him talk to a girl and hit it off with her. We could go to the mall or something and start a conversation with a girl and get him to join in.. something like that." Jimin explained. The idea of talking to girls definitely wasn't just for Jungkook.

"Okay, okay.. Let's go after thi-- Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted as the youngest made his way back into the living room, totally oblivious to the scheming his elders have been up to. "Let's go to the mall after we eat, 'kay? I wanna buy shoes."

Jungkook looked between Taehyung and Kyo, "You still have money left?"

"... you wanna get hit?"

"'kay, I'll go, then. I wanna get some shirts anyways."


"So we may have a flaw in our plan." Jimin piped up as the five of them walked through the mall. 

"Like what? I think it's pretty flawless." Hoseok commented, looking around to see if he could spot any beauties.

"Well, can we even talk to girls that well?" Jimin asked causing Jin and Hoseok to stop in their tracks and look at eachother. They returned their gaze to Jimin, looking hurt.

"Excuse me? Who's the one who already has a girlfriend here?" Taehyung asked, raising his own hand. "Ah, right. It's me."

Hoseok tsk'd and swatted Taehyung's arm. "You're too weird, it's a miracle a girl likes you."

Jungkook closed in on the group after having walked almost ten feet away before noticing that the other three weren't with him.

"Uhh, what're you guys doing? Aren't we gonna go look for clothes?"

"Ah! Yeah, yeah. We are. We're just decided on a store... there's too many to choose from."

The group looked around. They were surrounded by shops for girls. Clothing shops, makeup shops, lingerie... "Uh. Let's keep walking!" Hoseok cleared his throat, putting his arm around Jungkook's shoulders and leading him away. Far away.

Almost an hour and a few MANLY shops later the group arrived at the food court. They all sat down with a couple boxes of fries and drinks shared between them. Immediately, four of them began looking around and Jungkook only watched them. "Are you guys waiting for something?"

"Uh. Research." Jin commented which only confused Jungkook more.


Jungkook's question was cut off when Hoseok suddenly stood up, making his way over to a table that three girls sat at. Jungkook had no idea what the other was doing and he felt a bubble of nervousness build up inside his stomach. The bubble only grew when Hoseok made his way back to the table, a smirk clear on his features while the three girls followed him over.

"Alriiiight." Hoseok slid into his chair before turning towards his friends, catching Jungkook's somewhat terrified stare but ignoring it. "I told these girls a good looking friend of mine was interested and they came right on over. What's your names?" He suddenly turned his attention to the girls.

The three girls huddled close together, smiling at the ground of boys. They didn't seem all that shy and Jungkook didn't really know if he liked that but he listened to their introductions.

"My name's Minhee!"

"I'm Hyora."

"Hello! I'm Jihae."

Jungkook's eyes squinted slightly at their introductions. It was like they all gave him a toothache with how sweet they seemed. He immediately turned his attention away from the girls, rubbing at the back of his neck. He listened as his friends introduced themselves before glancing back over to the girls who all stared at him waiting for him to introduce himself.

"I'm Jungkook, hi..." He said, only realizing how unenthusiastic he sounded once the words were out of his mouth. Why am I so stupid?! Not that he was all for impressing these girls but he -had- to do something about his shyness.

After a while of Jungkook barely speaking to the girls, Taehyung blatantly ignoring them to text his girlfriend, Jin being awkward, Jimin and Hoseok finally gave up and said farewell to the girls as the trio of fairies left to do other things.

Jimin quickly threw a fry at Jungkook. "What was that! You only looked at them twice!"

"They weren't my type!" Jungkook defended himself.

"Whatever, you were just whining about not having a girlfriend now you're making no effort." Jimin huffed before throwing another fry.

Jungkook frowned, standing up. "I'll be back." He quickly left the table and walked quickly through the food court. It's not my fault. I don't do this on purpose. I see a girl I think I like and I get nervous, then if she has her attention on me I don't know what to say. Then I start sounding like a jerk. I don't mean to! He reasoned with himself in his thoughts before looking around. He had no idea where he was in the mall. He sighed, shrugging, then sat down on a bench that was right next to him. He needed a moment to calm down.

He could hear the music from the store across the way and nodded his head to the beat. He didn't really know the song but he liked the sound and quickly picked up the melody and chorus, humming along with it. After a few moments he lifted his gaze, still nodding his head slightly until he caught sight of a girl sitting on a bench opposite of him. She was quite a distance from him but he could've sworn she was looking at him because once he looked up she instantly turned to look elsewhere. Jungkook's brows furrowed slightly as he stared at the girl before turning to look anywhere else. Even though he only spent about three seconds looking at her, he already knew she had dark and curly hair. Naturally curly hair wasn't something he came across often and he thought they were beautiful. 

Jungkook took a moment to look back at the girl and his eyes widened when he caught her gaze. She is looking at me. His tongue slipped out and swiped quickly across his lips as he suddenly felt they were entirely too dry. For some reason he couldn't remove his gaze from this girl and when she shyly looked down at her phone and began typing on it he felt the familiar bubble of nervousness appear in the pit of his stomach.. but it quickly died down. He looked away from the girl yet again just to see if she would look at him again.  He was about to look back when he suddenly heard the sound of a camera shutter and a gasp. He looked up and over towards the girl to see her face red as she just stared down at her phone. 

"D... Did you just take a picture of me?" Jungkook said outloud and he instantly froze. Did he just initiate a conversation with a girl? Did he actually call out to this girl from across the hallway? ... Did he just accuse her of taking a picture of him?! "Uhh.." He said for absolutely no reason because now he could just feel the awkwardness growing on him.

After a minute of silence between the two of them Jungkook's phone vibrated and he almost fell off the bench due to how offguard he was. He fished his phone out of his pocket, thanking the Gods that this could be a distraction from that girl... but it wasn't. It was just Hoseok... being himself.

Hey. Go over there and talk to that girl. I see you staring at her.

Jungkook was worried. Where the hell was Hoseok that he could see him, in the first place. He quickly typed up a reply and sent it. Something along the lines of 'I wasn't staring at her, you're crazy.' It only took a couple of seconds before another text shook his phone.

What kind of tone is that? Do you know who I am? Go talk to her! I will come out of my spot and make you...

That was all it took. He would rather talk to a girl and utterly embarrass himself than get Hoseok to do it for him. Anything but that. Jungkook looked up as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He saw that the girl hadn't left, which was a good sign, but she was just staring at her phone. How would he start a conversation with her? He took a deep breath and then quickly stood up, briskly walking towards her. He only remembered that he wasn't breathing once he reached the girl and exhaled so loudly that she instantly looked up. He regretted everything.

Once he saw her face up close he felt a squeeze in his chest. She was absolutely stunning. Her skin looked so soft that he almost wanted to reach out and carress her cheek right then and there but he resisted. Barely. He needed to look away from her face before he got lost with her features... her eyes... her lips.. God damn.. He instantly just looked down, meaning to stare at the floor while he thought of something to say since his mind went totally blank but he caught sight of her phone screen and just simply pointed at it.

"So you did take a picture of me." He said before shutting his mouth and wishing he could just zip it shut forever. He figured this girl would just run away crying or something because he was being so weird. He was only staring at the picture of him for a moment before she locked her phone and the screen went black. It was actually a good picture of him.. he looked deep in thought. Naturally, he looked great.

"I did.." The girl suddenly spoke up and shocked him out of his thoughts. His gaze shot up and locked with hers but for some reason he couldn't look away. He watched as the corner of the girls lips pulled back into a very sly - and entirely too y for Jungkook to handle - smirk. Jungkook could actually feel the blush that rose to his cheeks and wished he was anywhere but here... then again he wanted to stay. "It's because you're my type."

That's it. He was done. K.O. 

He didn't say anything more and just stood there, entirely too shocked. There was a ring that brought his attention back to her but it was a phone call that she answered, though she kept eye contact with him and he felt like this girl could perhaps be considered a sin. Maybe. She took a piece of paper from her purse and wrote something down on it before she stood up. He honestly had no idea what was going on or why he hadn't moved in what seemed like an eternity but he knew that once he felt her hand grasp his it felt like electricity shot through his entire body. He looked down at the piece of paper she placed in his palm and he stopped his jaw from dropping. "Wha-"

"It's my number... please, feel free to contact me. I have to go now, though, but I hope to hear from you soon." She said in a voice that was all too smooth. She began walking away and Jungkook simply just did not understand what happened just now. In his lost boy moment he moved quickly to grab her wrist, stopping her. "What's your name?" Was all he asked.


Her wrist slipped out of his grasp but her fingers brushed against his own and it sent a chill down his spine... and definitely not a bad one, either.  He brought that very hand up and rubbed the back of his neck with it. Was he on fire? He definitely felt like he was on fire.

"Amanda..." He said to no one.. he just wanted to hear himself say it. He liked that name, Amanda, it was a name he would easily remember. Not that he could forget that face.. or body. He shook his head, "What the hell is wrong with me!"

"I wonder the same thing sometimes." Taehyung said and Jungkook whirled around and saw the other four just standing there.

"I don't think anyone wants to hear that from you." Jin shook his head before tilting his head to look behind Jungkook, "So?"


"The girl!" Hoseok and Jimin all but yelled.

"Oh... Sh-She was alright. Y'know. Yeah. Uh, let's go home, 'kay?" Jungkook pushed through the group and they all just shrugged and followed after him. They knew that if they waited a bit then he would talk to them about what he really thought. 

The walk home felt all too fast for Jungkook. He kept his hand in his pocket and grasping the paper with her number on it tightly. Should he wait to talk to her? Is she just going to play with him? Would she find it funny if he actually contacts her?! Once he arrived home he instantly went into his room and fell face first onto his bed. This was too much for him. Girls were on an entirely whole other level for him.. but he felt he had to do something with this girl.





I'm gonna make Jungkook's another chapter longer. Idk if it'll be the next chapter or if it'll be a chapter after I finish everyone elses. COMMENT BELOW!

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Chapter 5: I am everyone's mom okay.
Chapter 3: ..... why does he look like he's talking about s in the last gif oh my god.
Rinahopie1994 #3
Chapter 4: Can have more hoseok...pls
shimerexous #4
Chapter 4: wow~

can't wait for another chapter ^O^
Chapter 3: I. AM SO. ING. EMOTIONAL.
Chapter 2: i hate you
Chapter 1: Of course Taehyung would visit people at two in the morning. ;3
/sq ueals/ I'm looking forward to your future one shots. Update soon~ <3