welcome home


soojung laid wrapped in a blanket so tight she seemed appeared almost suffocated from it, but it did not bother her for the autumn breeze outside raged through the branches and leaves and left unsettling knocks on her windows every time it tried to invite itself in. her eyes were locked on the bright phone screen, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling so much she forgot what it was she was looking at and soon the time slipped from underneath her and the sun bid the world goodnight but soojung still laid motionless on the couch.

a soft rap on the door ripped her out of her reverie, her eyes darted over to the digital clock in the living room - 12: 25 A.M. 

begrudgingly, she peeled herself off of the couch, cursing under her breath about how rude it was to interrupt someone's night - it didn't matter that soojung was still wide awake and had not the slightest thing to do - it was still rude and she would have none of it. she pulled the door far enough open to only expose her left eye but almost impaled herself on the cold golden knob at the girl that stood before her.

jinri looks at soojung as if she was the sun and jinri has spent her whole life underground.

"i messed up soojung," jinri cried, her face stained in tears and body crippled with exhaustion, "i messed up so bad." 

soojung says nothing, instead, she pulls the door wide open, and suddenly, all her reasons came back to her, time started back up, and the moon shone so bright it blinded her, and she was no longer motionless; she was alive and she felt it in the way jinri wrapped her arms around her waist and the sound of jinri's muffled cries on her shoulders and jinri's tears that soaked through her grey t-shirt. 

soojung says nothing, instead, she brings jinri closer to her and cries with her, she cries because she now can, because jinri is real and tangible and back in her arms.

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Chapter 4: my jungli feels ;_;
thank you for bringing back my jungli heart<3<3<3
this was so beautiful~
Chapter 4: "awwwwww ~" that's the word came out from me when i reached the last sentence. its so touching to imagine sulli in soojung's arms. i suddenly heard taylor swift's voice singing in the background, "this love, this love, this love, this love" lol just suited this heart warming scene well
Soshisone789 #3
Chapter 4: I love you author nim
Chapter 3: oh my zeus! this is sooooo cute >////<
glad that i found this..
the first one is a bit angst, but i love angst, so i love it ^^

the second one is just full of sweetness.. i love sulli's poem

the last one tho... they're soooo adorable >///<
soojung is soooooooooo cute in this one. like seriously. from the beginning to the end. lol
and aw~ sulli eats her ice cream, despite of her lactose intolerance condition
and lol soojung is such a cutie pie for thinking that love = ice cream.

hope you'll update soon^^
hahaha \\( ^0^ )// So cuute!!
Soshisone789 #6
Chapter 3: Aww it's so sweet!!!><
zysteyeon26 #7
Chapter 3: Wooooo update please
Soshisone789 #8
Chapter 2: Please update soon author-ssi!:)
Chapter 2: (y) hahahha i find it cute