Break The Rules

Break The Rules

  We almost spend about 24 hours on the plane and its really BURNING! Since it's our first time, Aunt KIm, Myung Soo's mum decided to throw a party in the hotel which is facing the beach in MIami, San Antonio. The view here is eye catching especially at night. Imagine you with your love one, standing on the balcony and a glass of wine in your hand. I think this is the romantic date ever. Most if not all, based on some people just think the sort of romantic is they are kissing under the Eiffel Tower. For me that's kinda outdated because everyone's wish is the same. Nah, It's not my style.

    SO Aunt Kim really bought wine, roasted turkey and New York chesse cake. It looks like my sort of romantic dream is coming soon, tonight. After everyone hit the shower, we gather at my mum's room.  


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