

soojung had been in this position countless of times before, legs entangled with jinri's as the girl roared with laughter at the funny (soojung thought otherwise) show on television, but today soojung feels different, she feels light-headed whenever jinri's thighs press themselves against her own, or when jinri's lips graze just a bit too close to her face, and even when jinri looks at her, gaze sultry and mesmerizing. 

there are times when soojung gets lost in deep thoughts about jinri, like in their shared history class, where jinri's head block her entire view. 

there are times when soojung loses all thoughts entirely, like during the train ride home, when every seat is more than full and they'd have to share a seat; soojung on jinri's lap with her s pressed against the girl's back. 

for her creative writing class, jinri writes a poem for soojung. in it she talks about how she's aware of her shy glances and that she, herself, sends them right back - soojung just doesn't seem to notice. she talks about how cute soojung is when she blushes and that she knows she's the cause of them. she talks about soojung's laugh and how it rings melodically in her ear. she talks about the goodnight kisses she plants on soojung whenever she sleeps over. she talks about how much she likes the feeling of soojung's body pressed against her own. she talks about soojung's cold hands and how she doesn't swat them away whenever it's too far up her thighs. 

she writes about many things but keeps none of them, for the fear in her mind keeps her heart at bay. 

she stuffs the poem in her jewelry box, never to be touched again.

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Chapter 4: my jungli feels ;_;
thank you for bringing back my jungli heart<3<3<3
this was so beautiful~
Chapter 4: "awwwwww ~" that's the word came out from me when i reached the last sentence. its so touching to imagine sulli in soojung's arms. i suddenly heard taylor swift's voice singing in the background, "this love, this love, this love, this love" lol just suited this heart warming scene well
Soshisone789 #3
Chapter 4: I love you author nim
Chapter 3: oh my zeus! this is sooooo cute >////<
glad that i found this..
the first one is a bit angst, but i love angst, so i love it ^^

the second one is just full of sweetness.. i love sulli's poem

the last one tho... they're soooo adorable >///<
soojung is soooooooooo cute in this one. like seriously. from the beginning to the end. lol
and aw~ sulli eats her ice cream, despite of her lactose intolerance condition
and lol soojung is such a cutie pie for thinking that love = ice cream.

hope you'll update soon^^
hahaha \\( ^0^ )// So cuute!!
Soshisone789 #6
Chapter 3: Aww it's so sweet!!!><
zysteyeon26 #7
Chapter 3: Wooooo update please
Soshisone789 #8
Chapter 2: Please update soon author-ssi!:)
Chapter 2: (y) hahahha i find it cute