
Hana slowly sprawled herself out on top of the library table, resting her head on top of her folded arms. A deep sigh escaped her think lips as her mind continued to run wild. 

Shin Woo looked u p from his book and stared at Hana. He placed the novel down and pushed his glasses up his face. 

"What's wrong?" 


Hana looked up and sighed again, turning away. 

"You're the last person I want to talk to!" She turned back for a second, only to stick her tongue out at him. 

Shin Woo chuckled at her childishnes. With the shrug of his shoulders he went back to reading his book. 


Hana slowly turned back to face her best friend. Her lips formined into a pout as she continued to stare at him. 

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Shin Woo put his book down and flashed her a toothy smile. HAna shifted in her spot uncomfortably before turning away... again. 

"Seriously! Just tell this oppa what is wrong." He pushed his stuff to the side and stretched his arms out on the table. He yawned and dropped his head on his arms. He smiled as he came face-to-face with Hana.


found this on my phone... sort of forgot what I was gonna write so I decided to upload it in case i suddenly remember. HAHA... 

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When your first chapter said dongwoon I thought of the cafe one. >.<