Sorry not an update >

A date with vampire

Sorry guys its exam period now thus i cant post any new chapters now , mianhe . BUT if there are comments maybe i will post it ? kekekeke 

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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 8: it seems interested! please, update soon!!
KemaYJ #2
Its like a curse that was set by his ancestors . So to make more things interesting , Kibum might do something ...
Aww, Kevin can't cry? :O!<br />
Hhahahah, Miho can float around? LOLOL.<br />
Idk, I have this image of Casper :3<br />
Hopefully Kibum won't make him cry! :D<br />
But Eli has a good heart >___>!
fiera_hyukkev #4
please update soon...
Haha, why is the title so sad!<br />
Haha, there's no Kiseop but Kevin is so cute lol.<br />
Is Kibum going to creep up on Kevin? :33?
I'm also new reader~ You write so well,but the last update is so short~ *pout* Update soon ^^
New Reader!..but...can you update soon?... TT__TT
I was waiting for October 23! ;~~~;
Please do come back~~ :)
Ahhh~~ <3<br />
Kevin fell in love, nyehehehhe!<br />
Can't wait for them to meet moarrrrr!