04 ⇨ Sleepover and the Embarassment

Try to Love

I paid the taxi bills and get my things out when Jongmi opened the gate. We enter the gate, walking silently through their garden and finally Jongmi type their house code and the door opened.


I remove my shoes and slip into my house slippers. I bought it from home because I didn't think my slippers is the most comfortable slippers ever. It's fluffly inside but looks pretty from outside with the flower printed on.


In the living room, Jongmi's mother is waiting for us. She put her magazine when she saw us walking towards her.


"Yoonji, it's been a long time!" Jongmi's mother hug me. Yes it's been a long time since I meet her and had a sleepover here.


I hug her back. And when she pulled back, I smile politely. "You wanna have some tea?" She gestured it with her hand.


I refused her politely. She assumed that we're tired so she let us go to Jongmi's room.


"Wait," We stops from our steps. "Just don't bother Jongin." She ended it with her signature warm smile. We nodded and continue climbing the strairs.



We're watching three movies in a row. And each movie have a different genre. First, we wacthed comedy. Second, we watched a sad drama. Third, we watched horror. Sounds great, huh?


After the second movie, my eyes are now puffy red. I'm crying my eyeballs out at the end of the movie, when the woman character was died.


We still keep the promise: We didn't make any loud voice so Jongmi's brother didn't get bothered.


Until the third movie, it's a horror movie after all. We watched Sinister. So we-- especially me, keep sceaming here and there. And at the end of movie, well it's not a really good ending. The father killed by his own daughter and all the gore scene makes me wanna threw everything in my stomach away.


"I will go to the toilet," Jongmi just nodding, I don't know how she managed to not threw up. But well, I can't. So here I am, in the toilet, washing my face after threw nearly half of my dinner away.


In my way back to Jongmi's room, I heard a sounds of door creaking open. God damn it! I cursed under my breath. The sound come from the last door in the hall. Which is the room I didn't know belong to who.


I decided to didn't look back and half-running to Jongmi's room. Jongmi notice that I started to acting weirdly.


"You okay?" She ask with her signature furrowed eyebrows.


"I think.."


"What happened?"


"I don't know. When I just close the bathroom door, I heard someone open a door in the hall. I'm not sure who is it."


There was a silent. Jongmi's still processing my statement while me started to get scared.




"," I hissed, shutting my eyes and burried my face into a pillow.


"Who is it?" Jongmi bravely got up from the bed and answer the door. "Oh, Jongin. What is it?"


"I'm working on my papers." His voice sounds sharp.


"Oh my God, I'm sorry. Ok, I have a friend there, she just having some problem at her home so I let her stay here. I just wanna make her feel better."


"Is it the girl who has her friends making love on her couch?"


What the Hell. For your info, my ears are working well. And you two are just 2 meters away from me. Practically, I still have my face on pillow so maybe Jongmi's brother assume that I already sleep. By the way, Jongmi, thanks for telling your brother about my problem.


"H-how did you know?" Jongmi whispering, but girl, I still can hear you.


Wait, so she didn't tell him everything?


"I answer her call last night."


Kim Jongnil or Kim Jongil or Kim Jong- ugh I don't care which Kim Jong are you but I'm gonna kill you if you spread this story even to an ear.


"Huh? Uh, o-ok. Just.. make sure not to spoil it to anyone." 


The boy hummed, and tell us to stay silent.


"Ok, goodnight!" She said rather cutely and her brother pat her head a little bit.


Jongmi closed the door and slumps her body next to mine. I finally get my face up from the pillow and facing her. Her face look a bit pale, maybe she felt sorry. I went sit and gave her a stern look.


"So.. you heard it, right?"


No , girl.

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WHOOP! Chapter 9 is up: Dumb Dumb!


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Chapter 11: Waaaa does yoojin like junmyeon??? Why he feel uncomfortable with him?
Chapter 10: Jung ah is not a good frienda. Hahahah
DreamerGirly #3
Chapter 9: This story keeping me interested :)
Chapter 7: I will be waiting for it author nim. Good luck.
Chapter 5: Haha yoojin sleep over at jong mi house. When is she going to meet jong in they in the same house now. Hahaha
Chapter 5: Haha yoojin sleep over at jong mi house. When is she going to meet jong in they in the same house now. Hahaha
delightingKAI #7
Chapter 3: lol i bet the one who answered the call is not jongmi ㅋㅋ i like this story, please update soon
Chapter 3: Omo I want more please. Not enough.... hehrge