Chapter 1

Disaster Darling

07:56. I looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. There's still approximately 4 more minutes before I prepare for school. I like to organize each and every mental thing of my life. My family comes from an average-income household, but we still have that occasional month where we need to pull up our socks. I'm not the only child, nor am i the maknae. I have a younger brother who goes to the same school as me, and even though he acts like a really annoying brat sometimes, he also has his mature moments. 


0:800. Damn, time flies so fast. I get up and do the usual. 


Upon reaching school with my mother's garlic bread in my mouth, I mentally slap myself. There's physical education today, what more as the first period of the day. I should've came to school late. After the morning assembly and changing into my exercise clothes, I sulk, wanting the period to end faster.


"Jung Mihyun!" Seolbin, my best friend ever since I can't recall when, ran to my side.


I have no idea how she got me into playing ball with her but I guess I should've known her motive when she'd called me. Girl's got some skills in persuading people..


I was actually having fun until I mis-hit the ball she'd thrown. The ball flies like some magnificent bird to somewhere far. I quickly run to fetch it, but halfway through, I saw a figure approaching the ball, or is it just the ball flying towards that figure? Having no time to think, my left eye twitches furiously as I pick up speed.


"Crap!" Oh no, not again.. Just when will the day come where I won't embarrass myself for once?! I quickly run to the person. I'm an all-rounder. But unfortunately, the bad side of being good at everything is that I have a knack of being very clumsy, which easily embarrasses myself. Eh? I was pretty sure I hit a girl.. Approaching closer, I realize that the "girl" I hit is actually a guy that looked the same year as me. Wow, I guess even this y school has some cute guys. 


"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, panting. "Are you okay?" Please, god, not another complaint to my homeroom teacher.. I can't risk having to stay back and listen to that prude lecture about "delicacy" today.


The person looks up slowly. I'm jealous, he has such a gentle and angelic face, I thought. I forgot that looks doesn't equal personality..


"YAH. What the is wrong with you?! Are you trying to pick a fight with me, you horse-face?!"  The cherubic-faced guy lashes out harshly. WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?


"EXCUSE ME. Are you blind or what?! You're the one who didn't see the ing ball coming!" I retort, exasperation mixed with confound flushing my face. Wow, what a d*ck. Just who does he think he is to cuss at me and call me names? Yes I'm sorry for the ball that I threw and had hit you, but it wasn't like i did it on purpose! 


"Watch your steps well, little horsie, don't think I will forgive and forget what you've done to my face." He spat out, and walks away. He wasn't bruised or anything, just annoyed that a dirty ball had touched his precious treasured face. The fact that today was not his best day also contributes a whole lot to his irritation at the girl. Damn it, I came out to the field to take a breather, away from those annoying fan girls, not to be slapped by some idiotic ball threw by a horse.


I stand there, astounded. Today isn't starting well at all. Returning to Seolbin, I told her all about what had happened. 


"Eh? Really? But he seems so nice and cute!" Seolbin's face tells me she doesn't believe me. Whatever, I'll just have a big heart and let it go. Can't allow some ill-mannered cute wait, no, i mean, ill-mannered bast*rd get to me.


And it was an easy feat, considering I did not see him at all for the next few days. But life always has twists. He just has to pop up when and where I least expects him to...





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