Author's Note #1

[ON HOLD] The Random Love (GD x You)

Hello~ I came by to let you know that I have moved to a different fanfiction. I'm not entirely sure if I will ever come back to this one since I don't have the original character the way I want her. In order for me to fix it, it would require me to rewrite the story :/ With that being said, I pretty much did just that, but made it easier for myself by starting up a new fanfiction. It is still a G-Dragon fan fiction, so don't worry about that part ;3 The main character (which is my character that I created) has a different personality, job, friends, story, etc. My idea for the story has a slight twist to it, so~....yeah. It is my fan fiction called, 'Reach for the Impossible' ^^ Thanks for being with me so long, and I hope you all will continue to support me in this new story as well...


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Ps: sorry it's " If you'll ever update " and not everyday_ Aish my phone does whatsapp he wants! Lol
Hi, I don't know if you'll everyday update this story but I really like it so even if you change some facts about it, I hop you'll keep the original story line.
And please could you pm me if you do. I will keep in chek with your stories! ;)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 1: I liked the 1st chappie!
Chapter 1: Hello you (:
Your story sound interesting, plus there is G-Dragon so, I'll almost be sure that I'll like it !
I'll look forward to the next chapter ^__^
So, Hwaiting !