
The Fallen Angel

- Your POV -

10:40 PM

There was a loud pounding in my head. I could hear mumbling, but I couldn’t make sense of what they were saying.

“(y/n). Wake up.” It was Kris whispering inside my head.


“Sehun and Yixing found the body. It doesn’t look so good. His condition is quickly deteriorating.”

“Where am I?”

“(y/n) I told you that these humans aren’t good. How many times have you been kidnapped?”

“No. You’re wrong. Not all humans are like this.”

“Oh really because one of your friends just kidnapped you twice, and now you’re here”

The mumblings became clear. I could hear Luhan’s, Minseok’s, Chen’s, and Tao’s voices, but I couldn’t hear Baekhyun’s voice.

I tried to move my hand, but I couldn’t. My hands were tied. I was sitting in a cold chair. I heard shouting and footsteps coming closer.

I opens my eyes to see a gray cement floor. I lifted my head slowly to seat five fuzzy figures in front of me, and they were all sitting down.

I saw Tao at the far right end, then Luhan. Then a sharp pain flew across my right cheek. I opened my eyes again to see Chen at the far left then Minseok. Then in the middle was Baekhyun. He was here. I gave him a faint smile with my sleepier eyes.

I wanted to say hi, but my mouth wouldn’t open. It was duck tape. Where was I?

I see a man approach me. He was wearing a black suit. He looked very similar to Eun Ji. It must be her twin brother, Kyungsoo. Behind him was another man who was surprised to see me because his eyes were practically popping out. My vision became clearer. It was Kai.

There was a sharp pain that came across my mouth. Someone ripped off the tape.

“Hi Kai” I said with a faint smile.

I heard a wide range of gasps from everyone.

“You know her?” Oh Eun Ji was here too.

“No. Yes. Noona. Hyung. I didn’t know that it was her. I met her a long time ago.”

“Kai. Did you ever win back that girl who was marring that other guy that she didn’t love?”

When I said that, it came back to me. A flow if memories. Kai loved Eun Ji. Eun Ji loved Kai. Eun Ji was marrying someone she didn’t love. Baekhyun.

It was funny how all these people had a connected fate. It was my job to find the connection. I found it too late, but now I know.

“Hello Chae Young.” I look up to see the twin. “I’m Kyungsoo. I’m Eun Jin’s brother. She has told me a lot about you”

I turn my face away from his touch. I look over to see Suho. I should be mad at him, but I wasn’t or I couldn’t be mad at him.

“Aw don’t be like that. Can’t we be friends? I really like you”

I heard growling coming from the guys. I look over to see them on their edge of their seats.

“Baekhyun I do have to say you got a keeper. She is beautiful. Just like her brother huh Luhan.”

” Kyungsoo, I swear-”

“Swear what, to kill me? I wouldn’t say that because I can kill her”

“Let her go. Let everyone go. It is me who you want”

As they were bickering, I tried to get a barring of my surroundings. There was a big door, and two windows. Other than that there was no other entrance.

I looked over at Tao who was smiling at me, and he mouthed a ‘hi’. He was always so happy. While Minseok and Luhan had worried faces and they both asked if I was okay. I saw Kai go around to each guy and cover their mouths with tape.

“So Chae, is it true that you’re an angel?”

I bit down on my lip. How did he know that? I guess everyone knew my secret. What was the point.

“I take that as a yes” he walked to the back of me. He touched my hair and it made me feel uncomfortable. “Well since you’re an angel, can you tell me if it is true”

“Tell you what?”

He slapped me across my face.

“Don’t interrupt me when I am talking”

It hurt, but I had to be strong. I bit my lip so my scream wouldn’t escape my lips. Or else it would hurt everyone.

“Sorry.” He walked away and his heels. “Is it true if someone, I don’t know, kills an angel that the person would gain the angel’s youth and life?”

He walked back to me, but his hand went into his pocket and he took out a blade. He made the blade gently glide from my ear down my jaw line. I saw the guys squirming in their seats. I took a deep gulp because I was scared.

“Kris oppa is that true?” I asked him. He was also afraid and was ready to punch Kyungsoo. He looked at me and feel to his knees and nodded.

I am Yixing’s only hope. If I die, he will die with me. I look at the guys, and their faces were getting blurry from tears. I would lose them.

“What a shame.” He said as he brushed his fingers across my lips.

“Bite him”

I was hesitant, but he encouraged me. In a quick flash Kyungsoo pulled his finger back. Cussing under his breath. He looked back at me and with the blade me cut the side of my face. It hurt, and it knocked me down.

There was a red liquid running down my face. The guys were all angry, but then Minseok smiled. Kris must have told him something.

“ you ”

“Oppa are you okay?”

I noticed a drop if blood that fell on my shirt. I watched it as it burned a hole through my shirt. Which gave me and idea. This must have been Kris’s idea too.

Kyungsoo grabbed me and pulled me up. He was strong for his size.

“How are you?” He threw me down and kicked me to the side. I crawled toward the guys. Kyungsoo kicked me in that direction too. My ribs were aching but I was almost there.

I looked up to see the guys crying. Their mouths were taped shut, but I could hear them telling me to stop.

I was right behind Minseok. I raised my head to wipe my cheek on his ropes.

“How cute. Do you really think he’s going to save you? You’re just a little useless brat.” He said as he kept kicking me.

“You ing piece of . Leave her alone!” Minseok said as he stood up and punched Kyungsoo’s face.

Then Kai and Suho came to Kyungsoo’s side. Suho picked up Kyungsoo while Minseok and Kai fought.

I contained to crawl to Chen when I felt like I was being dragged. I look up to see Eun Ji holding my legs. I kicked my legs, and I happened to hit her chin.

Some of my blood reached the rope that tied my hands and my arms were free. I used my hands to crawl back to Chen and within seconds he was untied. He helped me in tie my feet. Then the door opened. There were several men in suits who came.

They weren’t on our side because they quickly attacked me and Chen. Minseok and Chen did their best to protect me. I was closer to Tao and he was untied.

Next Luhan. Once Luhan was untied he punched everyone in a suit. He moved at lightening speed. I ran to Baekhyun. Once he was free he hugged me.

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from the fighting.

“No. What about them”

“You need to go.”

I look back to see Minseok struggling and limping. He was going to be attacked from the back. I stopped and pulled my hand from Baekhyun’s grasp and ran toward Minseok.

I had this new strange feeling if excitement and fear building up inside of me. Then I jumped on the man trying to attack Minseok.

He grabbed me and flipped me over. Then both Minseok and Baekhyun kicked him. The man turned around and went to attack them.

I was going to get up but there was a sharp pain from my lower back. When I was able to sit up I was lifted up to my feet by my throat.

I couldn’t breath. The grip around my neck was getting tighter. Then I heard a bang. I look up to see that it was Kyungsoo.

“Stop it or else I’ll kill her now” they all stopped. Then Minseok, Luhan, Chen, Tao, and Baekhyun were all in front of Kyungsoo on their knees.

“This is more like it. To see my hyungs kneel down before me”

“But I’m younger than you”

“Shut up Tao!” He loosened his grip on me and pushed me down to my knees. “Eun Ji would you like to kill the who stole Baekhyun or should I?”

“I don’t give a crap about Baekhyun. But I do want to watch him suffer”

“Okay then I’ll do the honors”

I looked in front of me to see all my friends who I loved before me. My brother. My roommate. My friends. Then I started thinking about Yixing. He’s going to die because of me.

I started to cry. The hot tears ran down my cheeks. Some even fell into my mouth. My life was over if I died. I wouldn’t be human nor would I return to be an angel. Once an angel dies that’s it. I never seen any of the people I loved.

I heard the click of the gun. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Goodbye.


“Ah ” I heard Kyungsoo scream. I opened my eyes to see him crouching down holding onto his hand. It was bleeding. Kai and Eun Ji ran to his side.

I looked across the room to see Chanyeol holding his gun at Kyungsoo. He lowered it and continued to walk toward us.

“Do Kyungsoo. You are under arrest for attempted murder.”

The men were going to attack Chanyeol when several men in all black were right behind Chanyeol. They were all pointing their guns at the men in suits.

“ing Park Chanyeol” I heard Luhan say in disbelief. They were all in shock, but I saw them all run up to him.

“What took to so long?” Suho said as he run up to Chanyeol and punched his arm.

“Sorry I got lost” he said as he smiled.

He walked to me, and helped me up. He saw that I couldn’t walk. Then someone grabbed a chair and Chanyeol made me sit. Then he walked to Kyungsoo, Kai, and Eun Ji.

“Mr. Do Kyungsoo, Ms. Do Eun Ji, and Mr. Kim Jong In. All three of you are arrested for attempted mass murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right. . . “

As Chen, Tao, and Chanyeol hand cuffed them, Baekhyun, Luhan, and Minseok ran over to me.

“(y/n) are you okay?”

“Are you hurt?”

“Say something”

They all said, but I could only stare at Baekhyun. Baekhyun picked me up and carried me in his arms.

“You need medical help right now.”

The pain in my lower back was gone. My tears. They still had its healing powers. My powers. Yixing.

“Wait what time is it?” I said as I struggled to get out of Baekhyun’s arms. He put me down.

“A little past one o’clock” Chanyeol said.

“What?” This wasn’t good. Where is Yixing? I don’t even know where he-

“He’s in Jeonju”

“How far is Jeonju?”

“Hmm it is about four hours from Seoul and we are about an hour and half away from Seoul”

It was one. By the time we get to Seoul it will be about two-thirty. Then from Seoul to Jeonju it will be about six or seven. So there will be just enough time to get to the hospital and save Yixing.

I started walking up the road, but I didn’t get far when Baekhyun grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

“Where are you going?”

“My rescue mission isn’t over”

“What do you mean?”

“It means that I have to go save my brother before it is too late! Let me go!”

“You can’t go alone. I’ll come with you”

“Me too” the guys said in unison.

Chanyeol was going to say something when a man took his attention away.

“Chen, Tao. Come with me to the police station. Chae come on I’ll take you to Seoul.”

I quickly ran to his car, and bucked in. They were slowly walking to the car.

I rolled down the window, “yah! My grandma can walk faster”

They only laughed and walked a little faster. I was getting irritated. Chen and Tao road with the other men. While the rest of us went into Chanyeol’s car. Minseok sat in the front while Luhan took the left seat, and Baekhyun to the right seat. Which left me the middle seat.

Once Chanyeol the car there was a full road coming from the engine. It was soothing, and making my eye lids heavy.

“(y/n) you look tired, you should go to sleep”

“I can’t I need to save my brother”

“Baekhyun’s right. Plus we have a long trip ahead before we arrive at Seoul. You should get some sleep”

Luhan had a point. I decided to let the engine’s dull lull hum me to sleep. Within minutes I was fast asleep.


Hello :D Im back so so you think it's over. . . well nope. will you get there in time to save Lay? How did Chanyeol know? What will happen to Kai, Kyungsoo, and Eunji? What about Kris? he still hasn't made his decsion. What is going to happen to you once Lay wakes up? Duh duh duh 

Well I hope you're enjoying my story, thank you new subscribers you make me happy whenever I seen a new notification. Thank you old subscribers, it's nice to know that someone cares about my story. . . i'm rambling. It is 2 AM and I need to go to sleep i have school in 5 hours. Well good night, good morning, good afternoon. have a nice day :D saranghaeyo

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I finished the epilogue to my story. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading love exotic_star


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luiseu2013 #1
Chapter 20: it's so sad to leave.. :(
luiseu2013 #2
Chapter 13: authornim,chapter thirteen literally made me tear!
I love you!
luiseu2013 #3
Chapter 12: authornim,what the heck!?
I like this story.the story about life and death and also I'm getting reaaly confuse of whose this little girl that went missing or died..
Still I loved it
Chapter 28: Hahaha they are so cute
agirlnamerachel #5
Haha after reading your description it sound like high school love on
Chapter 25: I love this story!! Daebak!!
Caren91 #7
Chapter 21: I m gonna cryyyy. So touching. T^T Hwaiting at school. saranghae
Caren91 #8
Chapter 20: Saranghae author nim+blushes+ i dont like your story BUT I LOVE YOUR STORYYY! hahha i want to know wat happen next xp
Caren91 #9
Chapter 19: Update please xp i LOVE your fanfic, felt like reading a romance novel. This is the best long fanfic that I have ever read, each chap really suspense me on wat is going to happen. Xp
Rafflesian #10
Chapter 14: You're welcome. <3
I hope you can update moreee.
I totally love your story. <3