
Daddy Issues

They don’t talk long. Heechul tells him that he’s going to be at the dorm the next morning at nine o’ clock, but Taemin just rolls his eyes and grunts into the phone, because he doesn’t actually believe the man. He says he wants to apologize, take him out for his birthday since he didn’t get him anything, and Taemin doesn’t believe a word he says. He hangs up before the man is even finished talking, and he stays up late playing video games with Minho. He gets annoyed when the older starts making a big deal about how many times he’s won, and he eventually grows tired of the FIFA game and crashes around two in the morning. They don’t have a schedule the next day, so he figures he can sleep in for a change.

He didn’t expect Heechul to actually show up at nine o’ clock on the dot, shaking Taemin out of his slumber at such an ungodly hour for the teenager. Taemin groans and rolls over, pulling the blanket over his head.

“Five more minutes,” Taemin grunts out, letting out a tired whimper when the blanket is pulled off his head.

“Get up, Lee Taemin; I don’t have all day.” Heechul tells him in a stern voice, and Taemin sends a tired glare in the man’s direction.

“Go away; it’s my day off.” Taemin groans out, flipping back over and burying his face under his pillow.

Heechul moves around the room to pick out clothes for the boy, “It’s my day off, too, kid. Now get up, I’m taking you out for your birthday.”

“I don’t wanna.” Taemin whines, and he tries to hit the man when he’s pulled out of his bed.

“Do I have to dress you, Taemin?” Heechul asks in an annoyed voice, and Taemin sends him the dirtiest look he can muster.

“Get offa me!” Taemin swats the man’s arms away, grabbing his clothes and hurrying into the bathroom across the hall.

He groans to himself as he stares at his reflection in the mirror, because he doesn’t know what to expect from this man. He knows what was said between the two of them, but he doesn’t know why Heechul suddenly wants to spend the day with him. The singer had been avoiding him for over a week, and now he’s suddenly popping into the SHINee dorm like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

There’s a quick banging on the door, and Taemin huffs when the man’s voice shouts, “Hurry up, Taemin!”

“Calm your , old man!” Taemin shouts back, his words muffled from the toothbrush in his mouth, minty foam running down his chin before he spits into the sink.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” Heechul scolds him, and Taemin rolls his eyes at his own reflection.

“I’ll talk to you however I want!” Taemin retorts, the water continuing to run as he washes his face.

The man lets out a sigh, but Taemin doesn’t hear it, “Just hurry up, Taemin.”

The boy scoffs to himself, turning off the water and drying his face before he changes his clothes. He looks so discreet, and he wonders if that’s the look the man is going for. He didn’t exactly get a good look at Heechul’s choice in clothing today, but he figures he must not want people to recognize them. How surprising. Not.

The second he steps out of the bathroom, there’s something being shoved in his hands, and Heechul is trying to guide him out of the apartment.

“Put this on.” The man tells him, and Taemin stares at the garment with a look of disgust.

“I’m not wearing this.” Taemin tells him.

“Why not?” Heechul questions, letting out an annoyed huff.

“Because it’s the end of July; I’m not wearing a freakin’ beanie.” Taemin stares, crossing his arms after he tosses the hat onto the living room couch.

“At least put the mask on.” Heechul tries to reason with the teenager, motioning towards the medical mask held in the boy’s hand.

“I’m not sick.” Taemin narrows his eyes.

“I know you’re not, but just put it on, please.” Heechul doesn’t beg, but he sure does come close to it.

“Why should I? Why are you even doing this?” Taemin questions him, refusing to move an inch if the man doesn’t explain himself.

“I told you, I’m trying to apologize.” Heechul tells him, “It’s just easier if no one recognizes us, okay?”

“Why? Because you don’t wanna be seen with me?” Taemin puts on an innocent expression, but the man suddenly bends over slightly, staring the boy in the eye as he puts his hands on each shoulder.

“Taemin, please. I’m really trying to make this up to you, but I can’t do it if you fight me on every single little thing.” Heechul tells him in a tired voice, but Taemin doesn’t buy the tone of voice he deems to be fake.

“I’m hungry.” Taemin tells him.

Heechul sighs as he stands up straight, “We’re going out to eat first, so just put the mask on.”

“I want pancakes,” Taemin demands, “If you’re making me go out, then this place better have some damn pancakes and bacon and chocolate milk.”

The boy stomps his feet as he walks out of the apartment, putting on the mask in an angry manner as he walks to the elevator. He shakes off the hand that Heechul tries to place on his shoulder, his arms crossed as he walks to the man’s car. He stares out the window as they drive to God knows where, watching the cars and people that pass by.

“You’re a jerk.” Taemin tells him after a few minutes of unbearable silence.

“I know.” Heechul agrees with him, and it throws Taemin off.

“I hate you.” The boy tries to get a rise out of the man, because something about Heechul’s attitude freaks him out.

“I know.” The man continues to agree, and Taemin huffs in response.

They’re both silent again, neither speaking until Heechul parks after about twenty minutes and tells Taemin to put the mask back on. Taemin puts it on with a huff, crossing his arms as Heechul guides him through the crowded streets with an arm around his shoulders.

“Let go of me.” Taemin says in a low voice, but Heechul just tells him he doesn’t want them to get separated.

They eventually step into a small, practically empty diner. They’re seated in a booth in the far right corner, and the waitress finally recognizes them right before she takes their order. Taemin sends her a tight smile, bowing his head to look back at the menu when she starts telling Heechul what a big fan she is of his. She asks what they’re doing here together, and Taemin internally gags at the implied question of whether or not they’re on a date. Heechul tells her he’s taking Taemin out for his birthday, saying he forgot to buy the boy a gift the previous week, and this way Taemin could pick out whatever he wanted.

Once their food is ordered, Heechul sighs as the boy sitting across from his stares intently at his phone.

“So tell me, how much do you remember from last week?” He asks, and Taemin doesn’t look up from the game on his phone.

“Enough.” His answer is short enough to keep Heechul guessing.

“Has anyone talked to you about it?” Heechul continues to question him, and it makes Taemin annoyed.

“My mom, a few of your members, Jonghyun seemed kinda worried.” Taemin trails off, seemingly uninterested.

“How is your mom?” Heechul asks softly, and Taemin finally looks up to glare at him.

“I don’t see why you would care.” He snarls, his expression not softening even when their waitress brings them their drinks; coffee for Heechul, chocolate milk for Taemin.

“I’m trying to make this up to you.” Heechul nearly pleads with the teenager, who only rolls his eyes and wraps his lips around the straw of his drink.

“You have sixteen years to make up for; don’t think that chocolate milk and some meaningless words will turn me into the perfect son you never asked for.” Taemin snaps, and Heechul’s glad that no one was sitting near them.

“Just talk to me; about anything. Tell me about school, your grandparents, your dancing, anything.” Heechul says softly, “Please, let me get to know you.”

Taemin rolls his eyes again, and even he almost flinches at how often he’s been doing it lately.

“School is school, work is work.” Taemin mumbles, blowing bubbles in his milk as he avoids looking at the man.

“How’s your grandfather, then? Is he doing better?” Heechul asks quietly, not wanting to upset the boy.

“Papa’s gonna be okay; he woke up yesterday.” Taemin says softly, “He’s still gotta stay at the hospital for a few days, but he should be home before next week.”

“That’s really good; I’m glad he’s okay.” Heechul tells him, “How about your grandmother? Is she alright?”

“Yeah, she’s just happy that papa’s okay.” Taemin swallows hard, “Can we change the subject?”

“Sure, sure.” Heechul agrees, “How about you really tell me about school?”

Taemin scoffs, rolling his eyes, “Full of idiots.”

Heechul actually laughs at that, “Sounds about right. What about your school work, though?”

They talk for a few minutes about Taemin’s classes; which ones he likes, which ones he hates.

When their food finally comes, Taemin is practically falling asleep while he shovels pieces of strawberry pancake into his mouth.

“Why do you look so tired? I told you I would be coming at nine.” Heechul asks, almost laughing.

“Didn’t think you were serious.” Taemin mumbles, dipping his bacon in syrup before bringing it to his mouth.

“That’s disgusting.” Heechul cringes, but Taemin only smirks while he chews on the sugary coated meat.

“That’s delicious.” Taemin corrects, taking another bite.

“Oh yeah? Then let me try.” Heechul tells him, and Taemin brings the piece of bacon close to his chest with a scandalized look on his face.

“This is my bacon; get your own!” Taemin tells him, his eyes going wide when Heechul grabs a piece off of Taemin’s plate, “Hey!”

In retaliation, Taemin stabs his fork in a sausage link on Heechul’s plate, and the two try to guard their food as best they can the rest of the time they eat.

I’m the one paying for it.” Heechul reasons.

I’m the one that was dragged here practically against my will.” Taemin retorts, a small smirk on his face as he sips his drink.

“This is for my birthday, right?” Taemin asks after they’re finished.

“Yes,” Heechul tells him, somewhat weary of what Taemin has in mind.

“Then I can get a milkshake, too, right?” Taemin smirks, eyeing the different flavors displayed at the front.

“You’ve had, like, four glasses of chocolate milk; do you seriously want a milkshake, too?” Heechul asks, and Taemin only smiles sweetly at him.

Heechul gives in and orders him the chocolate and banana milkshake the boy requests, and Taemin sips at it happily while Heechul sends the check away with his credit card.

“At least let me try a sip.” Heechul almost whines, and Taemin wags a finger at him.

“Nope, this is mine. Besides, you might have germs.” Taemin smiles, and Heechul scoffs at the boy.

“Oh please. Germs my ; I’ve seen you drink out of a half empty water bottle you find on stage, so don’t tell me you don’t want to share a drink because of germs.” Heechul narrows his eyes at the kid, who only smiles back with an innocent look on his face.

“Fine, then. I don’t wanna share with you because your car smells like feet.” Taemin smirks, almost laughing at the disgusted look on the waitress’s face when she comes back with Heechul’s credit card and check.

“It does not!” Heechul tries to defend himself, but the small smirk never leaves Taemin’s face as he sips his milkshake.

“It does too, and I don’t wanna share with you because who knows where that smell came from.” Taemin really does laugh this time, mostly at the scandalized look on Heechul’s face.

“Just drink your stupid milkshake.” Heechul huffs, sitting back and waiting for the boy to finish.

When he’s done, Taemin sits back and pats his stomach.

“I’m so full,” Taemin groans, closing his eyes, “I’m ready for a nap.”

“Oh no, you’re not.” Heechul tells him, getting up quickly and grabbing the boy’s arm to pull him up, “Put you’re mask back on, we’re going shopping now.”

“I don’t wanna.” Taemin whines, “Can’t we go back to the car and take, like, a twenty minute power nap instead? Come on!”

“Taemin, just put on the mask and hurry up.” Heechul tells him, but the teenager only glares at him.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Taemin tells him in a low voice.

“Taemin, don’t start this,” Heechul sighs, but the teenager stomps down the street with the man hurrying after him, “I really thought we were making some progress, here.”

“You’re still a jerk.” Taemin tells him, his voice hardly holding any emotion.

“I know,” Heechul agrees softly, “I know, and I’m so, so sorry, Taemin. I’m trying to make things better, though, I really am.”

“I don’t believe you.” Taemin mutters, and Heechul can tell he has more than just a medical mask firmly in place as they walk into the mall.

“You don’t have to,” Heechul tells him, and he sighs as he wonders which shop Taemin will want to go in to, “But please, just let me buy you a few presents for your birthday.”

“You can’t buy love.” Taemin mumbles, and Heechul almost doesn’t hear him when the boy walks into a music shop and starts absentmindedly looking through different albums.

Heechul can only sigh as he follows the kid around, watching as the teenager’s gaze lingers on one CD longer than a few seconds. It’s a movie soundtrack, and Heechul smiles at the boy.

“Do you want that one?” He asks, and Taemin shrugs.

“I don’t know, maybe.” Taemin huffs, picking it up and looking at the back. His eyes scan the different song titles and artists, and Heechul’s already decided that he’s going to buy it for him. When Taemin starts to put it down, Heechul takes it into his own hands, smiling at the sixteen year old.

“I’ll get it for you; we can listen to it in the car.” Heechul tells him, and Taemin only rolls his eyes in response.

They spend countless hours shopping throughout the mall, mostly on Heechul’s insistence. Taemin grew bored of the activity after the music shop, but he follows Heechul around and picks out a couple things every now and again to appease the man. Finally, after Taemin has been dragged around the mall for hours, Heechul’s light and joking attitude pisses the teenager off.

“Is this a joke to you? Because it isn’t a joke to me.” Taemin tells him, and he’s quite proud of himself for keeping his voice from shaking.

“Taemin,” Heechul starts, but he can tell from the look in the boy’s eyes that he’s serious, “Taemin, this is not a joke.”

“Prove it.” Taemin challenges, and Heechul can only sigh as he takes the teenager to sit down on a bench.

“Taemin, tell me what you remember from your party.” Heechul says softly, but all he gets in return are the narrowed eyes of a certain teenager.

“Like I told your stupid members, I don’t remember anything.” Taemin seethes at the man, sitting as far away from him as he can.

“Then tell me what you know.” Heechul says in a firm voice, but Taemin only narrows his eyes at the singer sitting next to him.

They’re both quiet for a moment before Taemin finally speaks, “I know that I’m a burden and the biggest mistake of your life.”

The words are harsh, and Heechul can only imagine the way the boy felt when they were being yelled at him.

“Taemin,” Heechul pauses, unsure of exactly what to say, “Taemin, I was angry.”

“Are you going to tell me you didn’t mean it? Because I won’t believe you.” Taemin doesn’t give him a chance to speak, “You’re so full of .”

“Taemin, you’re not a mistake.” Heechul tells him, “What I did, what I said was a mistake, but you’re not, okay?”

Taemin doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even look at Heechul. The man leans closer to the boy, tries to get him to talk, but they’re interrupted by sudden shrieks and shouts of fans who finally recognized them. Before he can think, Heechul is grabbing Taemin’s arm with one hand, the other hand holding onto the bag of purchases from throughout the day as the two run out of the mall and through the streets.

“Will you slow down?” Taemin complains as they round a corner, his breath coming out in pants.

“Not until we get to the car, kid.” Heechul tells him through breaths, thankful when his car is finally in sight.

“Let go of me!” Taemin nearly shouts, but Heechul only tightens his grip on the boy before he practically shoves the kid in the back seat of his car, filing in after him.

“Get off!” Taemin grunts, pushing the man off of him when Heechul falls on top of him, “You’re heavy!”

“Hey!” Heechul glares at the kid, “Watch it, brat.”

“Don’t call me brat.” Taemin glares right back, and Heechul finally realizes how much the teenager looks like him when he makes that face, the medical having been ripped from his face in the middle of their dash to the car, “Will you just take me home, now?”

Heechul watches as the boy curls into himself and looks out the window, and he can only let out a sigh as he moves to get into the driver’s seat.

“Are you going to stay back there?” Heechul asks, and when he doesn’t receive an answer, he takes the silence as a ‘yes.’

As he promised before, Heechul puts in the CD he bought earlier, and he hopes that maybe the music will calm the kid down. He lets the movie soundtrack play the entire way back to the SHINee dorm, and he can see through the rear view mirror that Taemin is bobbing his head lightly to the beat of the faster songs, and he almost chuckles when he sees the kid lip syncing to a song that must be his favorite from the album. He makes sure to give Taemin his CD before they get out of the car, and he walks the dancer up to the apartment to say goodbye.

Taemin hardly pays him any attention, heading straight for the bedroom the five members share and essentially shutting Heechul out.

Despite the silent treatment he’s receiving from the kid, Heechul can’t help but smirk proudly when he sees the boy at a schedule a few days later wearing a hat that Heechul bought him.

A few days later, Taemin whines and drags his feet as Heechul leads him to his car, and he crosses his arms as he sits in the passenger seat of the man’s car.

“Why do you constantly drag me away from my dorm?” Taemin questions the man driving the car he’s in.

“This is only the second time I’ve done this, Taemin, and I gave you ample warning both times.” Heechul tells him in the same snappy tone the teenager is using with him.

“I have a schedule tomorrow.” Taemin retorts, crossing his arms and staring in confusion at the parking structure they’re pulling in to.

“I’m well aware of that, kid.” Heechul says as he pulls in to his usual parking space.

Taemin represses the groan he desperately wants to let out when Heechul leads him into the Super Junior dorm.

“What the hell are you doing?” He asks the man, who only smirks and hands him a movie, “What’s this?”

“You see, my dear Taemin, I pay attention to the little details.” Heechul tells him, and Taemin stares at him in disbelief.

“Like the little detail that I don’t wanna be here?” Taemin asks in an annoyed tone of voice.

They hear a snort from the kitchen, and Taemin rolls his eyes as Heechul starts yelling at someone to go away.

“Take me home. Now.” Taemin demands, tossing the movie on to the couch.

“Look, kid, I’ve had enough of your little attitude.” Heechul narrows his eyes, and Taemin copies his expression.

“Well I’ve had enough of you pretending like you care! So just take me home already! You can stop pretending now, I don’t care!” Taemin yells at him, and Heechul puts his hands on the boy’s shoulders and stares him in the eye as he sits the boy down on the couch.

“Taemin, I am trying as best I can to make this up to you, but you’re not giving me a chance.” Heechul says softly, and Taemin only glares at him.

“Why should I?” Taemin asks, “Why should I even give you the time of day?”

“Because, whether you like it or not, we’re both idols-“ Heechul starts, but before he can continue, the teenager sitting in front of him is talking with so much anger that it throws Heechul off.

“That’s all it comes down to, isn’t it? I’m an idol; that’s why you care. If I wasn’t an idol, you wouldn’t give two s about me.” Taemin spits out, and he leans forward to speak in a low voice, “And it’s true, isn’t it? Because I know you; I know you way better than you know me. And you probably don’t know anything about me.”

Taemin gets up to leave, intent on calling his manager to come pick him up when Heechul’s voice rings in his ears.

“Then let me get to know you; I’m trying, but I can’t get to know you if you don’t let me even try.” Heechul’s words are soft, but they’re spoken with such intensity that it makes Taemin freeze.

They’re both quiet for a long moment before Taemin decides to speak. His voice is soft, and what he says confuses Heechul at first.

“Halloween movies,” Taemin says quietly, his back still turned to Heechul, “I like Halloween movies.”

Heechul’s response is slightly delayed, because he’s shocked that the boy actually said something, “Let’s watch one, then. You like this one, don’t you? The soundtrack I got you was for this movie,”

He trails off, and Taemin nods slowly. Heechul eventually convinces the teenager to sit back down on the couch, and he’s bringing out drinks and popcorn for the two of them before he sets up the movie.

“So, just Halloween movies?” Heechul asks, and Taemin doesn’t look away from the screen.

“Well, Halloween and Christmas; those are the best movies.” Taemin says softly, “I like Halloween ones a little better, because they can be really scary and gory and stuff. This one’s the best, though, because it can be for both Halloween and Christmas.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty great, isn’t it?” Heechul asks, receiving a hum in response.

They spend the evening watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Heechul doesn’t think he’s ever had a better time watching an animated movie.

That’s how they start to really bond; the two watch Halloween and Christmas movies all throughout August. By the time September rolls around, Heechul’s sure that there isn’t a single holiday movie the two haven’t watched together, yet the teenager always finds a new one for them to watch. The boy has a strange fascination with gory horror movies, and Heechul ends up acting more like a kid than the actual kid because Taemin laughs at him whenever Heechul lets out a shrill shriek when the killer pops up out of nowhere. It annoys Heechul how the kid can continue shoveling popcorn into his mouth while someone’s being cut open on the screen, but he doesn’t question it. They spend most of September watching the horror movies Taemin is obsessed with, so when it’s finally October, they watch classic Halloween movies that the kid always ends up falling asleep during.

They’ve grown closer, but Taemin still seems so weary around Heechul that the man doesn’t really know what to do. The movies, while it’s something they’re able to bond over, aren’t going to solve all the problems of their relationship, and Heechul knows that. He notices that Taemin doesn’t really call him anything; he never really addresses him. The word “dad” doesn’t seem to be in Taemin’s vocabulary, and Heechul doesn’t blame him, but it still stings. He understands why the boy wouldn’t want to call him “hyung,” but he doesn’t even really call him “Heechul,” he just avoids addressing him at all.

He does, however, seem to enjoy calling him “old man,” much to the amusement of the people around them.

At least it’s a step up from “dickwipe,” which the kid took to calling him one week in August after Heechul called him “brat” again.

One day in October, a few days before Halloween, Heechul can only smile softly at the sleeping teenager slumped against his side. Taemin’s legs are curled up on the couch, his head leaning heavily against Heechul’s shoulder as soft breaths leave his mouth. The kid had a long schedule today, and he was surprised when Taemin showed up at his door with some old Halloween movie clutched in his hand. He wasn’t surprised, however, when he fell asleep forty minutes into the movie, so Heechul just wrapped his arm around Taemin’s shoulders, his hand rubbing up and down the boy’s arm absentmindedly. Heechul rests his chin on top of Taemin’s head, and he closes his eyes as he holds the boy closer to himself.

“I’m so sorry, Taemin.” His words are muffled and low, his lips moving to kiss the top of the boy’s head, “I’m really trying, though, Taemin; I really am.”

There’s no response, but Heechul wasn’t really expecting one, so he whispers softly into the teenager’s hair, “I hope one day you’ll forgive me, because I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but you aren’t one of them, Taemin.”

He’s surprised when the boy moves, but he figures the kid is just moving in his sleep, and Taemin’s face is now buried in his neck with one arm draped across Heechul’s lap. Heechul tightens his grip on the boy, bringing his other arm to twirl Taemin’s hair in his fingers.

He hadn’t realized that Taemin wasn’t completely asleep while he was talking.


A/N: I start college tomorrow, so updates may not be as frequent, just an fyi

But on the bright side, I have my first Creative Writing class tomorrow, which means hopefully soon my fics will be better lol

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sailorave #1
Chapter 8: I hope you can update this one. This one’s a cute story.
Chapter 8: Hope u find sometime updating this very cute story coz i love taemin so much and i like heechul the most among s...
Chapter 8: I just found this. I'm addicted. I need more. I'll be waiting for an update =D
Chapter 8: Oh wow I am glad that I found this story. It's very interesting.
Chapter 8: I'm so glad you updated. I adore this fic :)
Chapter 8: So cute!!!
problematicjane #7
Chapter 7: :( please update soon if you have time! :(
Chapter 4: Waaaaaah, still no update.... im so into ur updates, so pls authornim....
Chapter 5: Feeling sad... still no updates... hope you could write soon...