Episode 2 Part 2 - Questions and Some fun

We Got Married (Big Bang & Apink edition)



The pizza and fried chicken were almost entirely eaten, a few pieces of each left in their containers.  Taeyang watched as the Apink members playfully fought for the last of the food.


“So what are your schedules for the day, Eunji-ah?,” Taeyang asked as he turned to his wife, who was finishing a drink of cola.


“Us?  I’m pretty sure we have dance practice for our Japanese debut,” Eunji responded as she looked at her members for confirmation.  Bomi, still in the middle of chewing her pizza, nodded yes towards Eunji.


“Dance practice?  Ahhhhh, maybe I should have cooked something instead for us to eat, then bought pizza and chicken for afterwards,” Taeyang said after hearing their schedule.  “Not like there’s much I could have cooked though.”


“What can you cook, oppa?,” Chorong asked.  The members had gotten close to Taeyang over eating in order to call him oppa.


“Well, when it comes to cooking instant noodles, I’m no joke,” Taeyang chuckled, leading to laughter by the Apink girls.


“Eunji unnie likes instant noodles a lot!  But she eats them weird.  She dips the noodles into cold water before eating them,” Hayoung exclaimed before receiving a playful slap from Eunji.


“Really?  Dipping into water?,” Taeyang asked Eunji, puzzled by the explanation.  Eunji just nodded silently, acting the opposite of her usually personality.  “That doesn’t sound that bad, actually.  We should try it sometime,” Taeyang said surprisingly.  Eunji’s expression brightened a bit from this.


*Black Interview*


PD:  Did you mean what you said about the instant noodles?


Taeyang:  Well, I didn’t see the point in lying about it.  It does seem like a weird way to eat instant noodles, but I haven’t tried it so I wouldn’t have input on it, right?  And since it looked like Eunji-ah seemed embarrassed by it, I wanted to show that I didn’t think much of it. 


*End Black Interview*


Park Mi Sun:  Only their second day together and he already cares for Eunji well (leading to smiles from Chorong and Hayoung)


“Also, I don’t think a lot of people know this, but you know how in my song, I Need A Girl, kimchi fried rice is mentioned?  I can really cook that, and pretty well from what I’ve been told,” Taeyang continued.


There was a moment of silence, as the Apink members were probably visualizing the sight of kimchi fried rice.  Chorong snapped out of this first and asked, “Since you mentioned a song of yours, what about your newer songs?  What was the inspiration of Eyes, Nose, Lips?”


Hong Jin Young:  Omo!  Chorongie, how could you ask such a question?  Haha, it’s only their second day of marriage!  (laughter of the MCs started)


*Black Interview*


PD:  How did you feel when you heard Taeyang-shi might explain the inspiration behind his title track?


Eunji:  I don’t know why, but I felt a bit uneasy.  Hearing about someone I don’t know, but made a huge impact on his life.  How do you deal with that?  But of course, I listened to what he had to say.


*End Black Interview*


“Ahhhh, I figured this would come up sometime, but I’m not sure how to explain it,” Taeyang admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck.  “Ahhhh, you know the song, Some?  It goes, “It feels like we’re lovers, it seems like we’re lovers but not?”  Basically that’s how my relationship was a few years ago.  We had just become a couple, and the first year or so was great.  But then Big Bang as a whole went through a problem, and throughout this, Big Bang worked endlessly on our album, Alive.”  Taeyang paused as he looked to Eunji.  “That’s where everything went downhill since I was so busy, but everything ended positively.  It just took me a while to get over it.


“Ahhh, that must have been terrible, oppa,” Namjoo said.


“Yeah, it was.  The funny thing is that Eyes, Nose, Lips was the reason I was able to get over the whole thing, but it wasn’t meant to be in my album at all,” Taeyang chuckled.  “I thought it would bring back sad memories, but instead it cleared my mind for the better,” Taeyang said smiling, unconsciously touching Eunji’s hand.


“Yah!  Skinship!,” Naeun pointed out as she sat behind the “married” couple, leading to the two being embarrassed and the rest of Apink laughing.


“Oh, what about this?  Instead of your favorite song on your album, what about the song you hate the most?,” Hayoung suggested.


“Well, I don’t know about hating one of my songs, because I helped in making them, so I have some attachment to them.  However, I think This Isn’t It was probably the one I had the hardest time recording,” Taeyang explained.


“For real?  I think that’s the song that we listened to the most, though,” Eunji responded in disbelief.


“Really?  I felt like it was a bit too slow paced, but Yang sajangnim insisted that I choose that song.  Why did you guys like it?,” Taeyang asked.


The Apink members looked at each other, before Bomi decided to respond.  “Well, we all like to watch TV dramas, and This Isn’t It reminded us of an OST.  It was really mellow and fits the mood of sad moments in romance scenes.”


Taeyang thought for a bit after hearing the bit of praise that he got from Apink, before smiling a bit.  “Well then I guess it’s not such a bad song as I first thought then.  Thank you.”


*Black Interview*


PD:  How did you feel when you were being asked a lot of questions from the Apink members.


Taeyang:  If this were to happen a few years ago, I would’ve felt like I was being interrogated, but now after getting used to being interviewed about similar topics, it wasn’t that bad.  The fact that they seemed genuinely interested also helped, so I thank them for that.  (bowing to the camera before having a chuckle)


*End Black Interview*




As the Apink members helped to clean up, Taeyang was seen peaking at his phone.  “Oppa, expecting something?,” Eunji asked as she walked up to him.


“Yeah, but I think we should have some fun with this,” Taeyang explained as he showed Eunji the text message.


From:  Hugeboy Mino


Hyung~  Where is your room again?  I have your bag with me.


“Mino-sshi?  He’s coming right now?,” Eunji asked.


“He should be-,” Taeyang was interrupted by knocking on his apartment door.  “Here now.  You want to go, Eunji-ah?”  Eunji just smiled and silently nodded as she made her way to the door.  Taeyang went to the kitchen to quiet the girls down.


The scene switched to the outside of Taeyang’s apartment, where a wall-mounted camera filmed a man outside. 


Hong Jin Young:  Look!  It’s Song Minho from Winner!


Mino was seen texting on his phone with his back to the door, before starting to talk to himself.  “I am at the right apartment, right?”  At that moment, the door had opened, causing Mino to turn around.  “Hyung-…”


“Is that for me?  Thank you!,” Eunji had said, taking the bag, bowing to Mino, and closing the door before Mino had time to respond.


“A-A-Apink sunbaenim?”  Mino started to knock on the door quickly.  Eunji had opened the door with a questioning look.  “I-I think there’s been a mistake, Eunji sunbaenim.  I’m looking for Youngbae-…I mean Taeyang hyung’s apartment.  I’m sorry for coming to the wrong apartment, but I need that bag back-“


“Mino-ah, I thought you just came to drop off this bag,” Taeyang came to the door, holding the bag.


“H-h-hyung!,”  Mino exclaimed, confused about this whole situation.  “But-but why is Eunji sunbaenim here?


“Well, I’d think it’s fine if your wife visits your apartment sometimes, don’t you think?,” Taeyang said as he took Eunji’s hand gently.




Eric Nam:  Taeyang-sshi must like joking around, huh?


Hayoung:  Taeyang oppa said he does it because Mino oppa is a dork! (laughter from the MCs)


Park Mi Sun:  Wait.  You said Mino oppa!  (pointing at Hayoung)


The MCs turned their attention to the youngest there, who started to wave her hand in denial and using her other hand to hide her blushing.



Another short update from me so you guys know that I'm still here.  I'm just lurking and reading some other stories every now and then while schoolwork starts to increase.  Hopefully, I can write an update or two next week since it's a break for me.

Anyways, I have another story that I'll finish easily within two chapters, so go check it out here:  March 3rd

It's a short Taeyang x Chorong story, for any of those readers who are looking for more Taeyang x Apink.  I will say that this pairing was inspired by a fellow writer and sub of this WGM story, androneus14, so as a way to make up for my self promotion, why not check out their story as well (that is if you haven't already).  It's honestly one of the better stories I've read on this site.  Here it is:  Mending Hearts

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SehaAlais #1
Chapter 12: It is possible for you to continue it?or can u make gd and eunji
nurul_9909 #2
Chapter 12: Update pleasee
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 12: So good to see you back! Sweet chappie!
SecretAgent11 #4
Chapter 12: Update soon please :)
Ramonstar #5
Chapter 12: nice job,keep update ok
Chapter 11: somehow I feel like you'll do this.
Anyway, I'm happy as you too!! Woah! We're celebrating it here, in my place. It's kinda stupid, but we're super happy here. Hhaha
Berlianvelia #7
Chapter 10: Aaah.. finally apink and bigbang meet each other :) love how SeungRi being a fanboy of apink.. and the brewing relationship between Eunji and Taeyang really cute :)
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 10: Your chapter brightened my day! Thank you!! Study hard and eat well!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #9
Chapter 10: An update !! It's a pity that it's taking a month for an update but you have your own life so we'll wait for your updates ! Really good fic you have here :)
B-Bang #10
Chapter 10: It's really a long time.............1 update/month @@

But it's worth :) BTW, don't be sad...it's time for Big Bang and Apink =))