
The Fallen Angel

- Chan Yeol POV -

The way she smiled. The way she laughed. The way she said my name. The way she sang. The way she danced.

I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was this really love at first sight?

Did she love me back? No she probably fell in love with Minseok. She does call him oppa after all. Why did I make him take care of her. I should have brought her home with me the first night.

Luhan got to sleep next to her.

Chen saved her.

Suho gets to shower her in gifts.

Tao gets to talk to her whenever he wanted.

Minseok gets to see her every morning and night. He gets to feed her. He gets hugs from her.

She has a better relationship with him than with me. I am going to fix it.

I went to visit Baekhyun at his house. He was sitting down at his table eating a late breakfast.

“Hey hyung”

“Hey Chanyeol what brings you here? Do you want some breakfast?”

“No I just came to ask you something?”

“Yeah what is it”

“How did you make Eun Ji fall in love with you?”

“Why do you have a special girl?”

“Yeah it is Chae Young. I think I am in love.”

“Does she feel the same way towards you?”

“I don’t know. Help me hyung”

- Baekhyun POV -

He was asking for help to get the girl that I wanted to keep to myself. I couldn’t tell him that she doesn’t love him because maybe she did.

It was making me angry that I couldn’t do anything about it. Why was I feeling this way? I was engaged. Damn it Luhan why do you always find way to my head.

- Chan Yeol POV -

He was hesitant to answer. He looked like he was in deep thought. He must really want to help me.

“Well spend the day with her. See what she likes to eat, watch, and do. I don't want you to rush into anything that you don’t know anything about. You hardly know this girl and you think you’re in love. I’m sorry Yeol but this isn’t a drama you can’t just expect her to be the one”

“You’re right hyung. Thanks I’m going to call her right now to make the ‘date”” I winked at him.

Hello Chae Chae! Are you busy today?

Um. Hold on. Minseok oppa am I busy today? No

Do you want to hang out today?

Sure what are we going to do?

Um we can do whatever you want, but I will take you to eat one of my favorite foods.


No, not that one, something better. I’ll pick you up at two pm. Bye see you later.

After I finished I smiled at Baekhyun but he didn’t look so good.

“Hyung are you okay?”

“Yeah. Hey maybe I should come to make it less weird. People will think you two are dating and that would be bad for your company.”

“You’re right hyung. Thanks for watching out for me. You’re the best! I’ll go pick up Chae and I’ll met you there.”

“Don’t you think I should go with you. It might be weird that you two come out of the car together”

“Hyung you are a genius. Lets go we don’t want to be late. Oh hyung thanks for doing this with me.”

- Baek Hyun POV -

I was being selfish. I didn’t want Chanyeol to be alone with Chae Young. I regretting lying to Yeol but I couldn’t stop myself.

I wanted to protect Yeol from the rumors, but I also wanted to get to know her too and this would be a perfect way to get close with her without people suspecting me of cheating on Eun Ji.

We got into Yeol’s car and drove to Minseok’s house. Chanyeol called her down. I saw that he was getting all excited with his smile reaching his ears.

She came out the doors. She didn’t see us and she looked around. She looked like a lost puppy. She had a pretty light pink dress that had a light grey leggings and she wore white hightop Converse. She curled her long black hair. Neither Chanyeol or I did anything but watched her.

Then she turned our direction and smiled because she saw us. She walked toward the car. Then Chanyeol realized that he invited her and he quickly got out of the car. She smiled even wider when she saw him. She ran up to him and gave him a hug.

I saw that he was surprised at first then he hugged her back. Chanyeol opened the door for her and she went to the back seat.

“Hello Baek Hyun-ssi”

“Hello. You don’t have to speak formally to me”

“Hi Baekhyun-ah”

When she said my name I felt my heart skip a beat. Wait what. What am I doing stop it.

“Hello Chae Young”

“Where are we going Chanyeol-ah?”

“The amusement park”

“What’s an amusement park?”

“A fun place filled with games and rides. My mom said that we are too old to go but hey you’re just 18 you will have tons of fun with us, huh hyung?”

“Yes definitely”

“Wow I am excited”

“You should be! Then we are going to my favorite place to get my favorite food which is a surprise”

It felt awkward in the car. She didn’t know me and I didn’t know how to start talking to her. . .

“So Chae how do you like working at Minseok’ s cafe?”

“Oh I love it. Yesterday was my first day and it was great. There was a rude customer but she was a special customer and I didn’t know so I apologized”

“Someone was rude to you?” Chanyeol sounded concerned.

“Yeah, but I blame myself for not knowing”

“Hey Chae it wasn’t your fault. Some people these days can be so rude. Do remember her name?”

“Umm no but I remember her face”

“Well if you see her again tell me”

“Okay. . . Oppa”

My heart stopped. There was a chill that ran down my spine. I had goosebumps.

“Y- y- you called me oppa”

“Yeah Chanyeol I think of you as my oppa. What do you not want me to call you oppa? I’m sorry I should have asked”

“Haha no it is okay. You can call me oppa.” He laughed which meant he liked it.

I was so extremely envious of Chanyeol. First Minseok and now Chanyeol she has a relationship so close that she feels comfortable calling them oppa.

“Chae who do you call oppa?” I asked unconsciously.

“Well I call oppa to Minseok and Chanyeol and when I see Chen, Luhan, Suho, and Tao I’ll start calling them oppa. They have taken care of me and I enjoy their company so why not. Plus I missing saying oppa.”

“Why do miss saying oppa?”

“Well I used to only call my best friend and my brother oppa, but now I have a lot of people to call oppa. Who knows if I will get to say oppa again”

“Has the guys discovered anything new?”

“Nope, but Minseok said he was going to do some research today”

“Well that’s good. Well on the lighter note. Chae what is your favorite food?”

“My favorite food has to be cheesecake.”

“Really that’s mine too” I said excitedly.

“Yesterday day at work Minseok showed me how to make it. He even taught me his secret recipe”

“He gave you the secret recipe!?! I asked him before and he has never given it to me!”

“Yeah I made my own cheesecakes yesterday and he even told me that he liked mine better than his. Then today Minseok already made is batch of cheesecakes for the day, but customers wanted the same one from yesterday which were made my me!”

“You made cheesecake and you didn’t bring us some”

“But I did. I made two special rainbow swirled cheesecakes one I gave to the customers and one I brought to the party yesterday.”

“Man we didn’t get to eat it. I think it is still in Baekhyun”s refrigerator”

“Well I haven’t checked but it probably is still there”

“Okay we are here”

We arrived and we got out of the car.  I opened the door for her and I offered my hand. She gladly took it. Once she got out she danced and jumped up and down. She was ecstatic.

She ran over to the gates where Chanyeol had already bought the tickets. They both ran inside together. I soon fell behind them.

She wanted to go on the merry-go-round. Once it was our turn she laughed and smiled like an angel. We went on all the small kiddy rides. We played the small games.

I could see the determination in Chanyeol’s eyes when he wanted to win a prize for Chae Young. I also had that same determination. Sadly we didn’t win anything for her.

It was about 5 o’clock and Chanyeol wanted to get to his restaurant before it closed. We were going to leave when Chanyeol wanted to go on the Destroyer the big rollercoaster. It was the biggest ride there. We pointed at it she ran off to hug the cherry blossom tree.

“I don’t want”

Aww she was so cute. She looked like a little kid who clung to her father’s leg when she was scared.

“Come on Chae. It will be fun”

“Since when was dying fun?”

“You’re not going to die”

“Nope still don’t want to go”

“Hey Baek tell her that it will be alright”

“Chae it is going to be alright. How about I buy you ice cream afterwards.”


Cute. She was brave until we stood right in front of it. Chanyeol went to the front of the line and told us to follow him. He knew the owner and we were next.

“I change my mind. I don't think ice cream is worth more than my life”

Chanyeol and I looked at each other and reached for her hand. He was hesitant but she walked forward. We were buckled into the seats. She was so scared. It was cute.

Please keep all hands and feet inside. Welcome to your doom. 1 . . 2 . . 3 . .

The rides started and we were screaming. She had her eyes closed and was tightly squeezing Chanyeol and my hand. She didn’t open her eyes until we reached the top of the hill.

“Is it over?” When she opened her eyes she saw that we were really high up in the air. “Nope shouldn’t have opened my EYYEEEEESSS!!!”

We were all screaming by then when we hit the big drop. I was having fun. Then I felt my hand feel empty. I look to the side to see her happy again. She had her hands in the air and screaming of happiness.

When the ride was over she was back to her happy self.

“How did you like it Chae?”

“I loved Chanyeol. Can we go again?”

“If I knew if you were going to be like this I would have suggested to go on this ride first. We have to go now”

“Wait Chanyeol I promised her ice cream. We can go get it and eat it on the way there”

“Okay you two go buy it and I’ll get the car.”

As Chanyeol walked in the opposite direction Chae Young grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the ice cream shop.

She was holding my hand!!!

Once we got there she looked over all the flavors.  I ordered two vanilla cones.

“Oppa I want this one”

She called me oppa. My heart practically fell to the floor. She smiled once the guy gave her her cone. I gave the man the money. She took Chanyeol’s cone and ran out the store.

“Your girlfriend is really cute”

“She’s not my girlfriend. Shes just a friend.”

“But you want her to be your girlfriend. I could see that it was the first time she called you oppa huh?”

I didn’t answer him. I left the storing know that he was right.

I saw Chanyeol and Chae waiting for me as he leaned against his car. Chae was at his side talking to him. They were laughing.

“So what flavor did you get Chae?”

“I got mint chocolate chip. When I saw all the flavors I was amazed. But the mint one was telling me to eat it.”

I wanted to know more about her, “so where were you born?”

“Here in Seoul”

“Have you lived her all your life?”

“I think so”

“Okay lets go we don't want to be late for dinner”

“Okay Chanyeol”

We were on the road again. I learned more things about her. She liked light pastel colors.  She like horror and action movies. She likes Minseok’s hot chocolate.

Everything fell to a dull silence. Then sun was setting. When I started to notice that the road was familiar. Strangely familiar. I tried to recall.


Chanyeol slammed on the breaks. We both quickly turned around to see Chae hyperventilating in the back seat. She was curled up in a ball. She was crying.

Chanyeol quickly pulled over then got out of the car and opened the door to the back seat.

“Chae what’s wrong?”

She didn’t answer. She just kept crying. She wouldn’t unravel from her ball state. I went to the back seat to also confort her.

We both patted her back. She let out a louder cry then she opened up and reached for me. She had her arms behind my neck. She was crying into the side of my neck. I was taken aback from her sudden embraced.

“I’m sorry oppa. I’m sorry.” She cried and kept repeating. Neither Chanyeol or I fully understood why she was feeling apologetic.

We didn’t say anything. Then we heard her stop crying. She fell alseep.

“She fell asleep”

“She must have had a bad dream or something. Should we go back home?”

“No.” She said as she sat up.

“Chae are you okay? What happened?”

“I just had a bad dream. I still want to go eat your favorite food Chanyeol”

“Are you sure” I said concerned about her.

“I just want to forget that dream”

“Okay. Lets go” Chanyeol got out and when I was about to leave she pulled on my hand.

“Oppa can you stay with me. I’m still scared”

“Yeah Baek stay with her just in case.”

As Chanyeol got back to the driver’s seat I sat back down next to Chae. She curled up next to me.

She looked like a sweet innocent puppy. She began to cry silently again. I didn’t say anything. I patted her back to soothe her.

It hurt me to see her like this. I just wanted to go into her dreams and fight off all her nightmares. I wanted to be her knight in shining armor. There was an aching pain in my chest. It felt like it was burning.

Probably my imagination again. Then it hit me. The road was Paradise Drive.  The same road I took before I got into my car crash.

Why did it make her scream? Did she also have a bad memory on that road?

When we arrived she woke up. I knew she was crying but her eyes weren’t puffy or red. Before she opened the door she whispered thank you. Once the door open we felt that it was windy. Chanyeol quickly took off his jacket and put it over her.

She turned around to see a swing set. Her dull melancholy mood quickly turned around. She raced to the swing set. Laughing the whole way.

She sat down and began swing. Her angelic laugh returned and Chanyeol and I joined her. The wind started to pick up and we encouraged her that it was time to go inside to eat dinner.

“So Chanyeol what are we eating?”

“We are eating bibimbap!”

“What’s that?”

“You never heard of bibimbap?”

“It is this food with rice, bean sprouts, spinach, egg, and this other delicious food.”

We ordered our food. Once the food came we didn’t touch our food.

“Why are you waiting?”

“We want to see your face expression when you eat it”

She was hesitant. Then she mixed it and took a bite. She was so cute. Her cheeks puffed like a squirrel.

“Wow this is so good!”

Then Chanyeol and I started eating. Dinner was fun. Once we were done. We walked outside. It was raining hard. It was practically raining buckets of water.

“Hey Yeol I dont think it is safe to drive in the condition”

“You’re right Baek.  I think there is a little inn up the street.”

I gavve Chae Young my jacket because Chanyeol’s was already soaking wet and I didn’t want her to get sick.

We drove up the street and for sure enough there was an inn. However there was only two one-bedroom rooms. Chanyeol and I took one while Chae took the other one.

“Good night Chae.” I told her.

“Good night. Sweet dreams. Don’t let the bed bugs bite” Chanyeol said as he hugged her. Damn I had to admit that he was smooth.


After we cleaned up we got into bed. We had shared beds before and neither of us could sleep on the floor or couch because we had bad backs. So one bed had to suffice.

“Hey Baek do you think I have a chance?”

“Hey I’m engaged.”

“Not with you, you idiot. Her.”

“Haha I’m just kidding. I know dude.” What do I say? No you don't because I will steal her away from you because I am a selfish friend. “I don’t know man. She seems like she rather have you ask a friend right now.”

“Should I confess to her?”

. If he does that then game over. . Wait why am I worring about her. I’m marrying Eun Ji. I can’t change my mind now. . I don't know what to do.

“Personally I think you should wait because she might have a boyfriend already.” Yes genius.

“You’re right. She still hasn’t recovered her memory. She could have a boyfriend that she deeply loves”

We were quiet because we both realized that we could be chasing a taken girl. I could tell that the both of us were really hoping that she wasn’t taken by another man.

“Hey Baek, if I can’t have her I will have you”

“Ew gross Yeol”

“Haha you’re so funny Baek. I know you want me. Don't cuddle with me like you always do”

“What when do I ever cuddle?”

“Baek you’re a cuddler since you were little.”

“Psh go to sleep”

“Good night”


There was a light shift in the bed. My back felt cold for a moment then something hot pushed up against my back. My eyes were heavy with sleep but I turn to see Chae Young in bed with me. My eyes shoot wide open. I quickly cover up my body.

“Chae what are you doing here?”

“I got scared of the thunder and lightning and the bed bugs Chanyeol talked about before I went to sleep”

“Shut up I’m trying to sleep”

“Yeol, Chae is in the bed”

“Just let her stay. Now go to sleep.”

I looked back at her see her fast asleep. I wanted to move but I just laid back down and faced her.

Her eyeslids where delicate. Her lips where smooth and soft looking. Her bangs where slightly covering her face. I gently pushed her lose strands of hair behind her ear. There was a faint smile that appeared on her lips.

I wanted to kiss her. My face inched closer to her. I closed my eyes. I could feel her warm breath on my lips. Her breath was sweet. I opened my eyes to see that was centimeters away.

I quickly pulled myself back. What was I doing? I got out of bed before I did something hasty. I grabbed my semi dry jacket and walked outside.

The rain had stopped. There was a pretty after rain smell that lingered in the air. I kept walking until I came across a lake. The lake was peaceful and the waves crashing against the shore cleared my mind.

“What am I doing?” I say as I burried my face into my hands.

“Yeah. What the are you doing?”

I looked up to see Death starring down at me. He pulled me up by my jacket. “Answer me! What the are you doing?!”

“I don’t know”

“This is no time to fall in love with another girl. It is a sin to cheat on your your significant other”

“I am not cheating”

“It sure looked like it when you were going to kiss my-” he paused. "D

o you love her?!”

“Are you one of those angels who fell in love with a human? Like Bang Yong Guk in that one music video?”

“No. You weirdo. She is just a friend I watch over. She doesnt know that I exist”

“Well I’m sorry. I just don't know why this is even happeneing. I mean I am engaged to someone I really love”

“Dude I don’t care. If you commit a sin while you’re on probation your opportunity will be gone. How far are you in your investigation?”

“Not far"

“What the hell are you waiting for? Hurry up!”

I was going to ask for help when he disappeared. I heard someone approaching.


AHAH who is it? Is it the killer? Is it Chanyeol? Or is it Chae Young? The suspense is killing! XD Kris almost killed Baek when he saw that he almost kissed Chae, he slipped calling by Chae Young his sister, but he covered himself up. When they find out the truth about you? The 'date' gave more hints about Lay and Chae's real relationship. Did you get it? When will they find out the truth. What will Baek Hyun do? Leave Eun Ji? Confess to Chae? What about Chanyeol? Okay I'll stop teasing   :D Saranghae my readers. if you comment it would maek my date, but if you don't whatever. :D

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I finished the epilogue to my story. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading love exotic_star


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luiseu2013 #1
Chapter 20: it's so sad to leave.. :(
luiseu2013 #2
Chapter 13: authornim,chapter thirteen literally made me tear!
I love you!
luiseu2013 #3
Chapter 12: authornim,what the heck!?
I like this story.the story about life and death and also I'm getting reaaly confuse of whose this little girl that went missing or died..
Still I loved it
Chapter 28: Hahaha they are so cute
agirlnamerachel #5
Haha after reading your description it sound like high school love on
Chapter 25: I love this story!! Daebak!!
Caren91 #7
Chapter 21: I m gonna cryyyy. So touching. T^T Hwaiting at school. saranghae
Caren91 #8
Chapter 20: Saranghae author nim+blushes+ i dont like your story BUT I LOVE YOUR STORYYY! hahha i want to know wat happen next xp
Caren91 #9
Chapter 19: Update please xp i LOVE your fanfic, felt like reading a romance novel. This is the best long fanfic that I have ever read, each chap really suspense me on wat is going to happen. Xp
Rafflesian #10
Chapter 14: You're welcome. <3
I hope you can update moreee.
I totally love your story. <3