
The Little Bumblebee

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We were in a cafe and I had just gone to order drinks for us. I saw how you were fidgeting under Chanyeol's glares and I wanted to laugh. That idiot was doing a good job at intimidating you. Chanyeol and I hadn't known each other that much longer than you, but we were definitely closer. It helped that we were boys and we confided in each other a lot. And it was safe to say that I knew Chanyeol well enough that he was just acting with that stupid look on his face. If you only knew how much Chanyeol urged and pushed me to get together with you. 

I quickly retrieved the drinks, deciding to put you out of your misery even though it was pretty amusing. I set our drinks on the table. When I took my seat next to you, I watched Chanyeol inspecting his own beverage before eyeing my drink. He had one straw whereas I had two. I wanted to burst out in laughter when he crossed his arms with a frown, acting as though he was mad. Idiot. 

"Spill," he demanded. 

You were still afraid of Chanyeol's weird behaviour. So I explained to him for us, "We're together now."

"Together? As in a couple?" He confirmed. I rolled my eyes at him but Chanyeol was only staring at you. He knew you'd be docile enough to give him an answer. You nodded and Chanyeol continued staring hard at you. I could see your throat moving as you swallowed your nervousness. Until Chanyeol grinned brightly, "Took you long enough, Kim Jongin."

Your eyebrows were scrunched as you eyed the both of us. "What? Explain." 

I hung my arm around the back of your chair and started playing with your hair. "So bossy," I commented distractedly and didn't say anything else.

Chanyeol told you everything; from how my crush started, to the times I complained and whined to him about how you preobably hated me, and then finally congratulating us. He still had that toothy grin even as he drank his drink. Your cheeks were pink and I thought you looked cute. I tucked your hair behind your ear so I had a better view of your pretty face. I tousled your hair slightly in an affectionate manner. 

"Probably due to a trigger," Chanyeol "guessed". He knew the answer even as he asked, "Am I right, Kai?"

"Trigger?" Your head was tilted at an angle. "What trigger? Like a... stimulus?"

The giant shook his head, "Not a stimulus, princess." I sighed inaudibly as I continued running my fingers through your hair. You didn't even seem aware that I was doing it. Chanyeol continued, "A trigger. Or should I say... A person?"

"Person?" Now you were confused. The back of my hand came in contact with your cheek slightly when you cocked your head even more.

My eyes flew to an incoming person. Speak of the devil, huh? I gruffed, "Sehun." 

I saw your eyes enlarging before you turned your head to the empty spot next to Chanyeol. You were distracted from our talk of a trigger. But I found that you would come to know about it later on Friday night. Sehun was smiling down at you, his face no longer sinister-looking as he always looked. You smiled back and waved to the boy. I didn't know what came over me when I scooted closer towards you. Chanyeol shot me an amused look and I gave him a grimace in return. He grinned, almost evilly, as he crossed his arms and leant back in his seat to enjoy the show. 

"Hey cutie," Sehun beamed at you. For the first time, he also acknowledged me. ""Sup, Kai, Chanyeol," he nodded. I froze because Sehun actually noticed my presence. He usually only talked to you or Chanyeol. He never liked talking to me, I assumed. Unaware of the thoughts running through my mind, Sehun continued speaking. "Since I bumped into you guys, I'll just ask you now. I'm having a small get-together with some friends and I'm wondering if you wanna come? It's on Friday night and we'll be drinking." I wanted to roll my eyes when he looked at you, concerned and worried. "But I'm sure these two will keep you safe," Sehun caught me in a brief eye contact before glancing at Chanyeol.

Why did he look at me like that? 

"So, what do you say?"

Both you and I directed our gazes at Chanyeol. He shrugged, a sign that said he was fine with anything. Almost at the same time, we turned to look at each other. I murmured, my eyes dropped to your lips for a quarter of a second, "You wanna go?" You did the same action as Chanyeol did and I sighed. You were always going with the flow. I looked at Chanyeol, noting you and Sehun watching us. Silently, I conversed with Chanyeol through our eyes. 

'You wanna go?'

'Do you wanna go?'

'Don't make me whack you.Chanyeol's lips quirked with amusement and I glared at him. 'I'm serious, you .'

'Let's just go.'

"We'll all go," I announced to Sehun. 

"Awesome!" He clapped his hands, grinning. What was he? A cheerleader? I felt you nudge my thigh when you heard a scoff escaping my lips. You knew how I didn't really like this guy. Sehun didn't catch the rude gesture as he concluded, "Well then, I'll not intrude any longer. See you there, I'll text you the details!"

You hit my arm with the back of your hand when he left. You berated, "Yah, don't be so rude." 

I rolled my eyes saucily, "I'm not rude."

"Really," you quirked an eyebrow. "Since―" I cut you off with a peck to your lips and Chanyeol's groan was broadcasted to the entire nation. You glared at me, "See! That's rude! Cutting people's sentences by―" 

I pecked your lips again, grinning as I effectively shut you up. Chanyeol stood up, "I'm leaving."



We were in Sehun's apartment and the owner had come to welcome us.

"Hey!" Sehun chirped, clapping Chanyeol on the back in a friendly way. "You're the last ones, now we can start eating." He started leading the way to the kitchen and he turned his head to wink at you, "I hope you're hungry, cutie."

I swear to God, I wanted to snap his neck.

I held your hand when I witnessed you blushing. I was protective and jealous, you could say that. We passed by the living room and the people there all stopped to stare at us. You fidgeted, not used to the attention. I wished you'd kick that insecurity though, because I was going to give you all of my attention from now on. And I definitely didn't want you wriggling every time. You only relaxed when the boys smiled warmly at us. I might have been a little over-protective here as I pulled you closer to my body. 

Sehun started introducing everyone and I wondered if he was stupid. There were easily more than 10 people here, how were we going to remember everyone's names at one go? After the introductory session, everyone rushed to the kitchen to scoop themselves some food. I passed you a plate but you shook your head, not really hungry. I frowned, but didn't force you. 

"We'll share, okay? You gotta eat a bit," I tried. You nodded grudgingly. I got a fair amount of food for the both of us and we stuck to ourselves in a corner. You kept snatching the spicy rice cakes from the plate and I laughed. "And I thought you didn't wanna eat." 

"You said we were sharing!" You countered as you fed yourself more rice cake.

"This girl..." I huffed endearingly. 

Chanyeol groaned and whined, "You know, you guys were like this before too but now it's just full-blown disgu―"

"Hi!" Some guy came up to us and held out his hand to you. I eyed his hand. Better not be infectious. "I know you won't remember my name, so I'll introduce! I'm Jongdae!" You smiled politely and shook his hand. He squeezed your hand and I let out a snarl. Chanyeol nudged me for being too obvious. I shook hands with him too as he wondered, "I don't think I've ever seen you guys in school." He dropped his hand and looked at Chanyeol teasingly. "Except for you Chanyeol, you're everywhere."

"Hey!" Chanyeol laughed. 

A cute girl came over and stood close to Jongdae. She piped up, beaming at you, "I've seen you around, though!" Jongdae wrapped an arm around her shoulders and I heard Chanyeol snigger. The girl commented, "You're always with Kai and Chanyeol."

Jongdae finally introduced the girl next to him, "This is my girlfriend."

I let out a sigh of relief. I was being such a protective boyfriend, I wasn't like this with my previous girlfriends, what was wrong with me?!

Jongdae's girlfriend gossiped, "The three of you are always together, did you know that some people are betting on who you're going to end up with?"

"Too much info, baby," Jongdae hissed as he shut his girlfriend's trap with his hand. "Too much."

Chanyeol was guffawing and I was grinning. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that Chanyeol saw you only as a younger sister he treasured. He told me before that he could never see you in a romantic perspective like I did and I held on tight to his words. Presently, your face showed a tinge of annoyance and unhappiness. You turned to Chanyeol when he chortled like a drunk man. 

"Me," he wheezed between cackles. "And her," he pointed to you harshly in disbelief, still bent over with laughter.

You gasped and hit his shoulder really hard. "What does that mean, huh?!" I realised how almost everyone in the room were staring at our little cluster.

I put a gentle hand on your shoulder and you looked at me irritably like I was a housefly. I was smiling sanguinely at you. I ducked my head and whispered cheekily into your ear, "At least we know who won."

I straightened and only noticed how red you were. Immediately, you hid in my chest, your hands covering your face. I laughed at your cuteness. Jongdae and his girlfriend was laughing too, his eyes that were on you held the same emotion as Chanyeol's gaze. I immediately knew that Jongdae was a good guy who would protect you like an older brother in the future. His girlfriend was giggling too. I wrapped an arm around your shoulders and squeezed you tighter towards me. 

"Now we know the winner," Jongdae teased, winking at me. 

I grinned back at him and he chuckled. I heard you grumble to yourself, "I don't like him already." 

I laughed at that comment and patted your shoulder consolingly. "Come on, sweetheart. Don't be a party pooper," I clucked my tongue. 

Successfully and slowly, you showed your face again. You were standing close enough for my arm to still be slung over you. I wanted to laugh at the indignant expression you had on your face. It didn't suit you at all, but you looked so cute, like an angry rabbit (if rabbits ever get angry). You opened your mouth to say something but someone interrupted by making a huge entrance through the front door.

"Let's start drinking!" Sehun yelled. He and his friend lifted the bags of alcohol they had just bought while we were eating. The others in the room whooped.

We were all getting prepared for the drinking session. Some of them were already in the living room, waiting for the games to begin. You, Chanyeol and I were in the kitchen helping out with the organising and clearing of things so it wouldn't be too much to clean up after. You were holding the garbage bag out for me as I collected the trash from the counter tops. Sehun, Chanyeol and some other guy were pouring the drinks and finding all the shot glasses Sehun had in the house. 

"Don't drink too much, okay?" You reminded me. I glanced at you and you had a stern look on your face. You were so motherly. 

My lips twitched into a smile, "Of course. I still need to protect my princess, don't I?" You pinked on cue and my smile widened. I was done and I took the trash bag from you. "I'll go throw this." You nodded and as I walked past you, I let my fingers tangle briefly with yours. I squeezed your fingers and let them go as I left the kitchen. 

I was looking around when I got out of the apartment, wondering where the garbage chute was. But someone informed me from behind, "I'll bring you." I turned and saw it was Sehun. He wasn't carrying anything, so I knew he didn't come out just to guide me to the garbage chute. And I was right when he brought up so suddenly as we walked, "She likes you, you know." 

I smiled at the mere thought of you. I nodded, still daydreaming. 

"And you like― love her." 

It was a statement, a fact. And yet I still set curious eyes on the boy. How did he know all these? And why was he talking to me about this? Didn't he like you too? Seeing how confused I was, Sehun laughed, turning to look straight ahead.

"Anyone with eyes and a heart can see how the both of you act around each other," he shrugged. "You're so afraid to hurt her while Chanyeol tries his best to break a bone or two in her body." 

I laughed at that, ", that's so true. Chanyeol is an ." 

Sehun grinned at me and continued, "And she's always blushing whenever she's with you." 

"It's cute though," I blurted. Sehun chuckled, nodding. I confessed, "I like making her blush."

He stood at the side while I opened the garbage chute and threw the bag in. He asked naughily, "Or do you like it more that you're the reason why?" 

I shrugged, dusting my hands and letting Sehun think what he wanted though we both knew he was right. We started walking back to his apartment. I never thought I was ever going to have a civilised conversation with this fella. Maybe he was not that bad. We were in front of his apartment and Sehun had his hand on the door handle. I was expecting him to open it, but he faced me instead. 

"Treat her well, Kai," Sehun's face serious and his eyes showed nothing. But I thought I could see the pain and hurt. I felt bad.

I swallowed and nodded, murmuring, "Of course I will." 

Sehun nodded, taking my word for it. We entered the apartment now and saw that everyone was all seated already. I took my default place next you. Sehun had to squeeze in between you and his friend. You moved closer towards me subconsciously and I draped my arm over one of your crossed legs. We started a drinking game, but you didn't play. You were always there to give me your drink after every shot I took, though. I was the kind to get tired when I drank, just like Chanyeol. I was always calmed by that fact because then you didn't have to worry about us getting rowdy and unruly. You didn't have a hard time disciplining us when we drank too much. I was leaning back, my arms propping my up. My head rested on my shoulder lazily. I was so tired.

"Let's play truth or dare!" A boy who was next to Chanyeol proposed. I furrowed my eyebrows. How old was he? Everyone else probably had the same thought as I did because groans echoed through the house. The boy looked surprised that people didn't seem too keen about his idea. "What...? You guys don't like it?" 

Some dude sitting on the other side of Jongdae's girlfriend rolled his eyes, "It's lame, Tao!" I wanted to nod and agree, but some of them did it for me already. 

"Then you decide on a game!" Tao scoffed pettily. "Since you're not lame, Xiumin hyung." 

Xiumin ignored the tone of Tao's speech and announced to everyone, "Let's play 'I Have Never'!" Everyone agreed to it excitedly. Tao looked appalled that everyone chose Xiumin's idea over his. 

I heard Sehun say to you, "You have to play, okay?"

I didn't even want to look at the both of your interaction when just listening to it was making me annoyed. And I thought Sehun was "not too bad." I even felt bad for him! What a douche, stealing people's girlfriend...

Sehun tempted you, "I know you have to drive them home. But the three of you can just stay over, you know. The others are doing that, too."

I didn't like how Sehun was baiting you like this. So I murmured loud enough for you to hear even though I wasn't looking at you. "I'll drink for you, sweetheart," I promised.

At the same time, Chanyeol shouted from across us, "I'll drink for you, princess!" 

"Popular, huh cutie?" Sehun's voice was getting more annoying to my ears. You probably blushed because Sehun chuckled and reassured you, "Just kidding, babe. Don't need to go all red every time I talk to you."

I groaned silently, shutting my eyes in irritation. I shouldn't have eavedropped on your conversation. It was making me so angry. I felt your fingers flitting over mine anxiously. I raised my head tiredly. You were staring at me, your eyes searching for comfort and your fingers touching mine continuously. I sighed, giving in to you even though I was sluggish as hell. I said I was going to take care of you well and I would. I sat upright and overturned my hand so that my palm was facing upwards. You were quick to latch onto my fingers, squeezing my fingers repeatedly. I squeezed back and I could feel the anxiety leave you. 

"I have never..." Sehun trailed off while thinking of something. "Fallen for my best friend."

I froze. Our fingers were tangled together, unable to unwind because we were too shocked. I looked at Sehun and saw him grinning naughtily at me. Of course. It couldn't have been a coincidence. He knew we liked each other. And he was going to use it to his advantage now. I didn't know whether Sehun and I were friends or enemies now. Maybe frenemies. I didn't even have to look at Chanyeol to know what kind of look he had on his face right at this moment.

Others were already gulping down their shots. So I leant forward, taking the shot glass in front of me. I put the glass to my lips and threw my head back. I winced as the nasty liquid slid down my throat. But I said I would drink for you. So I did. I scrunched my face again and you hurriedly handed me your drink. You were an angel. 

When everyone had drank their share, we focused our attention on you. You gulped nervously, obviously uncomfortable with the undivided attention. Your fingers twitched around mine and I clenched them, hoping it would give you strength. You proclaimed, "I've never had ."

A few guys drank, including Sehun. Jongdae pointed and accused me, "Yah! You need to drink too!" 

"I'm a , hyung," I quirked an eyebrow challengingly. 

"No way," some weird boy with huge eyes scoffed. 

Chanyeol backed me up, "He's serious." Everyone started gaping at me. 


"You're a playboy..."

I rolled my eyes and I heard you laugh. I blew a raspberry, "Just because I look like one doesn't mean I am one. You guys are so judgmental."

"Hey," a guy I came to know as Lay raised his arms up to show his innocence. "They thought I would be a too but―"

"Oh, yeah!" Tao piped, pointing an excited finger at the fairer boy. "You've recently scored that chick with small eyes―"

"Hey! She's cute!" 

"I agree with Tao, she does have small eyes."

I heard you giggling and I glanced to the side. You were pushing Sehun playfully on the shoulder. My eyes narrowed at the interaction, jealousy taking over me. I cleared my throat loudly and all conversations died off. Chanyeol was smirking at me like he knew exactly what spurred me to be a rude prick. And I didn't doubt that he actually did. Everyone now had their eyes on me. 

I declared without a second thought, "I have never liked sharing my girlfriends." 

Everyone was bothered by my announcement. I didn't blame them. Who liked sharing their girlfriends? But I was blinded by jealousy and alcohol that I blurted whatever I had in my mind. I gave you a hard look and you froze. Sehun turned his head to me and I immediately glowered at his sudden movement. Even from the side of my eye, I could see your eyes widening. You finally got the hint that Sehun liked you. You moved to see Sehun staring evenly back at me.

The moment you turned to look at me again, I had your face in my hands. My eyes were closed as I brought our lips closer. Everyone gasped when our lips met. I tilted my head, claiming your lips fully and dominantly. I wanted everyone to know that you were mine. I didn't want anyone flirting with you. I didn't want Sehun to think he had hope. It was mean of me to think like this but I wasn't lying. Sehun only knew we liked each other. But he didn't know that you were now mine. And it was time for him to back off

On the other hand, I was sorry that I had to use you like this. I quickly pulled away, giving you an apologetic look. Your head shook slightly and a smile assured me that it was okay. You squeezed my hand and I faced the others. They were staring at me with bulging eyes. 

"She has a boyfriend," I revealed. That huge-eyed boy gave me a Duh-you-stupid? look and I made a note to talk to him (because he was pretty sassy and I thought we might either end up as good friends or enemies). I tilted my head and glared at Sehun, both our gazes strong and hard. What I said next was meant to be directed to everyone, however it sounded and looked as if I was only speaking to the male. 

"And it's me."

Author's note:

So a few things: 

  1. I'll make a PDF file, so I'll be re-reading and editing my entire story while I finish writing this. 
  2. I'm wondering if you guys noticed that my chapters are getting longer? I used to write 1.5~2K words and these days I've been writing 3K+ words. Which also means that if I add new scenes in chapter nine and ten, they're gonna be pretty long... It might even reach 4K words in each chapter. 
  3. I'm planning to finish this fic before new year, so yeah, my next update will come in a few days.
  4. As for the A/N, I was thinking of deleting them for the PDF so you guys don't have to read them haha
  5. Also, if any of you are looking for a co-author, I really don't mind helping out provided they're my genre and biases hehe just hit me up via messages or something~

That's about it. ^-^ Subscribe, leave comments, upvote, or don't, up to you. Thanks for reading and supporting! <3

Till next time

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22 streak #1
Chapter 21: The two sides of the coin
icheepoo #2
Chapter 20: Really loved the way you did the 2nd part of the story by giving us Kai's pov...which is a first in your writings? I actually loved his pov more than oc's. But all in all I loved the entire story and wished it didnt end!
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 4: So cuteeee
Chapter 21: this is so cute :((( i rly can’t wait for the exos to have their own gfs lmao i’m so excited for them!! i feel giddy every time i imagine them with their gfs kajsjsja
Pxnellyxq #6
Chapter 22: this story is so cute ?
Pxnellyxq #7
Chapter 19: wait taemin that’s so ing cute-
Chapter 16: Why can’t I remember this fic at all Even though I’ve already read it
This is so freaking cute!!! I feel like I am going to burst from all that fluff!!! ❤❤❤
Wasdesa #10
Chapter 22: <3<3<3<3