The First Time I Saw You I Knew It Was Love

One hot summer day, Kyungsoo went to a public pool with his friend Sehun. Kyungsoo and Sehun ran to the pool. "HEY STOP!" one of the lifeguards yelled. Kyungsoo and Sehun stopped as this fairly tall and young looking lifeguard walked over. "Boys no running in the pool area" The lifeguard said. "Oh Im sorry" Sehun said but Kyungsoo was too busy staring at the lifeguard. He was shirtless and the way his damp blonde hair was in his face made Kyungsoo blush. "Just dont do it again" The lifeguard said, not even noticing that Kyungsoo was staring at him so he walked away. "Well lets go in" Sehun said happily but Kyungsoo ignored him. "Kyungsoo? are you alright?" Sehun asked. "Yeah Im fine...but did you see that lifeguard? he was really y..." Kyungsoo said blushing and Sehun rolled his eyes. "No because I aint gay" Sehun said sarcastically and Kyungsoo giggled. "Well lets go in" Kyungsoo said happily and he jumped in the pool as Sehun followed

After a little while, Sehun and Kyungsoo went to the diving board. 'Watch this!" Sehun said as he dived into the pool and Kyungsoo laughed. "Oh yeah? I can do some much better!" Kyungsoo teased as he climbed onto the diving board. He heard a familiar voice so he turned around and noticed the lifeguard from before. Kyungsoo suddenly got very blushy and now he wanted to impress the lifeguard. Kyungsoo jumped on the diving board and tried to dive but he hit his head on the board, knocking him out

Hours later, Kyungsoo woke up. His head hurt and he looked around in confussion. He was in what seemed to be an office and he saw the cute life guard from before. "Where...Where am I...?" Kyungsoo asked the lifeguard. "You're in my office, dont worry you're ok now. You hit your head on the diving board and I had to give you CPR" the lifeguard said and Kyungsoo blushed at that thought. "Well...thanks for saving me" Kyungsoo said smiling. "No problem, cant let a cute boy like you die" the lifeuard said smiling. "Im Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo said as he put his hand out to shake the lifeguard's and the lifeguard shook Kyungsoo's hand. "Its nice to meet you Kyungsoo, Im Yifan, or Kris for a nickname" Kris said smiling. "Its nice to meet you too Yifan" Kyungsoo said as he blushed from Kris's touch. "You know, I saw you staring at me earlier" Kris said with a smirk and Kyungsoo's eyes widened a bit, but he blushed. "O-Oh...sorry.." Kyungsoo said awkwardly but he was still blushing deeply. Kris smiled "dont be sorry, I think you're pretty cute and I would like to take you out on a date" Kris said warmly and Kyungsoo smiled a little bit. "Wow no one has ever asked me out on a date before" Kyungsoo said as he blushed. "Well then Im your first" Kris said with a smile but then Kyungsoo realized he went to the pool with Sehun. "Um hey do you know where my friend Sehun went?" Kyungsoo asked. "Yeah I told him to go home when he went over to you because I would take care of you" Kris said smiling and Kyungsoo blushed a little bit. "Oh..alright then, thanks for taking care of me" Kyungsoo said smiling. "anytime Kyungsoo" Kris said smiling. "Now anyways can you give me your phone so I can put my number in it?" Kris asked. "Yeah sure" Kyungsoo said and he handed his phone to Kris to let him put his number in. "Want to say tomorrow around seven?" Kris asked Kyungsoo as he handed his phone back to him. "Yeah that sounds like a good time, Ill text you my address later" Kyungsoo said happily and he stood up to leave. "Alright see you tomorrow Kyungsoo" Kris said with a small smile and Kyungsoo also smiled. "See you tomorrow Yifan" Kyungsoo said smiling and then he left Kris's office to go home

The next evening Kyungsoo was out at a resturaunt with Kris. It was a little awkward between them but as the date went on, they were talking about whatever and asking random questions about the other. "So have you ever dated a girl?" Kyungsoo asked and Kris hesiated. "Kyungsoo..the truth is, I have a girlfriend now..." Kris said and he sighed. "What...? then...why did you ask me to a date..?" Kyungsoo asked. "Look Im gay, but I had to date her so my dad didnt suspect anything because he would hate me if he knew I was gay...but I want a guy in my life. The guys Ive tried to date just leave me because I want to keep the relationship a secret" Kris said sadly. "But...arent you like twenty three or something? Why does it matter? Its not like you're living with your dad right?" Kyungsoo asked but Kris just sighed. "You're right, but Im very close to my dad and I know how much he hates gay people..." Kris said. Kyungsoo thought to himself for a little bit. "Well we should go now, its getting late" Kyungsoo said and Kris sighed. "Alright Kyungsoo.." Kris said and he smiled slighty. 

When Kris drove Kyungsoo home, they sat in Kris's car talking a little bit longer. "I had fun tonight Yifan, thanks for taking me out" Kyungsoo said smiling. "No problem Kyungsoo...but I guess this will be our only date.." Kris said and he sighed but Kyungsoo smirked. "What makes you think that?" Kyungsoo asked, having something in mind. "Well I assumed you didnt want to be involved with me because of my sittuation.." Kris said and Kyungsoo lightly touched Kris's cheek then leaned in a bit. "But I never said that Yifan" Kyungsoo said smirking. Kyungsoo then leaned in and kissed Kris softly on the lips. Kris's eyes shot wide open and he turned red, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo as he kissed Kyungsoo back. Their kiss deepend and Kyungsoo broke the kiss to breath. "Yifan..." Kyungsoo breathed out. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Kyunsoo asked as he leaned his forehead agains Kris's. "Yes of course I will be'' Kris said with a smille filled with love and happiness. Kyungsoo smiled and kissed Kris once more. "Good night Yifan" Kyungsoo said smiling. "Night Kyungsoo" Kris said and he stole one more kiss from Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo giggled and then got out of Kris's car and headed inside his house as Kris drove off to go home

                                                                                            THREE WEEKS LATER

Kyungsoo and Kris were in love. Their relationship was perfect in Kyungsoo's opinion, but the only thing he didnt like was the fact that he and Kris had to stay a secret. He even realizes hes the one who decided to be with Kris despite Kris having a girlfriend, but he just didnt wanted to remain hidden anymore

One day Kris went over to Kyungsoo's house and they were in Kyungsoo's room messing around. Kris picked Kyungsoo up and threw him onto the bed and crawled on top of him. "Kyungsoo I...I want to have with you" Kris said as he turned red. "Y-Yifan I...I do too" Kyungsoo said as he blushed deeply and Kris smirked. That night, Kyungsoo lost his ity to Kris

The next morning, Kyungsoo woke up expecting Kris to be gone, but instead he woke up in Kris's arms. "Yifan" Kyungsoo said as he shook Kris awake. Kris sleepily opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning Kyungsoo" Kris said smiling. "Yifan Im surprised you're still here.." Kyungsoo said and he sighed. "Well I wouldnt just leave...whats wrong Kyungsoo?" Kris asked in concern as he sat up and Kyungsoo sighed. "Yifan...I didnt want to tell you this, but Im tired of hiding our relationship..I just want to be able to go out in public with you and not be scared that we will be caught by your girlfriend.." Kyungsoo said as some tears spilled. "Kyungsoo please dont cry.." Kris said as he wiped Kyungsoo's tears away. "Ive been thinking Kyungsoo, that I will tell my parents that Im gay. I know my mom wont care, but you know what I said about my dad..." Kris said. "Y-You would do that for me?" Kyungsoo asked with a small smile. "Of course Kyungsoo because well..." Kris said as he took Kyungsoo's hands and looked into his eyes. "I love you Kyungsoo, you're the first guy Ive ever loved and you make me very happy. Im not going to let anyone ruin my happiness because I know I found the right one, which is you" Kris said sincerely and Kyungsoo's face lit up with a smile filled with love. "Y-Yifan I..I love you too..Ive never felt this way to any other guy..." Kyungsoo said as a few stray emotional tears spilled from his eyes. Kris pulled Kyungsoo into his arms for a hug and Kyungsoo layed his head on Kris's shoulder. They stayed that way for a little while until they were both getting hungry for breakfast

Later that day, Kris took Kyungsoo to his parents's house. As they were walking towards the door, Kyungsoo held onto Kris's hand tightly. "Yifan Im nervous..." Kyungsoo said softly. "Dont be, theyll love you alright? My dad will take it hard at first probably, but my mom will like you" Kris said trying to calm down Kyungsoo. "Alright Yifan" Kyungsoo said with a small smile and he took a few deep breaths. "Good now lets go" Kris said smiling. They got to the door and knocked. Kyungsoo squeezed Kris's hand a little bit as they waited. Suddenly the door opened and it was Kris's dad, but he didnt notice Kris was holding Kyungsoo's hand. "Well this is a nice surprise Yifan" Kris's dad said with a smile and he hugged Kris. "Whos your friend?" Kris's dad asked. "Dad...I have something to tell you and mom..lets go inside.." Kris said as he pulled Kyungsoo along into the livingroom where Kris's mom was. "Oh hi Yifan" Kris's mom said happily. "Hi mom...look I have something to tell you guys" Kris said and he took Kyungsoo's hand. "We already know Yifan" Kris's dad said. Kris's eyes widened and he was shocked. "H-How did you know..?" Kris stuttered out. "We knew since you were like fifteen. Yifan, why were you scared to tell us?" Kris's dad asked. "Because you used to say how much you hated gay people..." Kris said. "Well I used to think that way, but then when I saw you making out with a guy in your room, I didnt feel mad or disgusted. I felt happy that you found someone who apparently made you happy" Kris's dad said with a smile. Kris smiled and he hugged his dad tightly. "Thank you for accepting me mom and dad" Kris said smiling. "Now I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, this is Kyungsoo" Kris said happily as he pulled away from his dad and stood next to Kyungsoo. That night, Kris and Kyungsoo spent the night together. Kyungsoo was finally relieved that they didnt have to hide their relationship any longer. Kris was also going to break things with his girlfriend the next day. Everything was perfect now.

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 1: Krisooo..
Nice update...
Good Job author...
Chapter 1: It is by any means my intention to be rude. I just want to be honest in two lines.
This is definitely not going to win any writting award, but it made me laugh. I mean to say i enjoyed it despite it being a bit messy, rushed and with an almost obvious outcome.