Chapter I

You Are...

My name is Bae Su Ji.

At about the same time that flowers wither and go away,      

my love for him blossomed.

September 25, 2014 -- Time 7:30 pm

The bells that hung on the door of the cafe had just started jingling when I looked up to greet him.


He only nodded in return, whispering just loudly enough for me to hear him.

"Decaf, please."

"What size?"

"Whichever one is fine."

Everyone was staring, but I didn't bother pointing it out to him. He wouln't make conversation anyways.

Only after he had left did I notice the notebook he had left behind.

It was a good thing he left it too - that's how I learned his name.

September 25, 2014 -- Time 5:03 pm

The dark tires screeched against the even darker ground.

Sirens roaring. Red flashing.

The boy that I saw in the midst of it all.

I truly do believe that you are my soul mate.

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weakscoop #1
looking forward on this :)