02 ⇨ The Call

Try to Love

My eyes were swollen. I cried after witnessing the scene, and I was lying on my bed with a box of Kleenex next to me. Who wouldn’t be surprised if they saw two half- bodies on the couch? Not to mention that they had their bodies stuck close to each other… Ugh, I didn’t have the mood to eat dinner anymore.

It had been an hour since the both of them left, and my head was aching badly. Mom, Dad, please return soon.

Wait, it would be even more dangerous if Mom and Dad knew about this. Maybe they’d freak out and not allow me to bring anyone home.

I got up from the bed, grabbing my phone from the table. There were three missed calls from Mom, and a few other unimportant notifications.

Jungah had been a good girl before, but now I had no idea how to continue my friendship with her. Jungah was clingy towards the guys, but I let her be. Now, I caught her almost having with one of our classmates on my couch.

Ugh, how frustrating.

I red a text that Mom sent me:

"Honey, why didn't you answer my call? How is your first night alone at home? Is everything alright? Call me as soon as possible ❤ "


Mom’s motherly instinct was strong.


“No, mom. Everything’s not alright! Please come back home soon. My first night without you at home is horrible.”


I deleted the text and wrote a new one.


"Why would you have to worry about your independent daughter? Of course I'm perfectly fine. hehehe.. Sorry, Mom. I just finished watched a movie and now I'm sleepy. I think I will call you tomorrow instead. Goodnight❤ "



I didn’t know how I was able to answer her like that. I didn’t want to get into any trouble. Also, my voice turned raspy after crying, and my mother was sure to notice. I’d end up spilling the beans if I called her.


I get out of my room to get a glass of water. And when I glancing to the living room... What the heck. My headache gone worse since I remember it again. I start running so I could arrive at the kitchen faster. I take a clear glass, start pouring water into it and gulp it.

I left my room to get a glass of water. When I glanced at the living room, my headache turned for the worse. I remembered the scene clearly. I started to run to get to the kitchen faster. I took a clear glass, filling it with water and gulping it down.

How soothing.

I couldn’t keep the ordeal to myself. It might cause me shame to know that I wasn’t innocent anymore, but I felt I had to tell someone about it. Maybe they’d help me.

I washed the glass and placed it back on the rack.


One… two… three… go!


I started to run again and arrived at my room almost instantly. When I reached my room, I grabbed my phone and readied myself to call someone.




“I usually called Jungah or Jongmi when I need someone to talk to,” I mumbled. Who could I call now?

It’s Jongmi, captain obvious!


Jongmi didn’t answer the call. I tried her house number instead.


In less than ten seconds, she picked up.


“Kim Jongmi, thank God you answered! Alright, I’m sorry for screaming, but there’s something I need to tell you.”


Jongmi didn’t speak, but I was sure that she nodded and agreed to hear my story. I knew that Jongmi didn’t talk much, and it was no exception even if we met face-to-face.


“Here goes. After school, Jungah and I decided to watch some movies at my house since my parents were away on a vacation in Japan. I went to the convenience store alone since she said she was hungry.”


I took a deep breath. The story was reaching its .


“I bought some snacks, and when I returned home, it was dark. I the lamps and— would you allow me to scream?”


She probably nodded.


“She almost did ‘that’ thing with Gongwon on my couch! They were half- and their lower bodies stuck together! It’s so gross, and I nearly puked and screamed my lungs out when I told them to leave. Ugh, I can’t take this anymore. Let’s just talk tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the usual place. Bye!”


I panted and realised I might have screamed too loudly. Jongmi ended the call.


My energy was drained, and I drifted off to sleep.

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WHOOP! Chapter 9 is up: Dumb Dumb!


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Chapter 11: Waaaa does yoojin like junmyeon??? Why he feel uncomfortable with him?
Chapter 10: Jung ah is not a good frienda. Hahahah
DreamerGirly #3
Chapter 9: This story keeping me interested :)
Chapter 7: I will be waiting for it author nim. Good luck.
Chapter 5: Haha yoojin sleep over at jong mi house. When is she going to meet jong in they in the same house now. Hahaha
Chapter 5: Haha yoojin sleep over at jong mi house. When is she going to meet jong in they in the same house now. Hahaha
delightingKAI #7
Chapter 3: lol i bet the one who answered the call is not jongmi ㅋㅋ i like this story, please update soon
Chapter 3: Omo I want more please. Not enough.... hehrge