Locked Memories



Se Young didn’t move an inch when Kyung Soo hugged her. She didn’t know how to react. She realized that she should’ve been mad, but for some reason, she didn’t think that she could be angry at Kyung Soo.

“Oh, sorry.” Kyung Soo finally broke the hug.

There was a silence between them for a moment. But then, Kyung Soo broke the silence. “Care to take me home? My hand’s a bit hurt with rolling the wheel and stuff.”

Took a while for Se Young to answer but she finally said, “Yeah, sure.”

Se Young stood up with her guitar and goes to push the wheelchair. “Show me the way, mister.”

The atmosphere was quiet if it didn’t for Kyung Soo who started a conversation. “So, have you ever let anyone to listen to your song?”

Se Young thought for a moment. “Well, yes. But for this song, you were the first one.”

Kyung Soo’s face darkened. How could she forget? He thought. But then, he could force a smile. “I’m honored then.”

“Of course. You should be.” Se Young let out a chuckle.

“Okay, here we are.” Kyung Soo said as they stopped in front of a house. The house was small but it looked warm. “Want to come in?”

Se Young thought for a moment and she shook her head. “Nah, maybe next time.”

“Okay, then. See you!” Kyung Soo waved at Se Young who’s walking away.

Kyung Soo was about to come into his house, when he decided to follow Se Young to her house secretly.


Se Young was waken by the alarm sound. She opened the curtain and she saw a familiar posture with a wheelchair outside her house. Kyung Soo. Kyung Soo turned and their eyes met. Kyung Soo waved at Se Young.

What is he even doing here? How does he even know my house?

That’s all that Se Young could think of. Se Young ran outside still with her pajama and bare feet. “What are you doing here?”

“To see how you look in pajama?” Kyung Soo laughed as he pointed at Se Young’s clothes.

Only then Se Young realized she was still wearing pajama. But she didn’t care. “No, seriously. What are you doing here? How did you know that this was my house? What do you want from me?”

“Wow, wow, wow. Easy. One question at a time.” Kyung Soo said. “I’m here to see you. And I kinda followed you yesterday. And I don’t want anything from you.”

“Why do you want to see me when you don’t want anything from me?” Se Young asked.

Kyung Soo froze for a moment but he finally let out a sigh.

“Alright, alright. I kinda liked your song, so I’m here to listen to your song.”

Se Young was surprised. This is not the first time that she let the someone to listen to her song, but this is the first time that someone was totally interested in her song. She was happy. But she realized that she didn’t really know Kyung Soo. They just met. Or so she thought.

“But I need to work. I mean, like soon.” Se Young finally said. Kyung Soo shrugged.

“Doesn’t really matter. I can wait. In fact, maybe I’ll just hang out at the bakery.”


“Hey, who’s that?” Tiffany, her co-worker, nudged Se Young as Tiffany’s eyes looking at Kyung Soo.

“A boy that I know.” Se Young answered, wiping the glass and stuffs.

Tiffany suddenly clapped and gave Se Young a proud look. “Wow, there’s actually a time where I can see Se Young bring a friend.”

Pfft, what friend? They just met yesterday. But now that Se Young thought, she realized that this is the first time she actually tried to blend in with people. Sure, she’s nice to everyone, but there’s actually no time where she really talk to them.

Se Young glanced at Kyung Soo who’s talking to a little boy happily. Well, maybe becoming his friend wouldn’t hurt, right?, Se Young thought.

Se Young went to Kyung Soo. “Do you need any drink or something?”

Kyung Soo shook his head. “No, I’ll just wait for you.”

Se Young was getting goosebump. Though maybe it didn’t sound that cheesy, it would sound so when a person that you just met said that.


Se Young couldn’t hold it anymore. She’s so annoyed because Kyung Soo was asking if she was done every five minutes.

She was washing the dishes and Kyung Soo came in. She didn’t know how it was possible for him to come in where only employees are allowed to but he was able to anyway. “Are you done?” Se Young shook her head.

Se Young was taking the breads from the oven and again, Kyung Soo was there. “Are you done?” Se Young heaved a sigh. “No, I’m not done yet."

Se Young was sweeping the floor and she saw Kyung Soo laid his head on the table while he was looking at Se Young. But surprisingly, he didn’t say anything. Se Young was very happy thinking that she wouldn’t be annoyed again, but as she was about to continue sweeping, she could hear Kyung Soo saying, “Are you done?”

She gave up. “Alright, alright. I’ll take a break for a moment.” She said as she sat down facing Kyung Soo who’s grinning. “Now, what do you want?”

Kyung Soo sipped his iced chocolate that he finally bought. “I know that I said I want to listen to your song, but let me sing a song for you,okay?”

Before Se Young could answer, Kyung Soo went towards Se Young’s guitar with his wheelchair and came back with the guitar. He began to strum the guitar. It sounded beautiful in Se Young’s ear. But it became more beautiful when Kyung Soo began to sing ‘Eyes, Nose, Lips”.

Se Young closed her eyes while she’s enjoying Kyung Soo’s singing. His sweet voice totally melted Se Young’s heart. She didn’t know that Kyung Soo has such a beautiful voice.

Kyung Soo’s voice made Se Young having visions. She saw a bench where a little girl sitting with a boy, singing a song. Their face looked familiar, but she couldn’t recognized how they were. Not only the face, but the song sounded familiar too.

But then, Se Young heard a crash voice and the vision’s gone. She opened her eyes to see her guitar on the floor. Thank God the guitar didn’t broke but of course she was mad at Kyung Soo. She was about to scold Kyung Soo when she saw Kyung Soo’s hands went limp, hanging, looking weak.

“What happened?” Se Young asked, showing some worries in her eyes. “Don’t worry. This happens a lot.” Kyung Soo said, giving Se Young a weak laugh. “But can you take me home? I can’t feel my hands at all.”

Se Young gave him a nod and immediately told Tiffany that she’s going home early.

“Aren’t you curious why that happened?” Kyung Soo asked on their way.

Se Young shook her head. “Some things are meant to be secrets.”

Kyung Soo let out a sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. But maybe it won’t hurt if I tell someone about it, right?” He looked up to see Se Young. “The spinal cord tumor is affecting my fibrils. That’s why my hands often go numb.”

“You actually didn’t have to tell me but, thank you, for telling me.” Se Young gave Kyung Soo a reassuring smile.

“This is why I believe you, you know. You just know what to do under any circumstances.” Kyung Soo said as they arrived in front of his house.

Se Young didn’t agree with the compliment that Kyung Soo just gave her but she just smiled at Kyung Soo. She remembered when her parents died, she didn’t know what to do. And when no one’s there for her, she didn’t know what to do. Those times taught her lessons and made her what she is right now.

“The numb is gone. I can go in by myself. Now go home.” Kyung Soo told Se Young.

“Alright. Take care of yourself, Kyung.” Se Young smiled before she turned and walked home.

Se Young was having lots of thought on her way home. She thought about the visions that she was having and Kyung Soo, and the numb that Kyung Soo got, and stuffs. She realized that this has passed the line where she shouldn’t involved with people too much. But she thought that if Kyung Soo believes her, then maybe she should believes Kyung Soo too. If it’s Kyung Soo, it’s alright.





( h a r l e q u i n. )

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