비밀/Secret House


Hansol was the average kid in class who only looked for adventure in his mind. But one day he comes across a talking goose, a grand treehouse and the girl who owns it. All of the idols used in this are mainly face claims than anything else. Although IU's charcter doesn't look like Wednesday completely I choose her because this is all based off the theme she used for her album Fantasy. I'll be updating hopefully once a week.




    Hansol now has learned Wednesday is not just a weekday. But a girl who lives in a large tree house (more like castle) , and owns a pet goose who can....talk? He goes from a normal student in Seoul , South Korea to a fighter and protector for a whole nother world he never even knew existed in what was pratically his own baackyard. Join his journey into sudden prince hood, love triganles and regular high school life.

The Tree House:

Picture large tree houses like this but  higher up on a large large large friggin huge tree. With a makeshift lift on the side and large steps on the tree leading up to the door  and at night laterns come on all over the places attracting fireflys.

Munsin/Munjeon-ssi (The goose):

Wednesday's outfits(will be updated often):

The main one(above)

Her Hairstyles:

Her hair is naturally a deep brown

This but much much bigger.

She also wears alot of flower crowns.






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