twenty one

The Fallen Angel

- Your POV -

On the bus ride to Seoul, all I could think about was Yixing. What am I suppose to do once I get there? How will I tell them that Yixing is still alive?

- Kris POV -

I was glad that she was safe. I didn’t know what I would do if she died. If she died then she wouldn’t have become an angel, instead she would have gone up to heaven.

I have to thank that boy Chanyeol for saving me sister.

I don’t know what to do about (y/n). She wants to stay human, but she can’t because it would mean she had to kill Yixing.

What about me? I could give her my chance. But I was to selfish, I didn’t to let her forget about me.

What should I do?

- Baekhyun POV -

My eyes were still heavy with sleep. However, once I got them opened I noticed that Chae Young was missing.

I look around to see that everyone was sleeping. We were on the side of the road. I jump up to check Chanyeol’s pulse.
I was out at ease when I felt his pulse. That means she wasn’t kidnapped. She must have left. Can she make people fall asleep?

We told her that we would take her, why would she leave alone?

I woke up everyone. Once they got to their senses I told them that Chae Young was missing. Luhan called her.

Ring ring

We all look down to see her phone.

She left it behind.

“Why would she leave it here?”

“She must not want us to follow her”

“Why not? We told her that we would take her”

“How can she just leave without telling us”

“She plans to leave us” I said as I stare blankly ahead.

“Pabo she already left us”

“No. She plans to go home.”

“What?” They say in unison.

“She has no intention to stay here. She’s going back”

“No way!”

“I can’t let her do that. I already lost her once. I am not going to lose her again. Chanyeol hurry up and drive!” Luhan screamed.

I was worried. I haven’t confessed to her. If she hears my confession, maybe she’ll stay here with us, with me.

- Your POV -

2:48 AM

*We have now arrived at Seoul. Please watch your step as you are leaving. Ensure you have all your belongs. Thank for riding Bus 1221*

The speaker took me out of my trance. I left the bus. I didn’t know my way sound Seoul nor did I know how to get to Jeonju.

“This way. You need to get to the subway and take route 12″

I walked to the nearest subway entrance. I looked at the routes and I needed to get on route 12 the get off at the 3rd stop and wait for route 21. After the 2nd stop I had to take a taxi o Jeongju Hospital.

It was almost three o’clock. I was going to get there in for hours. I was going to make it. I’m going to save Yixing.

- Baekhyun POV -

“She can be anywhere. How are we suppose to find her?”

“We know that she’s going to Jeongu, should we just go straight there?”

“But what if something happens to her along the way?”

“Minseok you go straight to Jeonju Hospital and wait for her there. Baekhyun and I are going to take the subway that get there, and Chan-”

“I’m sorry hyung I can’t. I have to go down to the police station. But I’ll send Suho, Chen, and Tao”

“Okay tell them to take the bus routes”

As Chanyeol left we all scattered in different directions trying to find her. Minseok to a taxi straight there.

Meanwhile Luhan and I took different routes. I took route 22.

I had to find her before something bad happens to her.

- Luhan POV -

dammit (y/n)! Why do you have to do this.

I just meet you and you want to leave already.

I don’t want to lose you.

I’m sorry that I was an awful brother.

I’m sorry that I want there for you.

I’m sorry that you die when you were little.

But now that you’re here let me make it up to you.

Let me be your oppa.

- Sehun POV -

Keys hyung has told me what had happened to (y/n) and her friends. I told Yixing, and we were just glad she was safe.

We were waiting along with his grandmother. She was a kind old lady. She really loved Yixing. Yixing was trying to comfort her.

He really was a caring person. At least I know that (y/n) didn’t have an awful childhood. She had two great brothers. One who was strong enough to let her go so she could have a better future. And one who was loving enough to give her a happy life.

Kris called and said they were on their way right now. She was on the subway. He also added that she decided to leave the other guys so they don’t stop her.

Stop her. Stop her from coming home. To tell her to kill Yixing in order to stay with them. Selfish basters. Who do they think they are, just to ask her not to come home.

Maybe they were selfish. But so was I. I didn’t want her to live with them. I wanted to keep her to myself. I am selfish. I am the selfish one.

Kris was right. She was in love with that guy, she would just end up with him once he dies. Then they’ll be together for all eternity.

There never be anything between us except our brother-sister relationship.

- Your POV -

6:43 AM

I was almost there. I would be there in no time. My heart was pounding because I was nervous.

There was stranger who was staring at me, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I got up and sat next to an ajumma. She was kindly singing.

She greeted me kindly. She complimented me. She said that I should meet her grandson Taehyung. She said he was a big idol from a group named BTS. She began bragging about him, and she felt proud of him.

She even told me stories about him as a child, and how crazy he acts sometimes. I told her that I was leaving after I saved my friend. She felt sorry because she really liked me.

However, she continues to tell me about him. She shows me pictures. He looked like a combination of Baekhyun and Daehyun from B.A.P. I told her that I had to go.

She smiled and wished me luck.

7:12 AM

As I got off the subway I was only about 15 minutes away from the hospital. When I headed for the exit I noticed that same guy who was staring at me on the subway was behind me.

Of course, I thought he was just exiting like me, but once we got outside he followed me. I decided to take a detour, but he was right behind me. I felt him creeping up on me.

I decided to enter a cafe, I ordered a hot chocolate, but he even followed me there. My heart was pounding. Was I being followed?

I left the cafe, and there he was, right behind me. I put up my hood and began walking faster. Just went I thought I lost him I look ahead and he is right in front of me.

“Hey sweetie. What is a pretty girl like you doing out so late?”

I tried to go around him, but he refused to let me pass.

“I noticed you are alone. Where are you going?”

I got past him, but he grabbed my arm and forcing me to turn around. He pushed me up a wall.

“That wasn’t nice sweetie. I was still talking to you”

“Leave me alone.”

“Come on sweetie, you look tired. How about I take you back to my place and you can rest”

“Hey! Leave her alone!”

That voice it could only belong to one person.

I saw him run up, and punch that man to the floor.

I didn’t want to know how he found me, but I didn’t want to be found. As I saw him on the floor fighting that guy. I took the chance to escape.

“Hey miss come back”

He shouted. He must not know that it was me because he didn’t follow me nor did he call me by my name. It was better to leave him without him knowing.

I didn’t want to be stopped.

“Good bye Baekhyun” I whispered.

My detour to get rid of that stranger put me off track it was now 7:32 AM. I had less than half an hour to get to the hospital. I began to run. I found a map. I was about 30 minutes away from the hospital. I ran with tears in my eyes. What if I don’t make it?

My legs began to burn, but I didn’t let it stop me. I had to hurry. Yixing needed me.

As I was running, I ran past Chen and Tao. They saw me, and called out for my name. I didn’t stop. I could hear them running toward.

I even heard them calling someone and said that have found me, and were currently chasing me.

I kept running it was 7:48 and I didn’t have time to waste.

“(y/n) hurry the doctors and his parents have arrived”

I still have time as long as no one stops me. I could see the hospital. It was just one more stop light away.

Kris what room is he in?

On the 21st floor and he’s in room 107J

Okay it was now 7:53, and I had 7 more minutes. The stop light turned green if I could make it across I could do it. Just then I saw Baekhyun right ahead. He was looking around.

Then he saw me. He was smiling, but I didn’t stop. He looked behind him and the cross walk sign was counting down. I picked up my pace. There was tears in my eyes as I watched the numbers go down.









I closed my eyes and ran faster. I fell back. I opened my eyes to see me in Baekhyun’s arms. He had pulled me back.

“Why did you do that!?”

“You were going to get hit by a car”

“No!” I hit him, and cried. He stopped me. What will happen to Yixing. There is no way I could make it in time. I had only 5 minutes left.

He held on to me tightly. I heard Chen and Tao approaching. I only cried harder. The. I pushed him away. I looked at him, and turned around and ran straight into the on coming cars.


“Hey pabo! Are you trying to die!”

I didn’t listen to them. I ran pass the car and dodging each car carefully. I looked back to see Baekhyun being held back by Chen and Tao.

I made it across the road safely. They were still behind me. I ran inside. I ran to the elevator. I pressed the 21st floor button and I waited.

“(y/n) they are there. They are just waiting for the head doctor but he is walking down the hallway right now”

7:58 AM

My legs felt like they were going to snap off but I ram down the hall into room 107J. There he was. Yixing and Sehun stood up, while the doctors and his parents stared at me in confusion.

“Stop! He isn’t going to die. You can’t let him die. Just wait a little longer”

“Security!” One of the doctors called out.

“You have to believe me. Just wait a little longer”

“I don’t know who you are ajumma, but he is our son, and you have absolutely no say what we plan to do with him” his dad said.

“Please ajumma. Our son is in pain. We have to let him go for the better”

The security men had arrived and were ready to take me away. But I struggled to stay a little longer.

“That’s where you’re wrong. He deserves to live. He deserves to be here. You can’t just let him die!”

“Security take her away. Give her a diagnosis”

“I’m not crazy. I need to save my brother”

That made them gasp. The mother walked up to mean and slapped me.

“How dare you bring up my daughter. You aren’t my daughter because she died when she was little” she was furious. “Please take her away”

How did she remember that she had a daughter? I thought that she forgot about her when Yixing’s grandmother took all their memories of me from them.

The security guards were dragging me away. Just then she passed by me. It was her. It was Yixing’s grandmother.

“Grandma! Grandma!” I cried.

She looked at me, and it didn’t take her longer than a few seconds to recognize me. She ran up to me.

“(y/n)! Is that really you! (y/n)! Oh my baby. My precious granddaughter.”

“Grandma we have to stop them from letting Yixing die. I know he’s going to wake up”

He looked at the guards. “Hasn’t your mothers every taught to not to drag a lady. Shame on you two” the two men let go of me.

Grandma pulled me back to the room.

But we were too late.

They had already stopped his life support.

All we heard was the long ring of a flat heart line.

“Noo, oppa~” I ran up to his bed. “You monsters. I told you he was coming back.”

I climbed into his bed. I laid my head on his idle chest. He was gone, and it was my fault. It was all my fault. I wasn’t fast enough.

I heard his mom having a fit because I was next to Yixing, but grandma said to leave me alone.

I looked at Yixing. I traced his face.

“I’m sorry oppa. I’m sorry that I wasn’t fast enough to save you”

“It’s okay (y/n) at least you tried.”

I looked to the left to see Kris and Sehun standing behind Yixing. Like always Yixing had a smile on his face.

I continued to cry into Yixing’s chest. He walked over to me and sat next to me.

“Hey. Don’t cry. Now you get to live your life with our parents.”

“What about you? I wanted to live with you oppa”

“I wanted that too, but now you have several oppas to live with you. And you have your real brother. Live a good for the both of us”

He gave me a hug and kissed the top of my forehead. He got up and walked back to Sehun and Kris.

I could see Sehun and Kris tearing up because they have lost me. I wasn’t going back home.

Sehun took a step forward, but Kris grabbed his shoulder to stop him from advancing. Then I heard several footsteps. I turn around to see everyone. Suho. Chen. Tao. Minseok. Luhan. And Baekhyun.

I didn’t say anything to them. I just continued to lay there next to Yixing. None of them said anything.

What felt like an eternity on the bed was actually only a few seconds. I hadn’t realized that I had froze time in my bubble.

Kris walked over to me. He could tell that I was freezing time.

“(y/n). It is no use. It is time to let go”

“I just barely found him, how am I suppose to let him go.”

“I know but there is nothing we can do”

“No there has to be something”

“(y/n). It is okay. I will be okay. You will be okay. Everything will be fine. Just let go”

“Okay” with one last breath I got off the bed and unfroze time.

It happened so quickly but I collapsed to the floor. My heart was beating faster. I felt really warm. I heard people screaming, and people running over to me. I also saw people running over to someone else.

“(y/n) wake up!” Luhan cried.

“Don’t leave” Tao cried.

“(y/n) what have you done” I heard Kris and Baekhyun say before I closed my eyes.


Back :D sorry I took long, I promised my self to finish one homework assignment before I uploaded the next chapter. So how did you like it? not going to lie but I cried I was also listening to Crush by B1A4 which had be balling. Hope you like it, and sorry if you didn't. I'll update soon. This week is a short week of school, but I will have tons of work to do. Well thank you for reading. Coment below, upvote. Saranghaeyo.

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I finished the epilogue to my story. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading love exotic_star


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luiseu2013 #1
Chapter 20: it's so sad to leave.. :(
luiseu2013 #2
Chapter 13: authornim,chapter thirteen literally made me tear!
I love you!
luiseu2013 #3
Chapter 12: authornim,what the heck!?
I like this story.the story about life and death and also I'm getting reaaly confuse of whose this little girl that went missing or died..
Still I loved it
Chapter 28: Hahaha they are so cute
agirlnamerachel #5
Haha after reading your description it sound like high school love on
Chapter 25: I love this story!! Daebak!!
Caren91 #7
Chapter 21: I m gonna cryyyy. So touching. T^T Hwaiting at school. saranghae
Caren91 #8
Chapter 20: Saranghae author nim+blushes+ i dont like your story BUT I LOVE YOUR STORYYY! hahha i want to know wat happen next xp
Caren91 #9
Chapter 19: Update please xp i LOVE your fanfic, felt like reading a romance novel. This is the best long fanfic that I have ever read, each chap really suspense me on wat is going to happen. Xp
Rafflesian #10
Chapter 14: You're welcome. <3
I hope you can update moreee.
I totally love your story. <3