
Connected by a Red String
Chapter 10 
“Rapmon…,” he had whispered but when he opened his eyes and looked around there was no one around him. He was standing in the middle of nowhere and the space around him was empty and dark. He was petrified and ran around to see if he could find a way out or find his way back to where he was just momentarily but the place was like an endless void. It was empty, dark and no light seemed to be seeping out anywhere. Jin tried running further and further in hopes of finding the end of this empty dark space but to no avail. He kept looking around and around but there was nothing. So, he stopped running, fell to the ground and hugged himself with closed eyes wishing for this nightmare to end. He wanted to go back to his café, the café he was in just moments ago. Home.

"It's endless Seokjin," a woman whispered into his ears, "just like your misery this place is endless." 

Jin straightened up and looked around him but he couldn’t see anyone else around him. It was all dark like walking into the deep parts of a cave without a flashlight. "What are you talking about?" He asked out loud, "What do you mean?"

"Seokjin this was your entire fault. You have no one else to blame but yourself for all your misery," the woman whispered again and he felt like she was right next to him but there was no one. Just a slight breeze.   

"What are you talking about? Show yourself to me! If you know something than please tell me!!" Jin begged, "I am confused. I don't get all these flashbacks and their meaning!!! Who is Suga? Who is Rapmon really? Who am I?"

Then suddenly, there was a big gust of air that blew out of nowhere and Jin could make out a shilouette of someone but it was being hidden away by a cloud of smoke. He couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman or if they were even there. However, slowly the figure began to become clear. 
Jin stood up shocked, "You, you're the woman I talked to in my shop just hours ago," he yelled as he pointed at her. 

She laughed at him and slowly walked towards him, "yes, and also the man that stole your woman,” and turned into the aboriginal looking man, “the women that hit you with the iron whip," she said as she transformed into the person and used her long nails to scratch his cheeks, “the tailor girl that you rejected," she transformed into the sweet girl and gave Jin a sinister smile, "and the mother that beat you, "she then turned into the mother and slapped Jin hard across his left cheeks making him fall from the impact, "and so many more people that has tried hard to gain your love but to no avail so I was left with no other option but to hurt you because you hurt me!" She hissed at him with hatred in her eyes that seemed endless. 
Jin gulped in fear at the facts that he had been told. But what he wanted to know was how he fit into this whole story? What was his relationship to this woman?! What did he do to her? Is he the reason all of this is happening? Did he really bring this entire situation onto himself? Answers, he needed the answers and he was tired of not being able to see the truth.

"Would you really like to know?" She asked and nonchalantly said, "Fine. I can return all your memories. Anyways, in the end of all this, you will do what you’re supposed to do."

Jin just looked at her not understanding what she meant so he stayed quiet and even if he wanted to speak, his voice wouldn't let him. Did he really want to know why he was being trapped by this woman that she is using up her whole life to do nothing but ruin his? 

"I will answer all your answers," she replied holding a sarcastic tone, "here your highness, sit down on this comfortable chair," and laughed. 

Jin was forced down on a chair and when he looked at it properly it was filled with small sharp needles that pierced through his cloths and skin. Jin winched in pain and tried to get out but then the woman strapped him to the chair and gave him a sweet smile like what she was doing wasn’t torture enough. The woman started humming a tune, it sounded eerie. Then, listening to the humming Jin could feel wind circling his entire body. It was warm and soon it felt hot enough to burn his skin but it didn’t. All the air than traveled into his eyes at once and Jin could feel the burning heat to the point where he screamed in pain. That was when he noticed that he was seeing things, images, it was his memories. It was being burned back to his brain literally.
His whole life was flashing before his eyes and he watched every moment of it. It started with his birth and he saw who his mother was and his whole family. Then he had grown up to be a kid, a cheeky one that played well with the people he was comfortable with but shy away from people that he didn’t know. A trouble maker to his parents and to his older siblings that had a grand time doing things he wasn’t supposed to. He had a good childhood filled with family, friends and love. He had grown older to be a teenager and that was the time he had saved the crow. His whole teenager life insisted of him studying, spending most of his time with the crow and secretly looking at the neighboring girl. Then, came the day he had finally become a full scholar and the girl he loved had become his. He had proposed marriage with the help of his family to hers and they had been engaged. He had told the crow – a valued friend to him – about the news and in return he has gotten a surprise as well. 
The crow that he had known most of his life transformed in front of him as mist surrounded it. Then, a woman dressed in all black hangbok was yelling at him tears in her eyes, “You promised me didn’t you, that you would protect and be with me! Doesn’t that also mean that you would love me?”
Jin, then shook his head no, accepting the fact that the dear crow friend he had known before was someone supernatural, “I did promise to be with you and I do love you but not as a lover but as a friend.”
“So, all this time I thought that you loved me, it was a lie?”
 Jin said, “It wasnt a lie but my love for you is different I just do not see you as a lover.”
“Is it because I never revealed myself to you?!” the woman cried, “is it because you cannot love anyone else but a human?”
“Ira, I already knew that you weren’t just a crow and I can love someone other than a human but the one I love is a human and there is just something about her that no one else has and it won't change,” Jin replied with an apologetic face. 
“Hah, this doesn’t matter,” Ira laughed, “what the hell am I doing crying over you? If I want you then I can just take you!”
Jin opened his eyes and looked around but the woman wasn’t there. He shook his head; he didn’t understand it at all. 

“Do you want to know more?” again Ira whispered into his ears. 

Then, his eyes started heating up and more memories kept running like a movie. He was tied up and bloody from being beat up. Ira had him right beside her and he was desperate to escape before he let her do something awful. Right in front of his eyes was the girl he loved. Crying, in pain and afraid.

“Please, don’t do this to her,” Jin begged, “I will do anything you want me to. Just spare her.”

Ira laughed, “You’ve already done enough. If it weren’t for this thing then you would have been mine.”

Jin was angry, “No, I would not have been yours no matter what. I cannot see you as more than a friend. Please, stop this. You’re being irrational.”

Ira paused and started deeply into Jin’s eyes and it horrified her that this man that she loved, that she wanted would really never be hers. Not in this century. Anger filled her up and right in front of Jin’s eyes the love of his life was killed.

“Namjoo!!!” he yelled out with tears flooding his eyes. His head went blank.

“Do you see this,” Ira said, “This is your beloved’s soul. All mine.”

Jin glared at Ira and heaved a heavy sigh.

“More!!!” Ira whispered with a synical laugh.

Bloody and beat Jin wanted nothing more than to die but that had become impossible for him. No matter what he tried, no matter how much … tortured him he lived on. How long he had been living was questionable. He had stopped counting after his 110th birthday.

“You ungrateful , even when I give you the life of an immortal. You don’t appreciate it,” Ira said and instead of her coming alone there was someone behind her. A man.

Jin laughed, “I would have been grateful if you only saw that what you are doing is wrong. It can’t change my mind no matter what. You are still a friend I treasure and I wish that you could see the finer things in life then obsess over me,” he got slapped graciously with that comment.

Jin looked up to meter her eye to show that he wouldn’t back down but then his eyes shifted towards the male behind her. His heart that had shut itself started beating again. Jin felt a familiarity that he hadn’t felt in years, “Namjoo?”

The man blinked his eyes unresponsive but Jin couldn’t help but smile at that. Even that was enough to make him smile.

“Have you gone mad,” Ira said, “that’s not Namjoo.”

“It is, it’s my Namjoo. My love.”Ira screamed in frustration, “yes, that is Namjoo at least her soul but he’s mine and his name is Namjoon! Mine!” and as she said that she kissed the unresponsive man, “Not yours but mine!”

It didn’t faze Jin at all but lit a fire in his frozen heart and gave him motivation to change his suffering and free not only his love but his dear friend. 

“More of your own stupid motivation,” … whispered.

“Why does she hurt you soo much?” Namjoon asked, “I don’t understand why?”

Jin smiled, “It’s because I love you.”

“No, Ira told me that you loved the past another me, not this present me.”

“I loved the past you but I love the present you too and I will love you forever because you are all one same person with the same soul and the one that I fell in love with.”

Namjoon didn’t say anything but left Jin after healing the others scars.


“I, I love you too! I really love you and I want to help you escape from this prison life!” Rapmon yelled out loud and hugged Jin.

Jin smiled, “I love you too but there is no escaping, well at least for me. She wouldn’t let me go,” the pushed Rapmon away, “Go away before she becomes suspicious!”

Just then … walked into the room and what she saw made her furious. Her surroudings brust into flames and she walked right towards the couple and aimed for Rapmon, “Again, you take him away from. AGAIN!!!”

But before she could hurt Namjoon, jin jumped infront of him getting struck but by the flames. He had a hole where his stomach should have been and he was losing his consciousness.

“I won’t kill you since he loves you so much but the next time, the next time you meet he won’t remember you and if you want him alive I want you to do as I say!”

Jin lost all consciousness.

“More of your pathetic excuse of love!”

The next time they met Jin had no recollection of Namjoon but he was there. Then it started where he was put into different roles, with their memories to play them and in the end be hurt by none other than Namjoon. All him. However, Jin also saw all those times that Namjoon tried to break Jin from being hypnotized. That’s how Jin was able to remember again but to no avail. Ira would always come and make him forget. And the cycle continued. Until he met Yoongi.

“Hold still, I am trying to help you,” Yoongi said as he pressed his right thumb against Jin’s forehead.

Jin was protesting at first but the look that Yoongi was giving him made him feel at ease. Then Yoongi’s eyes glowed so did his thumb and Jin felt his eyes burn. All of his memories returned to him and Jin fell to the floor.

“I really need you to stay strong Jin,” Yoongi said, “My sister needs to understand that what she’s doing is wrong. What she did to me was wrong!”

Jin looked up at Yoongi to see tears falling from his eyes, “I want to blame you Jin but you’re an innocent bystander in this as well,” Yoongi turned around, “the next time your memory is returned by her, it will be the last moment she has with you.”

Then his memories of Canada surfaced and finally his last meeting with the boys, Rapmon and Suga before he was brought into this void. The burning sensation disappeared and Jin looked lost as he started into the dark space. All his memories returned but he didn’t know what to do with it. What was his life?

In front of him smoke collected and out came the woman, his friend and his capturer. She gave him a grin, “How does it feel Jin to know that your whole life has been a lie courtesy of me Ira the demon wrath?”

Jin just stared at Ira with a certain sadness in his eyes. A look of pity to his most treasured friend that had chosen to take the wrong path.

“I am the only one that can give you what you want. A normal life. Love. Just give in to me Jin,” she said as she stepped in front of him with her hands out.

Jin took her hand and gave her a smile, “Ira, my treasured friend, I love you as a friend something that will never change no matter what you do to me. However, the one that has my heart is Namjoon the person that I love. It has nothing to do with how he looks, or how he was human in his past life but who he is himself. It was fate for me to fall in love with him as our souls were connected to one another by a red string. And if you do not see that my love for Namjoon will never change than I guess it’s time that we cut our ties as friends. Since, not only are you hurting me, you are hurting yourself even more.”

Ira widened her eyes and tears formed at the edges of them as she stepped away from Jin.

Jin felt a sense of freedom and he closed his eyes to feel the sensation take over his body, mind and soul.  His body floated as if it were as light as feather and he opened his eyes to witness the darkness was being pierced by light as bright as the sun. Then as the darkness disappeared he saw Rapmon parallel of him.

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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so scary...how can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon