22 Roses


The life of a demon is atrocious.

Not everyone chooses to become one. They get over-taken by evil.

Death, blood, murder.

Fortunately, every demon receives one chance to escape.

The negative side? You can die.

The challenge is to get collect blood from humans. Not just any human, it must be the blood of those whose heart beats for you.

There are twenty-two red roses.

They represent the amount of people a demon needs to collect blood from.

Twenty-two people falling in love with a demon.

Each rose resembles a target. Every time a sample of blood is collected, the rose will turn white resembling the generosity away from this demon world.

Like regular plants, the petals will start to fall off. If a demon fails to collect blood before all the petals of one rose falls off, the demon will die. If they succeed on all twenty two roses, they will descend onto earth as a human with no memory of the demon world.

Luhan is a demon. He’s risked his life for the past 3 years on these 22 roses.

He’s almost at freedom. The last rose. One last collection of blood.

The problem is his eyes have landed on his last target, but she doesn’t show any sign of falling in love.

Not a single sign.






New fic feauturing the one and only, Luhan! I haven't gotten around to much planning due to school so I have no idea how or how long this story will turn out to be. I will apologize that the updates may be slow (most probably) depending on if I have the mood to write.

Inspiration doesn't come to us all at once and at the moment I have writer's block on this story (I've already written some summaries on a few of my chapters). I have a habit of losing interest in writing a story if I have writer's block for too long so fingers cross that I will actually finish this one.

Also feel free to ask any questions if you get confused at any point. This is my first time writing a story like this so everything may not seem as clear to you as how I picture the story in my head.




                     Luhan                                                                                                    Lee Miyeon



                                                                                                    I do not own these images. Images taken from google.


If it was possible, Luhan would be named the nicest person on earth.


Luhan wasn’t a person. No.

He was a demon.

And he hated himself because of it.

He was sick of seeing other demons killing innocent people and the way he couldn’t help when they screamed.

People called him a monster.

He didn’t want to be a demon. He had a heart. He had tears. He had happiness. He was always faithful and loyal.

That’s why when he found that there was chance to become human; he took it straight away.

Even if it meant he could die.


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