Chapter three

New beginning

               He would recognize this thin, sweet voice anywhere. Although without his sensitive senses, it could have been too late. With all power in his legs, he ran. He ran as if it was his live that depended on it. When he entered the room, the sight was like a screenshot from his worst horror. There he was, his beloved friend with Jiyong's teeth sinking in his delicate skin. The smaller boy got paler and paler with each passing second.

               The noise which came from Hanbin was almost like an animalistic roar, his posture reminded of one too. - Stop it or I will kill you - he hissed, looking directly in older vampire eyes with such a determination, that Jiyong already understood, who this boy was. He just slowly backed away, losing his grip of the human's fragile body, letting him slip. But before Jinhwan could meet the ground, Hanbin already has his arms around him, carrying him on his hands.
-Go, before I'll change my mind and kill you both - Jiyong just waved his hand with annoyance, not sparing a second glance on them.


               Without hesitation, Hanbin walk out from the room, keeping the weak Jinhwan as close as possible, murmuring I'm sorry over and over again, as the tears started to well up in his eyes.

-Hanbin, who are they? Who are you? - The soft, scared whisper have woken him up from his trance and he lost the ability to speak, his throat was dry and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out of it.

- Let me take care of it, okay? - The surprising voice make Hanbin to jump slightly, but he gazed carefully at the person, who gave the proposition.

-How can I be sure, that I can trust you? - He asked, raising his brows slowly, automatically gripping Jinhwan stronger.

- Oh, if you shouldn't, you'll be dead right now. So be quiet and late me take care of that cutie - Seungri winked at him without any signs of lack of confidence. After few seconds, younger finally gave up and Jinhwan was walking away with a stranger to an unknown direction.

-He trusts you, but how can I know that you won't eat me when we'll be behind the corner? - Jinhwan asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes 'til they reminded two straight lines.

-Well, I could bite you, but you won't be dead, cause you see... - Seungri opene his mouth and tapped his teeth - I am not a vampire.

The word "vampire" echoed in Jinhwan's head almost like a mantra, making him dizzy. His hand reached automatically to Seungri's shoulder, looking for support, because his knees were giving in and this whole thing waved his body, taking away his breath.

-Shh.... You'll be alright, let me tell you a story - Seungri started, with warm and friendly smile on his face, leading him into his own room.

               Jinhwan let his hand to slowly face the other, his features finally relaxing a bit, when he exhaled and nodded, taking his place on the king sized bed, sitting on it quite shyly.

-You may think that Jiyong is a bad man. And sometimes these thoughts run through my head too. But the thing is... That I think he just pretends to. He tries to be tough, independent, alone. Although, he took me literally from the streets. I was left alone, only me against the world in age only 16. You may imagine how scared I was. And then I saw him, in his elegant clothes, when he stared at me and I could feel as if he was piercing me with it. Well, maybe it was because of the fact, that I had a few chocolate bars in my pockets. The next moment, he just grabbed my hand and told me, that he has better work for me, than being a beggar and shoplifter. What could I do? Simply I followed him, because I had nothing to lose. He gave me clothes, he gave me home, food, work, everything. At first I was his errand boy. But he opened his heart for me, I can see the look in his eyes, I know that he care for me. - Seungri took a pause to give a quick glance to the huge bedroom he now had. Trapping his lower lip between his teeth, he considered if telling him a whole story would be a good choice.

-But still, he is a vampire, why did you stay with him? - The little one asked, his eyes wasn't full with disgust or anything like that. In contrary, it was pure curiosity and maybe compassion?

-Well, it's because I wanted to become one too - These words were the biggest shock for the innocent mind of Jinhwan. It was unimaginable for him, how can anyone want to become such a creature? - I'm not like you or your friend. I have nothing to lose and... I have this dark side, which want revenge. You see... Until the 16 year old, I lived with my loving, happy family. One day... One day it just disappeared. I was walking back from my practice and it was strangely dark in my house. I walked in anyway, to find my sister laying on the couch, with drained blood on her neck. The shiver that've run through my back I remember 'til now. Slowly backing away, I bumped into something, or I should say someone. Before I could look, the person behind me was trapped under my father's body.
-Run, Seunghyun. Run please - he begged me, but I stood there frozen. My heart was racing like crazy, but I couldn't move, the shock was overwhelming. It was my mother, who took me away from the house, running. But this... thing caught her anyway and this time, I was too far gone to even stop, I just run, run, until tiredness came to my senses, making me fall asleep under the tree.  I was too scared to come back to my house so I stopped there, living a homeless life from now on.- Nostalgic feeling was  the thing that radiated from his pupils was clearly visible. Jinhwan couldn't stop himself and hugged him, throwing his hand around his shoulders. -I want to know who this was. I want to kill him and have no regrets. I have to honor their memory, my family memory. - Single teardrop rolled Seungri's cheek, but he slowly make it disappear, smiling brightly - So don't be too tough on Hanbin. He never wanted to become one of vampires, it was just a pure coincidence. And the reason why he stayed away is... - Now, the mischievous smirk was evident on Seunghyun's lips, while he lowered his head to have his lips right next to Jinhwan's ear - Because he likes you so much ad care for you. The thought of hurting you, even unintentionally was killing him - After the soft whisper, the giggle followed, but Jinhwan only blushed, hiding his face behind his hands, pushing him slowly away. Embarrassment was so adorable, that Seungri couldn't stop pinching his hot cheeks, making him blush even more. The carefree moment wasn't meant to last long, because a warning cough was heard and both looked up only to notice Jiyong's feature in the doorframe.
-Wanna join?  - Seungri raised his brow, making the sentence tempting, by using his sensual voice.

-I'd prefer talking to you, if our little friend didn't mind - The hard gaze that Jinhwan received was enough for him to disappear in the next moment, without uttering another word.

               Jiyong stood in place, quite awkwardly, looking around for some tip, but finally he spoke - You've never told me that story.

-You've never asked, and beside... Would it change anything? - The sudden seriousness wasn't common, but Jiyong just risked it, coming closer.

- No, but...

-No buts Jiyong. That's enough. Why would you even care, when you don't wanna do this anyway? - Now Seungri's voice was fierce, full of bitterness and sadness. And even the cold-ice heart of Jiyong melted under it, making him want to hug this fragile human before him. He sat right next to him, their thighs touching slightly, while his hand rested on younger's knee.

-I don't want you to become one. You're too good to become one. I am afraid that your heart might turn black after this, that you will become another person -   This time, it was vampire's voice that come unusually soft and caring. He patted his leg lightly wanting to see the only thing, that made his days complete. He wanted to see his smile.
-You shouldn't be worried. I am aware of who I am and I would never change myself or craved for anything else - Human was being adamant, what he wanted was so clear and obvious.

-I am afraid... That you won't need me when you'll become a vampire - The sound only a little bit louder than whisper was heard and Seungri couldn't lift his gaze, biting his lips with confusion. But after the moment of silence, one of his hands travelled to Jiyong's and he intertwined their fingers.

-I'll always, always need you - Finally human's voice broke the silence and their eyes met, battling with each other. Carefully, Jiyong lifted his free hand and Seungri's cheek, tracing his lips with his thumb.

-Always, huh? - Jiyong asked cockily, leaning to him and his breath ghosted over Seungri's lips slowly, causing a shiver through his spine.
-Shut it or I'll never say this again - He whispered as an answer and crashed their lips together without any hesitation, making them both melted together. At first it was subtle, slow movements of their mouths saying all the unsaid 'til now words, showing all of their needs and wants, which both of them have hidden deep inside their souls. But later, it became something more passionate, when their cravings was even more visible, their hands roamed around their bodies, while Seungri crawled on Jiyong's lap. Their tongues pushed themselves fiercely in fight for dominance, which with ease won a vampire. Seungri gasped when he felt his fangs sunk into his lip, making him bleed, giving Jiyong the opportunity to on it. The sensation was amazing for both of them, Seungri felt his body relaxing under Jiyong's touch and the was so damn y, while Jiyong could feel the trembling of Seungri's body under his fingertips and could taste him under his tongue.
-You're so in' delicious - He murmured, giving the lip a final . Then his mouth left Seungri's and he started kissing his face, presenting his nose a little peck, showering his cheeks with butterfly kisses, and finally drawing his jaw with his own tongue. Then, he reached lower, on his collarbone, this time without biting, leaving there a mark for everyone to know who he belongs to. Because well, Jiyong was a possessive man even before, Seungri was scared to think what would be next. Before he even realized, vampire's hands were on his , groping it without hesitation what make him squirm a little with surprise. When he started ing Jiyong's shirt, the knocking on the door stopped them. Jiyong growled loudly and Seungri left his laps, but traced the inner thigh of his before the face of Jinwoo appeared.

-Master, you have a meeting in the conference room right now - he bowed apologetically, trying to ease vampire's want to kill.

-Okay, tell them I'll be there in five - he waved him away and when the door was closed, he inched closer to Seungri again - We will continue this later - he whispered, pecking his lips quickly - But don't let anyone to know what's going on between us. If anyone knew, you could be in danger. So be careful, you hear me, stubborn boy? - He asked, his hair with force and their eyes met, both showed the same  - lust.

-Okay, old man. Now go, you don't want your guests to wait, don't you - Seungri asked innocently, while bending right before him to a little, pretending to fixing his shoes. Another growl escaped from Jiyong's lips and he left the room, cursing under his breath, leaving Seungri alone, but a little bit less confused.


In other room


               Jinhwan slowly appeared in Hanbin's door, approaching him with a little dose of fear circling through his veins, he couldn't stop it. He was almost unnoticeable, but not for a vampire. Hanbin turned to face him instantly and took a sharp breath, thinking about what to say or what to do.

-I know everything now - The soothing voice of Jinhwan was the thing, that he missed the most. His appearance, his closeness, he couldn't live without it.

-And do you hate me now? - He lowered his face, watching his feet as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

- Pabo... I could never hate you - And only seconds later, his arms were around the younger vampire, hugging him strongly, almost choking him, but he didn't care, he had Hanbin again in his embrace, that was the thing which he craved for what felt like ages. - It's not the same without you, you know... Bobby is funny, but he misses you a lot too. And I have no one to steal my lunch, I'll become a fatty because of you know!

The warm smile spread across Hanbin's face and he patted Jinhwan's hair lightly - I know, I miss you a lot too. But I can't be back, not now... You don't know how hard it is for me to have you this close. Your scent is like a drug, I want nothing, but bite you and feed on you, but I can't. Because I can't hurt you.

-Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know... I... - Jinhwan slowly pulled away to make space between them - I didn't want you to feel bad.
-Oh, shut it - Hanbin rolled his eyes and gripped his wrist, pulling him closer anyway. - It is hard, when you're close, but it is even harder, when you are away, Hwannie.


Okay, I'm back with another chapter! It might be lame, because I'm kinda sick and tired, but well... I promise that soon there will be more action, not this boring thing.
And wooow, almost 40 subsribers, I'm sooo thanful. And I send kisses and hugs to all of you, especially the ones who comment this! I hope you'll still enjoy it. <3

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Chapter 4: This story is amazing!! Continue pleaseee~ ♡
AngelFlo #2
Chapter 4: Can you continue this story please ?
Chapter 4: I miss this so much
Want to know what happen with ri
Pleaseeee update soon T^T
where are youuuuuu
bloodymoon #5
Chapter 4: omg i think i found my next fic to read
Chapter 4: Omfg this fanfic is better than twilight xD
chorida95 #7
Chapter 4: no please seungri came back ;;
please update soon ;;
Chapter 4: No seungri ! Come back! Ji loves you, not top!