

"Ahh, chincha jajina!" Kayla struggled to close the door of her locker. Her school was quite old, so her locker had countlessly become bent out of shape. She had that kind of locker where the door was bigger than the frame. 

"Tch!" She slammed the door in frustration; the impact of the slam echoing through the deserted hallway.

"Do you need help?" 


Kaylay turned around and looked up. She saw one of the new Korean exchange students. 

"Uh..." She glanced to her locker and then back at the stranger. She opened to say something, but decided against it and closed . Dong Woo smiled and placed his hands on her shoulder and moved her aside. He lightly ran his shoulder into the locker and it closed with a piercing loud thud. He turned to face Kayla and flashed her a silly grin. 

"My name is-"

"Dong Woo. From INFINITE, right?" 

"Yeah..." Dong Woo curiously tilted his head on an angle. "I didn't think you'd know..." 

Kayla simply shrugged her shoulders in reply. 

"How can I not?" 

This time, Dong Woo opened his mouth to say something, but decided to stay quiet. He nodded his head as Kayla bent over to pick up her bag. Kayla awkwardly muttered a quick "thanks" before slinging her bag over her shoulder and walked away. 

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When your first chapter said dongwoon I thought of the cafe one. >.<