

Huuna001: what? Are you like fat or something?


Your jaw drops at his assumption. You’re ready to reply with a witty comeback when your internet cuts. Your jaw drops even lower when you see the crash message. You’re ready to flip the table, but you don’t. You only slam your laptop shut and jump onto your bed.


“What a guy…” You mutter. “Just because I don’t play sports, he thinks I’m fat? What is he?” You roll your eyes and climb into your covers. “An , that’s what he is.” With a yawn, you shut your eyes and drift to sleep.




You meet a rude, arrogant and egotistical teenage boy online, through a chatroom on a social networking website. You merely want to make friends but you unfortunately end up chatting with this guy that assumes ridiculous things about you.




Huuna001: Do you play any sports? Like… soccer maybe?

me: no. I play the guitar

Huuna001: guitar? What sport is that?


You snort at his reply. “What an idiot…” You mutter as you type your reply.


me: it’s an instrument…

Huuna001: Why the hell are you in the sports chatroom then?

me: Why can’t I be?

Huuna001: What sport do you play then?

me: None.

Huuna001: why not?

me: because…

Huuna001: what? Are you like fat or something?




I think this was either the begginning or prologue of a fanfic staring thee` one and only sasha fierce sehuna~ 

I think I read somewhere that Sehun enjoys it when fans call him "Sehuna" - cause he so duhh pretty~ 

I think I was going to make him Bi in this too (??) I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure he was going to have a HUGEEE man crush on Luhan and the you character was supposed to be a new transfer student and .... idk? LMAO. Just something silly to read and laugh about. 

Anyways, can you imagine a childish and annoying Sehuna, overtaking social networking chatrooms? Cause I can. LOL. 

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When your first chapter said dongwoon I thought of the cafe one. >.<