Jung Yunho Part 1

One's Fated Love

SOOORRRYYY Its so late!!! Forgive me. I was really busy trying to keep my life together. Im sure all of us had that point in our lives. As a bonus I made it extra long. Well not that long. 


“Ahnnyonghaseyo, I am Kim Jaejoong I believe you are Jung Ji Hye who personally requested that you wanted me only to plan your wedding. It’s quite an honor that you want to work with me.”

He continued. “Before we start I would like to congratulate you and your fiancé on your wedding Ms. Jung.”

“Thank you kim-ssi, but please call me Jihye it makes me sound old.” She replied. Jihye saw the young man across her in wedding magazines and thought he was quite the look but with a look up front she couldn’t but help be mesmerized.

Just then Jihye got a text from Dongsoo that he would be late.

“Mr. Kim…” She started to speak but jeajoong cut her off.

“Please it only fair if you call me Jaejoong, I’m not that old either. I’m just a few years older.” He smiled at her. For a sec she saw a twinkle in his eye.

“Well, I’ll call you oppa since you are a few years older, is that okay with you.” He just gave her reassuring smile.     “Dongsoo just called saying he is held up in traffic. Should we go ahead?”

“That’s fine, let’s warm up to ideas till he can make it. I wanted to start up setting up the wedding date and sending out the invitations. I already have a catalog for you to choose from. Why don’t you go ahead and look through it. Would you like coffee, water, or juice?”

“Juice please.” She replied while looking through the wedding invitation.

It took Dongsoo some time to arrive. So it was enough time for Jihye to completely fall for Jaejoong’s charm. She liked how he held himself and was easy to joke with. They were able to be relaxed with each other. She found out he has a large family and a brother of 9 older sisters. Despite being called the ‘Icy Princes’, he was quite a warm and cute person on the inside.

She realized it took a close one to know, him being quite successful and the word around town. Just as she was about to privy into his relationship status, Dongsoo rushed in panting and apologizing continuously. Giving Jihye a quick smooch on the lips but apologizing again made Jaejoong smile at how cute they bother were and Jihye smiling awkwardly and blushing from the public affection thrown at her.

“It’s okay Mr. Bae, we got a few things done and all we need to do is finalize the wedding date and invitations.” He smiled knowingly. After planning more than dozen weddings he knew how tiring and long the process was before even starting.

“Here is the material the Jihye picked that she would like as here invitations.” Jaejoong layered out 4 different formats of the invitations. There was one with elephants in gold color in an Indian style. There was a traditional black and white theme with mini bride and groom dressing. There was also 2 3D style themes one with Disney and another with cute rings popping out.

Personally Jaejoong was thoroughly surprised that Jihye wanted a unique kind of wedding, mostly with different cultures. She was so looking forward to the Indian style wedding. Since she can from the rich especially being Korea’s top CEO’s sister. It would be expected to have a very top class style, but I guess a wedding comes ones in a life time.

Mr. Bae looked down at the invitations and examined his choices, while that happened Jaejoong took time to examine him. He definitely can tell why Jihye must have fallen for him, with a sharp jaw and nose and turquoise eyes. His stance was strong. It showed that held himself high and he doesn’t take orders.

Mr. Bae cut his thoughts off. “I think I’ll pick the one Jihye likes.” He said finally looking into Jihye’s eyes while saying it. Jihye look so happy and with the way they were staring at each other anyone can tell their deep in love.

“Well then I’ll go ahead and adjust the invitations and later in the weeks I would like the list of everyone that is coming. We have to set the reception and wedding date. I’ll start looking into halls and you guys can pick the theme.” Jaejoong could hear Jihye and Dongsoo groan hearing the going on the list. It was then Jaejoong decided they had enough on their to-do list and end the session.

“Its fine, take your time on deciding the theme and everything. Let’s end the session today and here is my card, if you want to contact me. It has my personal information. It was pleasure working together and hope it will be a nice experience for the both of us.”

They got up and Jaejoong followed to send them off.

“Have nice day Jihye, Mr. Bae.” He gave a firm and hand shake to both of them before letting them get on the elevator.

“I like him. He looks decent and had good etiquettes.” Dongsoo commented on previous meeting.

“I’m glad you like him because it makes two off us. I saw him at my friend’s wedding reception. I knew right away it had to be him. It was a nagging feeling. I’m glad you agreed.” Jihye looked into Dongsoo eyes and gave a good hearty smile.

Dongsoo looked back and gave smile. “Anything for you, it’s possible.”

After sending to the couple off, Jaejoong walked back to his office and started packing up. For some reason his stomach was feeling all fluttery and he couldn’t tell what he was nervous of what. His alarm rang bringing him back; he couldn’t be late to one of the parties that he organized himself.

He walked out and offed all lights and locked the doors. He sent his secretary home early since it was Friday. He walked to his condo which was 6 blocks away. He never found the need for a car or license when there were buses and trains, plus he lived near the shopping center. If he had to go to parties he usually got on the taxi or had Junsu drop him off.

Talking about Junsu, Jaejoong remembered Junsu told him to be ready by 3:00. Looking down at his watch saw that he had only two hours, he ran the rest of the way. He took a quick shower and dressed in a V shirt, Black suit pants, and a black jacket to top it off. He brushed his natural silky dark black hair, fixing his front bangs along the way. He looked at the time seeing that he had 5 minutes to 3:00; he sprayed perfumed and ran out the house.

He was invited to raise charity for the orphanages; it was hosted by the Jung’s. Also the Jihye’s family, so now he would have an idea of Jihye family and many there are. He heard tonight would be especially exclusive because the CEO, the one and only; Jung Yunho, is going to attend. Usually Asia’s top business man sends his family as representatives but it seems he will make a public appearance today. Jaejoong himself didn’t go to parties but fundraising and charities for good cause were an exception.

As he saw Junsu drive up to the curb he said goodbye to the security guard.

“Were you waiting long?” Junsu offered.

“No, not really you aren’t late so no worries. Thanks for dropping me off by the way.”

“No prob.” And the rest of the drive to the hall was quiet both of us in our thoughts. As we entered the curve entrance for guest drop off Junsu being Junsu said.

“Hyung Ill picks you up later, call me. Don’t get drunk if you do follow the hot one’s home, not creepy one’s hyung.”

“Yah you little---wait till I get my hands on you.” Jaejoong replied know his friend will never live that one drunken disappearance that had everyone worried.

Jaejoong shook his head and walked toward the entrance where the guests have to show their invitation. Now that Jaejoong thought about it there were more than normal guards, but again we have the most powerful man here. All the guards looked all rough and almost like animals. That thought had a shiver run down him. He showed his invitation made his way inside.

The inside made him star struck. It was as if he was in a fantasy castle that held the most beautiful people in the world. There was glittering chandlers hanging from the sealing. The food looked elegant and the wine was going around. By the sound of chattering confirmed that he was not late. He looked around for familiar face when his eyes met Jihye’s, who was wearing nice royal blue color making quite fitting her title as Jung Yunho’s little sister.

She gave a smile and started walking toward him with her fiancé.

“I am so glad you came oppa, I’m excited for you to meet my family. Have a drink.” She said cutely as the server passed by.

Jaejoong couldn’t help but chuckle. This girl definitely knew her way. “Thank You Jihye, of course I would come to support such a good cause.” Then an older woman that resembled Jihye came over have those lovely smiles. It was as if the warmth was literally seeped out of the older women. It made me miss my mother and realizing that thought he made a mental thought to go visit tomorrow.

Jaejoong gave a warm smile back to the older woman who just reached them and introduced herself as jihye’s and Jung Yunho’s mother. He could already imagine the whole family has that special feeling to them but what nagged him was what Yunho would look like; stiff and cold or caring and warm.

It seems fate had answered his thoughts because his started to feel conscious and felt light footsteps coming closer to him. To confirm his answer the whole family was looking behind him. Jaejoong felt his beat fast and suddenly the room was suddenly hot. Maybe he was sick. He slowly turned his head feeling a little dizzy but his curiosity and feeling kept him going forward. Looking up he met sharp dark brown eyes that were staring right into him. He suddenly felt something click in him. He felt like he knew this man all his life and for god sake they were practically strangers. In reality they never crossed each other.

What confused Jaejoong was Yunho was looking into his eyes as if he was the only thing keeping him alive.



As a Bouns I will update tomorow too. Thank You for reading. Hope its good. Please your review I would love to know your thoughts on the story.

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nightstar01 #1
Chapter 4: i really like this story and chanced upon it.
will you complete this story? i want to know so badly what happens and how it ends. please continue
sunshineonu #2
just found this fic..while browsing and i am happy i found it..
jjiwon #3
Pleasee please please update sooooooon~~~~!!!! Your story is JANG~ ^_^ !!!!!
Chapter 4: This is soo good.

I also noticed the minsu tag & can't help but feel happy.
I just adore Minsu <3

You can do that it will be great to see yuniie's POV

Please update sOOOON
Carissaa #5
Chapter 4: OMG! I can't wait!! Wonder how yunho is going to get jaejoong to fall in love with him?. Please update soon...
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 4: I think Yunho pov not bad idea.. btw looks like the werewolfs live in modern world n blended with other human (or isnt it? ) maybe Yunho dont need to 'kidnap' Jae from his life now.. i mean the usual werewolf-human romance was the human must give up his normal life to be with the werewolf.. but i like it either way :D
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 3: Waw that was intense first meeting.. Yunho know immediately Jae is his mate..
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 2: Owh maybe yunjae meet in jihye wedding.. but the last part is that about yunjae? huwaa i hope there was not really a heartbreaking obstacle for them..