Chapter 8

Two Hearts

Yongguk looked at you, emotions flying across his eyes. You looked like you did when he first met you, like nothing had changed. The same white shirt, blue jeans, black cardigan, black flats, and rose scent. Only they did. And you were dating his fellow bandmate. One he held dearly to his heart.

You snap out of your stupor first, not allowing the male in front of you to affect you. The mask that you had perfected the last six years was now on present on your face again.

“Hello, I’m Sae Hee. I’m guessing you’re Yongguk?” You say, urging him to feign ignorance as to who she was.

“Yes, I’m Yongguk. It’s nice to meet you Sae Hee.” He murmured, not believing his eyes. Sae Hee, the girl he dreamed about and longed after was in front of him in the flesh. But you act like you’ve never met him. “Were you just going to leave?” He asked, taking in your stance.

“Yes, I have work to finish up at home. But it was nice to meet you, Yongguk-shi.” You maneuver around the older male, dragging Jongup along with you. The younger male reasoned that you were probably feeling awkward.

“I’ll be back tonight hyung. Bye!” The two of you walk out of his apartment down towards yours.

Yongguk watched them walk away, still not processing what had just happened.

You had said Yongguk-shi. Like the two of you were strangers when in fact the two of you were the farthest things from strangers. Yongguk was your first love. And you were the girl who changed everything for him. How could the two of you act like nothing is wrong? Especially to Jongup?

He watched them walk into your apartment building, eyes slightly bulging. All this time you had been right next to him and yet he had never seen you or even thought that possible.

“Yo Yongguk!” Himchan called, walking towards his friend. In all the years Himchan had known his friend, he had never seen him this distressed. He wasn’t sure how to comfort him. He figured Yongguk was worried because if a scandal like this was exposed to the public, the group would be in jeopardy.

“Yongguk, let’s just watch over them for now. I’m sure if they’re careful, they won’t get caught.” Himchan reasoned, placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Yongguk looked at him confusion before catching on. Nodding, Yongguk walked into the apartment and took of his shoes. The rest of the members retreated to their rooms, the excitement of the day dying away after you left.

Yongguk plopped down on the couch and leaned his head on the back of the seat. His head had started to pound from the excessive thinking he was doing. He fought so hard to not think about you for six years but that all shattered the second he saw you like you’ve never left.

But you were here, with Jongup.

As his girlfriend.

And you didn’t want to see him again.

And you acted like you didn’t know him.

But even through all of these thoughts, he still wanted you.

Craved you.

Wanted you in his arms and your lips against his.

A heavy weight sat on Yongguk’s shoulders, only getting heavier with every minute that passed. But he still felt his heart constrict and heart pound faster than he ever thought imaginable.


You enter your apartment with Jongup behind you. You felt a migraine coming on, a throbbing present all over your head. You sit on the couch while rubbing your temples.

Jongup watches you, a concerned look crossing his face. He didn’t think meeting s would make you so stressed out. He personally thought everything was going well, especially because you knew Himchan in the past. Instead here you were, sitting on your couch looking like you had just gone through hell. Frowning, Jongup sat in front of you and took your hands in his. You look at him, a small smile on your face.

“Do you want to talk?” You shake your head, instead offering a kiss on the back of your boyfriend’s hand. He reciprocates before pulling you into his lap. You wrap your legs around his waist, his arms around your waist.

“Thanks, Jongup.” You whisper, placing your head in the crook of his shoulder. Emotions filled you as tears rimmed your eyes. Even after the hell you put Jongup through, he still stayed with you. He put up with your bull and never questioned it once. Sure, the two of you fought over menial things but after an hour or two the both of you would apologize, laughing at the stupidity of the fight. He made you feel like you were the only girl in the world, the only one he needed and saw. Even if he made you mad, he never once made you feel inferior or useless. And you know you aren't the best girlfriend in the world and he deserved way better than what you gave him and yet you couldn't let go of him. You are too selfish to let go of the one thing that brought back light and happiness to your dull and grey life. And you sincerely prayed that he would stay.

“For what? Why are you crying? What’s wrong?” He said, alarmed.

“For being with me. Even though I’m a bad girlfriend.” You croak while chuckling. Jongup pulled you away so you were facing him and his confused expression.

“Sae Hee, what’s wrong?” You shake your head once more, declining to answer to him. You were not ready to tell him yet about Yongguk; that would be too painful. For right now, it just felt nice to sit in his arms. Jongup sighed but let the issue go, knowing you would tell him eventually. He wiped away your tears before picking the both of you up towards your bed.

Placing you on the bed, he wrapped the blanket around the two of you. He settled with his arms around your waist and his head resting at the hollow of your neck. Legs became a tangled mess and hands placed themselves in his hair.

You take a deep breath and bring Jongup closer to you, wishing things would be this simple forever.


Is it bad that I felt kinda depressed writing Yongguk's and Sae Hee's parts? It's just so sad and I want them to be together but I want Jongup and Sae Hee to be together too. Ack the feels. 

One thing I want to point out is that I'm writing this in the 2nd person because I want you guys to put yourself in the story! Even if your name isn't Sae Hee you should still put yourself in the story. It would be too much of a hassle to put ~~~~ everytime a name had to come up so I just gave you a name but that shouldn't stop you from putting your name! I want to involve the reader (: 

I believe I should have the next chapter up by Tuesday so look out for it and let me know what your thinking in the comments! I love reading comments, it makes me really happy so leave one behind even if it's really short! Thanks for reading and supporting this story until now you guys are the best!! Well, good night and I hope you enjoy ^________^

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Chapter 16: Aaahh, the situation is interesting and scary. Even if she gets back with Yongguk, it will still be awkward for Jonggup.
Chapter 7: Omo, you can touch the tension.
Chapter 6: Ohoho, the meeting will be interesting. Also, like the comments made at the end of the chapters.
Chapter 5: This was strange. I really have the impression that it was something for real between Yongguk and that girl from Secret, and for it to be mentioned here, was a shock. Glad to see Jonggup, but why is she smoking how did Jae let this happen?
Chapter 4: Wow, such a throwback. And his past. Well, it's true that she's kind of young for him, but love is twisted.
Chapter 3: Oooh, too nice to be true. Looking forward to the new character. Will it be a love triangle? Must read to find out. Keke.
Chapter 2: Waaa, nice story. Can't wait to see if they'll meet again.
Chapter 20: finally a fic i've been looking for ages! this is awesome authornim, the way you connected the real scenarios from B.A.P makes me think it really happened. i love how you make every chapter so exciting for us. i'm a Jongup bias and this one is perfect for me because often times i would think of Yongguk as guy every girl wants and if i have to choose between the 5 (next to Jongup) i would choose him. and funny to think that so far, all B.A.P fics that i've read, Himchan possesses the same personality hahaha. make another one authornim huhu and thank you for this. now i dn't mind Uppie having his SaeHee in real life ♡
abcd20 #9
Chapter 20: Wow she end up with jongup ... That surprises me because i really thought she will end up with yongguk because he was ver first love ...but i like because jongup is really jjxjdjdjkddk cute xp xp
Chapter 20: uppiieeeeeeee!!! > u < ...oh i miss them TT TT
good job!! It's actually nice how you didn't make it unnecessarily long :) somehow it's refreshing? thanks for your hard work! <3