In Five Years

Sinking with you, Diving for you

“Well, it’s pretty late. My dad’s been calling me, and I should get back before the bus stops.” Naeun sternly stated, grabbing her backpack over her shoulders and slowly and quietly standing up so that no extra noise would wake the soundly asleep Chanhee.

A bit bewildered at the fact that the girl was leaving already-- although Chanyeol had feared that this moment would come-- he quickly stood up as well.

He gently walked out, one step before the girl.

The two were headed out of the hospital and the moment Naeun placed her hand on the big metal doorknob that led out to the chilly spring night, Chanyeol grabbed onto the girl’s other wrist.

He pulled her away from the door and towards him. With that one swing of his arms the girl fumbled towards the boy.

Now they were inches away from each other.

“I'm Park Chanyeol.” The boy finally spoke, as he looked slightly down at the girl.
She looked up.

“I…” Chanyeol tried to arrange the words in his mind to eloquently say something along the lines of: “ I really like you but I don’t know what to do about it because I now have moved hours away from where you probably live and I have a younger brother who is sick that I have to take care of and I don’t know how to, I have not even completed high school and I don’t know what I’m going to do to make the money I need to live and take care of my brother, I don’t know how my future will look like, I don’t know what my tomorrow will look like, but I just want you to be in my future, I want to keep seeing you, I don’t know what it is but something about you makes me feel like I have finally grasped the idea of what love might be and I want to get to know you. And eventually be your boyfriend.” But he knew it wouldn’t make sense. He knew things wouldn’t come so easily.

Instead, he took the leather braided bracelet on his wrist and put it around her wrist.
“I want to give, I mean. I want you to take care of this bracelet for me. Chanhee gave it to me for my 18th birthday, for being the best brother. I would only deserve this bracelet when I support him through what’s he will be dealing with.” He finished tying the bracelet around Naeun’s wrist.

“Five years. In five years, Chanhee would be done with his treatments, and he would be completely cured. In five years, I’d be much better of a guy than I am today. In five years, we’ll be grown up. In five years, today. At this time. I’ll be at the bus station we met. Let’s meet again. And bring me back the bracelet I put on you today. Acknowledge me for really proving that I’m a great brother. Tell me that you are happy that Chanhee is now healthy. In five years, untie that bracelet on your wrist and tie it back to my wrist. And in five years, I’ll confess that I think I fell in love with you in the first hours we spent together. And in five years, allow me to get to know you, allow me to be your boyfriend.”

After Chanyeol finished spitting out the string of words, The girl seem to have thought deeply into it for few seconds before nodding.

“I’ll wait five years. But…”

Naeun tip-toed and quickly pecked the boy’s lips.

“Who knows what’s going to happen in five years, I would want you to be my first kiss.”

With that the girl left. The boy stood in place.

She turned back before walking away from Chanyeol’s sight and waved in a big motion.

Chanyeol broke into his big smile for the first time that day, and he waved back.

He stood there for the next thirty minutes.

Thinking about the girl that flashed before his eyes like a sweet dream, and hoping for the day he would see her again. -- In five years.

Lots of things change in five years. How about true love?

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Ishhhc #1
Chapter 5: Ohhh! Pls update..
lovestory123 #2
Chapter 4: New reader!!!
Please update author-nim!!
koala_panda #3
Please update auThor..I miss your story
koala_panda #4
Chapter 4: oh my gosh..naeun kissed chanyeol kekeke..i hope they will meet in 5 years..please keep update
koala_panda #5
Chapter 3: wow...i like it..please update soon
Stepfanietaeun #6
I like it update soon author
CubeLoverNaeun #7
Chapter 1: A NaYeol fanfic ^^
I like it,Do update soon
moonlevine #8
Looking forward to seeing your update
koala_panda #9
Chapter 1: i like chanyeol and naeun's rare to see their fanfic..thank u..hope u will update soon