Chapter 3

I'll Show You Pt. 2
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I headed home after I picked up Monggu from Kyungsoo's and headed to bed. 
"Night." I told him as I was so tired. 
Even though I was tired. 
I couldn't go to sleep. 
I got to see Sohee again. 
I smiled a bit. 
The only question now was. 
Who was the father?

I woke up the next day  with tired eyes not wanting to go to work that day. 
I reached out for my phone, or so I thought I did. 
I groaned and thought where I could've left it. 
I pushed myself out of bed. 
I dressed for work wearing band named suit & tie.

I decided to go to Starbucks to get my morning coffee. 
After I headed to the company. 
"Good morning." The usual people said to me. 
I politely smiled back to them. 
Right when I head into the office I hear Uee come to me. 
"Sir, you left your phone at the school, after the school ends, they said you may go get it in the office."
I nodded, "alright."

It was almost 3 so I headed to the school to get my phone back. 
I drove like 40 minutes, since their school was pretty far. 
A couple people had ask me if I wanted them to get the phone. But needing the car ride. I said no.

It was 3:38  and that means school was about get out. Knowing it would be hectic, I quickly headed inside the office in perfect timing. 
The bell rang and kids scattered to their parents. 
'I can't wait until I become a father.' I think in my head. 
Watching them as they grow up. 
As they follow their dad around. 
As they love how their mom would snuggle them.

But in the back of his mind, he knew it would never be like that.

"Mr. Kim, here is your phone." The secretary handed to me. 
"Thanks." I smiled at her and left.

I walked out and I noticed someone familiar. 
I was about to head to him when I see a group of older boys come up to him.

"Still waiting?" One says. 
"Yeah! Where's your father?" Another said, "oh wait. I forgot. You don't have one!" 
"Yeah. You're mom is a . She probably slept with so much guys, she doesn't know who's kid you are anymore!" One said making all them la

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Loveexo1 #1
Chapter 20: Update soon please!!!
please update...if you remember me, I made your trailer from CKND ;) now I'm reading your fanfic and I really want an update
Chapter 18: No. Why did Sunye have to come back? I love the Return Of Superman too. And I love Daehan, Minguk, Manse, Seojun, and Seoeun too. Update soon.
Chapter 15: What happening? Update soon.
Chapter 14: I hate those people that wrote bad comment about Soohee but I will thanks those who cheer Soohee up. And author-nim sorry about your grandpa. Update when you can author-nim hwaiting.
darinka12 #6
Chapter 14: Sorry for you grandpa pass away be strong
Chapter 13: BWOHYA! What is the teaser talking about. And they scared the hell out of me too and Kai. Hahaha. I'm so stupid. Update soon.