Western Kimchi

Western Kimchi

Title : Western Kimchi
Author : BlackCherry
Rating : PG-13
Warning : None

The signboard was old. No doubt about it. The wood was cracked from end to end, covered by dust, sear by heat. One could wonder how it still stood erect. The black flaked paint indicated:


Welcome to Insomnia, town of eternal rest”

Hangeng gathered the reins of his horse together and spurred on it. Being accommodating, the mustang shook its head briefly and got back on the road to the town. Both really needed some rest. Eternal or not, it was just a detail that they thought nothing of at that instant. A good beer and a haystack, here were what they claimed.

The path that uncoiled under the horse’s hooves s in the dust, between some tufts of short grass, to the first habitations. The sun, high in the sky, prevented Hangeng to distinguish their edges clearly. The heat made blurred all relief. All he saw was brown heaps that waved like a mirage on the blue field. Not a single cloud went to bring its welcomed freshness, not a single promise of a saving rain on the horizon. Hangeng readjusted his hat, wiping in passing a drop of sweat that was hurtling down his temple.

When the pair reached the main street, he noticed that it was nap time in town. Too much heat, too much sand in the air… On his left, the canopy of the blacksmith farrier was deserted. His mustang would have to wait to have its little manicure. Its horseshoes would hold another few hours. On the right, the door of the mortician’s store was wide open. Hangeng discerned some caskets in the pipeline, through the dust-stained pane. A vulture stood quietly on the rail where swung lazily the store name.

“Choi Siwon. We assure you comfort up to the afterlife.”

What a lovely prospect. Hangeng his lips and followed his route. A metallic sound made him turned over. The rail was empty. The vulture had disappeared.

Ill at ease, Hangeng stoke the neck of his horse. The town of eternal rest. It was just twaddle. All towns in the desert wore the same malediction. He was still alive. Anyway, he never loved birds.

The rider and his horse ended to arrive to the one and only crossing of the town. In the middle stood a gallows that rope was fluttering heavily with the wind. Perched at the top, the vulture offered them a disdainful look. A look that meant: maybe the next place is for you, gringo. Hangeng ignored it haughtily and rode down his horse. The saloon, just at their right, was waiting for them. When his mustang was tied into the shade, in front of a trough, he checked that his Colt was right here and pushed against the flaps of the entrance.


Ryeowook was furious. His pianist was nowhere to be found, once again. The guys were losing patience, in the room, Heechul wouldn’t do his act without music! Even if the audience was here to get an eyeful more than something else, Ryeowook didn’t want that his bar turn into a brothel. He was firm about it. A bit of restraint couldn’t hurt. And if those bumpkins weren’t happy, they could go to hell.

Did you found him? he sharply asked in going back in his star’s dressing room.

Heechul gave a snobbish pout. With an elegant move, he stood up in making rustle his dress.

He surely is knocking around with the sheriffs new guy, once again’, he said. Check the bathroom or behind the saloon.

Ryeowook rolled his eyes, held in a curse and disappeared in the hallway. Heechul sat down again, turned over to the mirror of his dressing table and sighed. Once again, it would be a show where everybody would be here to admire his thighs, not his talent. Yet, he had a nice voice, when one took the time to listen. Whatever he wore a diva’s behavior, he sometimes would like that someone linger over another thing that his look. Behind rants and resounding slaps hid a romantic side. That simple idea made him snort.

You’re just a tenderfoot, Kim Heechul, he said to his reflection in the mirror. Today isn’t the day the prince charming will wrest you from the dry misery of that rat-hole.

Heechul liked declaimed long grandiose monologues. The others were too stupid to understand what he said, anyway. He threw a kiss in front of the mirror to himself, lips as red as the inflamed passion that made him alive.

Let’s make some heads spin before the show, my lady.

And he went in the hallway, head high and hips waving.



Behind the saloon, in the back alley where they accumulated garbage and other cigarettes cadavers, things had considerably heated up. As if the burning sun wasn’t enough. Hands made their way clumsily along a worn jean. Kyuhyun smiled when ravaging with kisses the slender neck that was offered to him.

If… if someone sees…
Never mind.

Here was the fun. The fear to get caught was a considerable driving force for excitation. And Kyuhyun was a man who loved living dangerously. For a body like the one he had between his arms, he would take all the risks. Apparently, his behavior was catching. His partner slid a leg between his thighs and d his cheeks in a not so innocent way.

Oh, Min

Sungmin smirked, cheeks red and short of breath. He did well hand-to-hand. He hadn’t became the sheriff assistant in being lazy all the day behind a desk. Their game could have been much more interesting if a little tornado hadn’t sprang up in the alley. With blazing eyes, Ryeowook rushed to them and caught Kyuhyun by the ear pronto.

You, damn slacker, who allowed you to go out! he exclaimed in tearing him from his sweet embrace. We’re waiting for you to begin, you want to ruin me, yeah?
Ow! Wookie!
Don’t Wookie me! For you, it’s Boss!

With spite, he pushed his pianist to the artist’s entrance. Then, angrily, he turned over to Sungmin who became beet-red.

As for you, shove off! And I don’t want to see you around him anymore, OK?
Get outta my sight!

Sungmin had a firearm, he was well-versed in fight and guarded jails like nobody. Though, he stepped backwards in front of the small bartender’s fury. After a last glance at Kyuhyun, the assistant ran for his life without further ado. Fists placed on his hips in a very motherly attitude, chest stuck out, Ryeowook let out a disdainful “hmpf”. Behind him, Kyuhyun was massaging his ear. When his boss turned over, he regretted immediately to be still here.

But what are you still doing here! Ryeowook yelled. Go change! And go in the restroom before, Goodness, I don’t run a brothel!

Shameful, the young pianist gave a look at his crotch and moaned in frustration. He returned to his dressing room under Ryeowook’s threats, swearing to get revenge for that affront. A cactus in his boot… He would get what he deserves.


All the eyes turned automatically to the door when Hangeng walked inside the saloon. Discussions stopped, establishing a silence only broke by the flies’ buzzing. The stranger gave a hint of a smirk. He moved to the bar, where nobody was here to serve him. The noise of his spurs resonated in the whole room. Cling. Cling. Cling. Looking casual, he leaned on his elbows on the counter and began to roll a cigarette. The man on his right give him a sharp-eyed look.

Where do you come from, stranger?
From nowhere and elsewhere, Hangeng answered. He tamped the tobacco in his paper. I travel here and there. And you?

He turned his head. His interlocutor had hair as black and unkempt as a crow nest. Under the rim of his hat, his almond-shaped eyes scanned him with curiosity. Then, in one go, he stretched his hand and brushed the base of Hangeng’s nose, just at the edge of his lips. Hangeng jumped back, stupefied, hand on his Colt. Laughs burst out from everywhere and, finally, the atmosphere regained his calm. The strange cow-boy smiled to him and held him his hand.

My name is Yesung and I come from nowhere, too. Maybe we met here, one day. Delighted.

Hangeng blinked. With caution, he considered the stretched hand like a spider ready to bite. His fingers were strangely small. But finally, he accepted the handshake.

At this moment, a person clothed with a long rustled red dress made their appearance. They slammed the stage door without discretion. Some whistles flew in the air. They sent some ravishing winks to the consumers and, suddenly, caught Hangeng’s eye. The cow-boy shivered. These embers eyes pierced him like a white hot poker. He barely noticed that their chest strangely lacked size for a young woman. Yesung put his hand on the stranger’s shoulder.

Thats Heechul, he whispered. He’s the one in charge of singing here. Don’t come near him if you want to stay out of troubles. You’re not the only one who looks at him like you do.

Then the strange cow-boy got off of his stool, greeted Heechul with his hat and left the room. But how detached his look from such a beauty? Hangeng thought of. Was it even possible to struggle when he already was bewitched? Silently, he watched the singer slipped behind the bar, smile on the lips, and came near him. A fragrance of his perfume his nostrils.

What would you like, stranger ? he asked with a charming voice.

Hangeng confined himself to stare at these red lips, his fingers beating the counter like if he was thinking. The line of this swan-like neck seemed to call him.

What you have to offer, he answered, looking at him.

Heechul gave him a pout, half-surprised half-appreciative. Slowly, he put his gloved elbows on the wooden counter and placed his chin on the back of his hand. He fluttered his fake eyelashes. Bent to the stranger. Hangeng smelt the scent of his powder, of the flowers in his hair.

Don’t ask what’s forbidden, Heechul whispered in his ear.

His breath slid along the cow-boy’s neck, covered in sweat. Hangeng gulped and realized the dryness of his throat. His hand approached to grab the singer’s one. A new ounce of surprise crossed Heechul’s eyes. Hangeng felt his heart do a jolt. Courteously, he gave him a hand-kissing.

A beer would be perfect to wait for better, he smiled.

The singer’s confusion dispersed quickly, but the stranger saw it anyway. Heechul disappeared a moment behind the counter to grab a tankard. He filled it directly from the barrel and handed it to his special customer.

On stage in five minutes! Ryeowook suddenly hissed.

Heechul and Hangeng started in concert. When did the bartender arrived? Briefly, the singer leaned to the new customer.

Meet me tonight, in the back alley.

Hangeng just had the time to understand that Heechul had already disappeared by the stage door. Oh. This stopping place turned out more interesting than he thought at the beginning. Staring into space, a silly grin on the lips, the stranger tasted his beer under Ryeowook’s suspicious look.



The pianist jumped in leaving the restroom. Before he could close his trouser, Heechul hurled himself at him and grabbed him by the shoulders.

If you up anything during the show, I’ll kill you, got it? the singer threatened.
Hey, I’m getting dressed, do you mind?

Heechul fluttered his eyelids. He looked down. Then he freed the young pianist while giggling. Red-cheeked, Kyuhyun turned his back on him in order to rearrange his outfit. Then he realized that he had to change anyway and sighed. The singer’s sniggers pursued him until he was behind the screen.

So… Someone was discovered? he teased.
Ryeowook is a total maniac.
That’s not a breaking news. Is he gifted?

Kyuhyun froze while pulling on his scene trouser. He wanted to say something cool and relax but his silence was longer than predicted.

Hey, I didn’t imagine him so naughty, that little deputy, Heechul laughed. Is he in on the deal with handcuffs and…
Shut up! Kyuhyun shouted. We could have cook an egg on his cheeks. It was hard enough with Ryeowook so for pity’s sake, don’t lay it on thick.
Don’t worry, you’ll find some seconds to get it on with it, the singer said. I dunno if Wookie sleeps at night but maybe when he goes to the bathroom you could…
Do you mind if we change of subject? Why did you attack me? I never up at the piano!

This time, it was Heechul’s turn to blush. With a speed to make a rattlesnake envious, he rushed to his dressing table to modify his makeup.

There is a guy in the room, he explained eagerly. A man. A Man with a great M, if you know what I mean. Handsome as a Greek god. And a gentleman on top of that.
No kidding? Kyuhyun said with irony while getting out the screen, good and ready.

A simple look to Heechul’s expression was sufficient to convince him that he wasn’t kidding. Oh. A Man then.

So you don’t want to be ridiculous, do you?
He’s probably the only chance I have to get away from here!

This time, Kyuhyun blinked, looking worried. A crowd of disaster scenarios tumbled out in his brain. Alarmed, he put his hand on Heechul’s shoulder.

Listen… I know that it looks fantastic, all of this, but you’re forgetting Kangin.

The singer’s face darkened in the mirror. A bit calmer, he put down his mascara, that he closed cautiously before sighing and turning to his pianist.

No. I’m not forgetting him. But I don’t care.

And, looking determined, he headed towards the door of their dressing room.

Come on, before Ryeowook gets his over here.

Kyuhyun breathed heavily with distress. He was certain that this day would end badly.


You’re cheating.

Donghae opened his eyes wide, insulted by the unjustified attack of his sidekick.

Rubbish! he protested. You cannot prove it!

Facing him, Eunhyuk let out a disdainful sigh. His face was resolutely hidden behind his row of carts.

I just know it. Lee Donghae is a cheater!
Me, at least, don’t keep my carts all pressed like a maniac!
So you confess to your cheating! Anyway, you’re the Old Maid!
Not true! Teukie!
Eunhyuk, leave him alone.
He’s cheating! Eunhyuk exclaimed. Stop supporting him! Just because he’s your favorite!
He’s not…
Shut your gob.

This time, the silence came back around the table. Eyes glued to the stage, devouring Heechul, Kangin didn’t even spare them a glance. He swallowed his drink in one go when the singer flippantly unveiled his garter belt in the front stage. Donghae and Eunhyuk exchanged a look, sulking. It was so boring here… Nothing was better than a good diligence hold-up, the hot and dry air of the desert, the feverish chases, the cactus in… No, not the cactus. The two sidekicks felt so much better outside than inside. Here, what could they do ? Heechul always gave them a slap if they dared to whistle at him, they never drank alcohol because they didn’t hold their liquor, they couldn’t fight because of Ryeowook. And now, they couldn’t even calmly play carts ? What a world ! On top of that, Kangin was just a git. That shady mayor just wanted money and Heechul. To Eunhyuk and Donghae’s eyes, he had quite dubious tastes. He didn’t even admit that he was a true bandit ! And he was one, he was just dressed better. But unfortunately, Leeteuk was the head of their gang. As he was crazy about Kangin and followed him everywhere, so Donghae and Eunhyuk did the same. It was so boring…


Immediately, the white-dressed bandit sat up straight on his chair. Kangin lit a cigar and puffed on it for a long time. The mayor stared at a specific spot, near the bar. The whole table followed his eyes. They saw that stranger, daydreaming, who was looking blissfully at the stage. Nobody missed Heechul’s wink. Nor the cow-boy silly smile. The three bandits gulped when they saw Kangin’s eyelid twitched.

Keep a close eye to that guy. And, if necessary, remind him nobody touches what’s mine.
Yes, Boss. Of course, Boss, Leeteuk said with pomposity.

However, Donghae and Eunhyuk didn’t miss their leader’s disgusted and sad face. Their little beloved leader, mangled by that big …


When Hangeng went out the bar, the night was practically here. He was feeling changed. After the alluring show Heechul gave him, nothing had succeeded in entertaining him. He had talked about things with the barman, then with the pianist and had even played darts with two young and very enthusiastic cow-boys. The one who seemed to be their boss, a guy all dressed in white, didn’t stay for a long time. He had followed an imposing man, who had always a cigar glued between his lips, to the dressing room. The stranger had ended his night by a last drink with the town’s mortician, a certain Siwon.

With an atrociously silly face, Hangeng got nearer his horse. He its neck. The animal snorted and neighed gently to greet him. The cow-boy looked at the sky.

The moon is so beautiful, don’t you think?

If it could, the mustang would have raised its eyebrows. Its rider didn’t seem to be okay. Had he been drinking too much? It wasn’t his style. Hangeng began to smile. His horse found it was the scariest thing in the world.

But him… He was so much more beautiful. If you had seen him, you would agree.

Oh no! It was worst. His cow-boy was in love! Its eyebrows metaphorically knitted, the mustang extended its neck and pinched his rider’s hand. Hangeng yelped in surprise.

Are you mad? he shouted. What are you doing?

His horse had an outraged neigh to emphasize its disagreement. In love? What a silly idea! But Hangeng misinterpreted that cry. Love had a lot to do with it.

My date! He may be waiting for me already?

And without a look back, the stranger headed for the bar’s back street quickly. Heechul, my sweet Heechul.


You were sublime tonight.

Sitting in front of his dressing table, Heechul raised an offended eyebrow. The reflection in his mirror showed Kangin’s silhouette on the door’s frame. A vague white form indicated that his little lamb was also here.

And I’m not, usually? Heechul asked stiffly.

Kangin burst out laughing and the sound bristled his back. The town mayor went into the dressing room and, without true gentleness, put his calloused hands on the singer’s pale shoulders. Heechul suppressed a grimace. He couldn’t even rely on Kyuhyun. The pianist had taken advantage of Ryeowook’s rare negligence to slip away and play lover-boy in the sheriff’s office. Heechul grabbed a brush and powdered his nose.

Did you think about going out tonight? Kangin asked suddenly.
Maybe, Heechul eluded. The weather is nice.
And that handsome stranger too, isn’t it?

That time, the singer couldn’t hide his disarray. The mayor’s fingers dug in the skin of his shoulders. Heart beating fast, Heechul saw his reflection lose all his colors. Kangin smiled.

Leeteuk. Take a look at the back.

The bandit disappeared in a white flash. The singer gulped. Kangin then leaned to his ear. With an almost gentle hand, he replaced a bang lost on Heechul’s face.

Have I to remind you who you belong to, Heechul? Kangin smiled.

The threat was subtle. Though, the mayor usually didn’t go in for subtleties. This situation was so much worse than the previous ones…

Don’t even think about escaping from me. Otherwise, Romeo could buy it. Understood?

The mouth as dry as a sack of sand, Heechul agreed. When the mayor decided to leave him alone, the singer exploded with rage. He caught one of his makeup tub and threw it violently to his mirror. His reflection multiplied in a myriad of stars. Heechul could see his tears shine in each one of them.


The back alley was dark and narrow. But Hangeng was too happy to realize it. His heat was beating a tattoo in a sweet and heady melody. He nearly heard Heechul’s voice lulled his eardrums. The singer wasn’t here yet. The cow-boy leaned against the saloon and waited patiently. He was ready to wait for hours just to see such a beauty again. For days. For months. Even for a whole life, if he had to!

Some minutes later, a door slammed to his right. The stranger stood up straight, a smile already painted on his face. But it was just that white cow-boy. What did he do here? The man with his cigars wasn’t with him.

Waiting for someone? Leeteuk asked bluntly.

Hangeng hadn’t even the time to answer. The white cow-boy pulled a revolver out his coat and pointed the stranger’s head.

If so, you did a mistake.

Hangeng held his breath. This guy looked pretty irritable. Just one misinterpreted movement and he would be pumped full of lead. He remembered Yesung’s words. He wasn’t the only one lusting after Heechul. Was this guy chasing after him, too?

Listen… Hangeng said slowly. I don’t want to hurt Heechul.
Heechul, now?

Leeteuk burst out laughing, full of bitterness. With his thumb, he cocked his weapon’s hammer. The click resonated into the night air.

Heechul is just a everyone fight over without anyone understand why. He’s here and poof!, everyone is at his foot.

He moved forward, his face had drawn features. Hangeng went back, hands raised in a sign of peace. If he didn’t find an idea quickly, he was ready to be one of Siwon’s customer.

You know what? Leeteuk continued. It would suit me you was off with Heechul. But no chance for you, stranger, you have your heart set on the wrong person. The game is already private.
It’s the cigar guy, isn’t it? the cow-boy said. Your boss.

Leeteuk’s eyes darkened. Hangeng leaped forward without hesitate. Before the white cow-boy could react, both men rolled on the ground. The stranger took advantage of the surprise to got his revolver out of him. But the next events weren’t in his favor.

You bastard, let go of Teukie!

The two men on the ground didn’t even realize what happened. Two furious cannonballs hurled themselves at them with a rage cry. Hangeng got a blow on his head and swore a maniac was biting his calf. The stranger struggled the best he could. Leeteuk screamed. Taken this as a signal, Donghae and Eunhyuk did the same wholeheartedly. The racket then brought a new protagonist.

Shindong was sheriff since a long time. To tell the truth, he came with the town. He had known all the formers, the miners, the builders, the gold-diggers. In that time, everything was easier. We locked up marginals, the ones who had a funny face and the ones who thought they were smarter than him. Now… everyone was sneaky. Nobody took the role of public troublemaker on any more. In that time, we recognize them by far, they were the noisiest. Now… argh, now, it wasn’t the same. Only Donghae and Eunhyuk perpetuated the great tradition. Shindong liked them. They were fair-play. Unlike that , Kangin. As for him, he loved secret traffics and was pretty smug of it. Showing himself noisily wasn’t his style. Oh yeah, he was a great show-off. But about noise? Sheesh, he was hopeless.

So when the sheriff eared the racket from behind the saloon, he felt thrilled. There was a chance that it was just one of Ryeowook’s tantrum, who had a special skills to doing noise too, Shindong admitted. When he saw a fight, a true one, taking place right in front of his eyes, he thought he could cry. Blurry eyes, a trembling smile on the tip of his lips, he got out his shotgun from his coat and shot aloft. Ah, the smell of gunpowder…

What’s that mess, you in’ bumpkins? he hurled with passion.

Ah, he was right. Donghae was part of the bunch. And if Donghae was here, Eunhyuk must be, too. The four protagonists stood up straight. The two youngers’ face, covered with dust, was a feast to Shindong’s eyes. He was more surprised to recognize Leeteuk, he who was usually so careful. The last one, he never saw him. He would do a guilty party according to all indications, like in the good old days.

Hangeng was attacking Teukie! Donghae moaned.
He wanted to take his revolver! Eunhyuk added.
Enough, Shindong said.

His heart was beating joyfully in his chest. He felt so alive! He appointed Leeteuk with the barrel of his gunshot.

Tell me what happened.

Leeteuk gave Hangeng a nasty glance.

That guy attacked me, he muttered. He wanted to go in the dressing room.
I’m sure he wanted to see Heechul bathes! Eunhyuk exclaimed.

Stupefied, Hangeng didn’t even know how to defend himself. That situation was so ridiculous! The sheriff couldn’t believe such a… But Shindong sponged down his forehead with a handkerchief.

One is a bit suicidal, isn’t it? he said with a paternalistic tone. Let’s go cool your heels for a while. Donghae, Eunhyuk, take him to my office. Say to Sungmin to put him in cell.

Beaming, the two young bandits gabbed Hangeng each one by an arm. The stranger didn’t even try to struggle. Why fighting when the whole town was eat up by corruption? Shindong then turned to Leeteuk.

Let’s go to Kangin, the sheriff said. We have to talk.

Sullen, the white cow-boy just raise his shoulders by consent. Kangin would be so happy… The idea turned his stomach.


Meanwhile, in the sheriff office, things were less harsh and sad. On the contrary. Kyuhyun was feeling perfectly good sat in the sheriff’s armchair, his deputy straddling his laps. Ryeowook would never disturb them here. And there was no show tonight. Sungmin and him had all the night. Kisses were more and more burning. Hand were more daring. All could have taken place as predicted but someone knocked on the door. Short-breathed, the deputy leaped out the armchair. Kyuhyun tried to caught his hand in vain.


They knocked on again insistingly. If Shindong found the pianist here, he would so kick up a row… Sungmin didn’t want to deal with a lesson once again. Kyuhyun stood up and embraced him from behind to kiss his neck.

No, Kyu!
But Min…

However, Kyuhyun didn’t have much time to protest. When someone was now knocking on the window, Sungmin grabbed his suitor by his arm and threw him in the nearest broom closet. The pianist got back his bad mood.

You kidding me, right! he exclaimed.
Of course not!

Sungmin took his face between his hands and kissed him with passion.

Be quiet! I lock you. And hope it’ll be quick!

And then Sungmin violently closed the door. One step later, he reached the desk, put his hat on his head and opened the main door. Fortunately, he had closed it after Kyuhyun’s arrival.

But it wasn’t Shindong on the front steps. The deputy recognized the two disaster brothers easily: Donghae and Eunhyuk. Between them, a handsome cow-boy he had never see was kept captive. Sungmin raised one eyebrow. Was it one of their game once again?

What do you want? he asked.
Dongie said you must throw him in jail! Donghae explained with spirit. He attacked Teukie!

The deputy glanced at Eunhyuk, who agreed eagerly. All for that… Sungmin sighed and stepped aside to let the small group enter.

Alright. You can put him in cell if you want. And take his revolver. Let it on the desk.
Yes Minnie!

Sungmin made a face. He so hated that ridiculous nickname… Even Kyuhyun didn’t dare to call him that. The two numbskulls so threw their prisoner in his cell joyfully, didn’t forget to relieve him of his revolver and closed the door carefully. Sungmin took care of the final lock.

Now, be serious, the deputy said turning to the bandits. I’m sure you miss Leeteuk.
Yes, Eunhyuk admitted.
But he’s with Kangin and Dongie, Donghae sulked.
So I’m certain he needs a big hug. You know that guy makes him sad. Come on, clear off.

Eunhyuk and Donghae so left the sheriff’s office while humming some demonic plans against Kangin. Sungmin kept a close watch on them from the front steps, just to be sure, and closed the door, sighing. A prisoner. What a luck. That prison was empty since aeons and, of course, someone arrived just when Kyuhyun was meeting him. Their relationship was certainly damned…

Looking tired, he sat loudly in Shindong’s armchair. He turned his head to his left. In his cell, the stranger was sat on the bench and was looking to the ground. Sungmin sighed again. It had happened too often to his liking today.

Why did you attack Leeteuk? he asked with interest. He’s quite calm, usually.

The cow-boy raised his head, looking dark.

He was threatening me with his gun. He was looking nervous. I didn’t want to be shot, that’s all.
Why did he threatened you? Did you cheat to win the cards game?

The stranger let out a forced laugh.

Not at all. I was just waiting for Heechul, the singer, behind the saloon. He made a date with me here. I suppose that it wasn’t to everyone’s liking…

All became clear in the deputy’s head. He sighed once again. Obviously. Only a stranger could venture to date Heechul. Everyone in town knew he was Kangin’s exclusive property. It was sad for the singer, who hated the mayor to the core, but what could they do? Kill Kangin? It would have been great for the town, but it would still be a murder.

I share your pain, Sungmin said. Today isn’t a lovers’ day.

And, just at that moment, bangs resonated from the broom closet’s door. Kyuhyun! The deputy stood up immediately and freed him without delay. The pianist’s feature was deformed by anger.

You didn’t think about leaving me here all the night, did you? he exclaimed.

Sungmin frowned.

They brought me a prisoner. What did you want? That I told them to wait behind the door and give us some time to finish?
Of course n… Oh, forget it…

That day was already ruined anyway, why was he insisting? Sungmin quickly stoked Kyuhyuns cheek and went back to his chair. The pianist followed in his footsteps. He froze when he recognized the prisoner.


The cow-boy gave him a weak smile. Kyuhyun came near the cell and grabbed the bars.

What are you doing here?
He wanted to make eyes at Heechul, Sungmin explained. You know how is Kangin…
It can’t continue like this.

That sentence, everyone already heard it. Since Kangin was the mayor, nobody was free anymore. Unfortunately, what could they do? But this time, Kyuhyun’s tone was different. It sounded stronger, as if he just made a decision. Sungmin sat up straight on his armchair.

And what do you want? Kill him?

Kyuhyun gave him a look, then looked back at Hangeng. The stranger had raised his head too.

Heechul mopes around. Since Hangeng entered the saloon, it’s the first time I saw him so radiant. I don’t want to see him sad anymore just because Kangin ruined his life.
And what do you suggest?

That time, the pianist had a devilish smile. Hangeng stood up to come near the door of his cell, wide-eyed.

We’ll help them to escape.


Siwon was mortician. A rather sinister profession for a heaps of people. All of them potential clients. And Siwon had a lot of respect for clients, like all bright businessmen. The client was his source of income. Siwon dolled up them all as if each one of them was his closest friend. All became his friend, one day or another.

His second passion, after people, was horses. Unfailing partners of all self-respecting cow-boys, they passed hours in galloping under the sun and in dust. To his eyes, horses also deserved respect. And that poor mustang, tied in front of the saloon since hours, needed some comforting. Siwon got down to wisp it down with care, to comb out its mane, to give it some hay. The animal was grateful to him. His cow-boy had forget all of these little attentions and disappeared to meet his suitor somewhere. The mustang neighed lightly and shoved his nose in Siwon’s delicate hand. That man, he deserved its horse affection.

That little bubble of contentment was destroyed when Kyuhyun hurtled full speed breathlessly.

Where’s Heechul? he asked, panting. Please…

Siwon’s eyebrow waved.

Still inside. Kangin asked him not to move, he called in again a bit earlier with Shindong and Leeteuk. They’ll come back soon.

Kyuhyun put his hands on the saloon’s swing door and suddenly froze. A raucous laughter, smelling cigar from miles away, sprang in the night. Kangin!

! Kyuhyun repeated.
What’s the problem? Siwon asked calmly.

The pianist opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again… Then he shook his head.

Too long to explain! Listen… you like Heechul, don’t you?
Of course, Siwon said, surprised. Why do you…
For Heechul’s sake, bring that horse in the sheriff office, alright? I beg you!

Feeling that the situation didn’t lend itself to thought, Siwon just nodded and untied the mustang. Too bad for his rider. Heechul was his priority. He was one of the rare person that Siwon was sad to have as a future client. Kyuhyun then rushed into the saloon. He ignored Ryeowook, who inveighed against him in passing, and run into the dressing room.


The singer was still here, looking gloomy in the middle of his mirror’s fragments. Waiting for Kangin… Who did he think he was, that  ? Nobody gave him orders ! If it wasn’t for Hangeng… Ah, Hangeng. Just a look had be enough to capture his midinette heart. With a theatrical gesture, Heechul grabbed his lipstick and began to write on an undamaged part of his mirror. Then Kyuhyun showed up.

Heechul! !
You swear too much for a pianist, Heechul sighed.

Kyuhyun froze, stupefied for a moment. Then he shook his head.

There’s always someone worse off than yourself. Stand up, Kangin is coming!
So what? The singer replied. Do you think I care?
But… You can’t let him continue, do you? You don’t deserve that!
Yeah? That won’t get me too far! Heechul cried. He’ll kill Hangeng if I don’t do what that piece of wants!
But Hangeng is safe! the pianist said.

Heechul remained speechless. Then he quickly realize and asked:

In jail!
In jail?!
Heechul! rumbled suddenly Kangin’s voice.

The pianist hurled himself at Heechul’s wrist and both fled by the back door.


Meanwhile, Sungmin was worrying himself sick. Hangeng and he were waiting at the office’s door for Kyuhyun to come back with the singer. But at the moment, nobody in sign. And if they had been caught? If Kangin had taken action? If they had met Donghae and Eunhyuk? Or worse, Ryeowook? If the barman learned that they were planning to take his singer away, he would become mad… But a shadow appeared suddenly.

Kyuhyun? Sungmin asked prudently. Heechul?

Siwon arrived alongside them, holding firmly the stranger’s mustang by its bridle. He greeted the two young men with a smile. It was a pity that Hangeng had to leave… he sighed thoughtfully. He would have love to make a tailored casket for him. As for Sungmin… Well, to be the deputy sheriff involved some risks. And he had absolutely gorgeous physical proportions. Even if Siwon didn’t wish his death, he would be delighted to take care of his funeral.

Kyuhyun and Heechul will be here soon. But Kangin is on their heels.

A gunshot rang out suddenly. Hangeng’s blood boiled. He jumped on the saddle. Siwon let go of the bridle. The rider and his mount leaped forwards.


Kangin had appeared from the saloon, weapon in the hand, to see his singer and that blasted pianist be off. Ah they thought they could escape him? They would see! He barely aimed at them and shot. The bullet bounced on the ironmonger’s sign. Someone cried like a little girl.

Kyuhyun, stop whining! Heechul whistled while trying not to get trapped in his dress.
He’s shooting at us!
Didn’t notice! Move!

But in spite of their efforts, they heard Kangin gain ground. If he decided to shoot properly, they would be dead. Lungs in fire, Heechul sped up. He tripped. Damn, that blasted dress!

Then, suddenly, everything happened at the same time. The action unfolded as in slow-motion. Hangeng’s mustang jumped between the two groups. With just one movement, he shot and disarmed Kangin. Kyuhyun began to scream. Heechul took the hand of his handsome stranger. Hangeng helped his beautiful singer to ride up behind him. The horse reared up and neighed. Then things started at normal speed again. A seductive smile on the lips, Hangeng urged his horse to a gallop to the town’s exit. The last thing we saw were Heechul’s red dress’ rustle.


The night was peaceful. A horse was running under the moon. Its white rays drew the unusual silhouette of two riders with delicacy. One of them had a cow-boy hat. The other one was wearing a red dress. And both were smiling.

You are the one I was waiting for.

Hangeng’s smile widened, revealing pearly-white teeth.

I’ll make you happy, Heechul.
I already am, Hangeng.

And they disappeared between the hills, to a world that was waiting only for us.


Feeling more adventurous because of Hangeng and Heechul’s adventures, Sungmin kidnapped Kyuhyun some days later, in the dead of night. The pianist didn’t forget to slip a cactus in Ryeowook’s boot before leaving. The young couple went finally on honeymoon, somewhere near the ocean.

Ryeowook ended up alone to run his bar, his left foot decorated by spikes that make him suffer each day. Yet, he found what he were looking for thanks to a funny cow-boy with a voice made of gold. When Ryeowook forget his strange habit to touch the face at strange places, the life was absolutely wonderful. His small hands turned out to be perfect for playing piano and removed cactus’ spikes. Yesung appeased single-handedly Heechul and Kyuhyun’s runaway.

Further to his singer’s escape, Kangin left the town like a thief in the night. Left alone, Leeteuk had a breakdown. Fortunately, his two loyal sidekicks, Donghae and Eunhyuk, took him on holidays in a city called Las Vegas. Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. Thanks to Leeteuk, the team became immensely rich. Donghae and Eunhyuk took advantage of it to get married. And, one fine day, the white-dressed cow-boy retired with a man called Minho.

The escape of his deputy didn’t disturb Shindong’s life a lot. Now that Kangin wasn’t here anymore, things became as in the good old days once again. Fights flourished on each street’s corner, people were shouting, insulting each others… Some people even believed they were smarter than Shindong. Since that day, the jail was always full and the sheriff felt finally at home.

Siwon, as for him, became the most thriving mortician of the country. Maybe because he decided to pose stark on a casket for his promotional posters.

The End.


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Ultimatesuju #1
Chapter 1: Oh nice story!
rinonori #2
Gosh... hilarious! :D Don't know cowboy fic could be this fun, but still adventurous :) well done, author-nim!
Chapter 1: so cute♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Haha thanks for the funny story.^.^
767 streak #5
I don't know French,... But, I am sure it was great :)