A Hard Head

Squarish Love Story

TOP again remain slient.. He felt hurt, in all this years he been with him, this is the first time Hong Gi ever lie to him.. TOP was wordless.. Hong Gi felt bad

too.. He was so afarid that TOP-hyung will know his lie.. They both remain speechless in the whole journey.. When they reach home, TOP acts like he

knows nothing.. Same too Hong Gi.. They ate, watch, chat and slept together as usual.. But happiness don't always stay for long, there is one day, Hong Gi

met Jae Joong at a pub.. Jae Joong seem like arguing with a girl and forcing her to a side of the dance floor.. Hong Gi took up his curiosity and follow them

to a slightly quiet edge..

Suddenly, Hong Gi saw a swing movement between them..

He was surprise, he knows that Jae Joong-hyung will never hit a girl.. Jae Joong-hyung always a gentleman, thought Hong Gi reassure himself.. In order to

look for more, Hong Gi stepped a step forward.. The spotlight shine towards Jae Joong and Hong Gi obviously saw Jae Joong-hyung's face was redded..

The girl left without second word.. The spotlight again shine at Jae Joong.. Jae Joong felt too bright and lift his head up.. The spotlight move towards Hong

Gi who have a I-saw-everything expression.. Jae Joong didn't got surprised.. He walked towards Hong Gi and pulled him out for the crowd to a street.. Hong

Gi still remain blank headed..


Jae Joong shook him..

“She had no right to hit you!”

shouted Hong Gi, started sobbing..

“You saw..”

said Jae Joong steadily..

“I'm sorry, hyung.. I know I shouldn't..”

Jae Joong cut in,

“You really shouldn't..”

Hong Gi lift his tearings face..

“Look at you, someone would think that I'm bullying you..”

Jae Joong pointing at Hong Gi..

“You did nothing wrong..”

Hong Gi pulled back the topic.. Jae Joong laughed slightly..

“How do you know?”

“I believe that, even though, hyung did something wrong, she also really shouldn't hit you..”

Hong Gi insisted..

“You such a hard headed..”

Jae Joong hugged the crying Hong Gi..

“You are the one..”

said Jae Joong confirmly

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