

soojung and jinri are seven years old and got married last summer; jinri proposed with a ring pop that she stole from her older brother and soojung wore her mom's white sleep gown to the ceremony. 

they don't kiss each other on the lips because, “ew! you want cooties jinri?!” , instead, they buy each other ice cream once a week, soojung says it's better than kisses and jinri agrees because soojung is her wife. 

eventually, soojung's mom take away her ice cream privilege, something about too many visits to the doctor because of her constant brain freezes - soojung doesnt remember exactly because all she could think about was what this would mean to her and jinri's marriage. 

"but mom! i love jinri!"

"what does ice cream have to do with your love for jinri?"

"everything!" soojung wails, her eyes brimmed with tears as she dashes out of her house and into the pouring rain inside. 

"soojung wait!" umbrella in hand, soojung's mom tries to catch up with her. but soojung doesn't stop, instead, she runs faster, as fast as her short legs can take her. 

she comes to a complete stop when she's on jinri's porch.

she raps on the front door continuously until the door opens and her hand is paused in midair in front of jinri's face. 

jinri's eyes widen at soojung's soaked state, she turns to go retrieve a towel but is stopped by soojung's hold on her shirt. 

"my mom said i couldnt eat any more ice cream.." 

jinri frowns because she knows how much the girl loves ice cream, "it's okay.. there are lots of other good food, like chips and candy and french fries and choco--" 

"that's not the point!" soojung yells, her voice cracking, "ice cream is how we show our love.. my mom took our love away." 

jinri furrows her eyebrows and tilts her head; she steps out the door to kiss soojung's cheek, "ice cream or no ice cream, i love you forever." 

soojung feels her whole body warm up from jinri's lips and forgot why she ran through the rain in the first place.

"i'm lactose intolerant anyways" jinri meekly comments

"laptoes what?" 

jinri giggles and rolls her eyes. she grabs soojung by the hand and pulls her in, a quirky smile on her face as she yelled, "get in loser!" 

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Chapter 4: my jungli feels ;_;
thank you for bringing back my jungli heart<3<3<3
this was so beautiful~
Chapter 4: "awwwwww ~" that's the word came out from me when i reached the last sentence. its so touching to imagine sulli in soojung's arms. i suddenly heard taylor swift's voice singing in the background, "this love, this love, this love, this love" lol just suited this heart warming scene well
Soshisone789 #3
Chapter 4: I love you author nim
Chapter 3: oh my zeus! this is sooooo cute >////<
glad that i found this..
the first one is a bit angst, but i love angst, so i love it ^^

the second one is just full of sweetness.. i love sulli's poem

the last one tho... they're soooo adorable >///<
soojung is soooooooooo cute in this one. like seriously. from the beginning to the end. lol
and aw~ sulli eats her ice cream, despite of her lactose intolerance condition
and lol soojung is such a cutie pie for thinking that love = ice cream.

hope you'll update soon^^
hahaha \\( ^0^ )// So cuute!!
Soshisone789 #6
Chapter 3: Aww it's so sweet!!!><
zysteyeon26 #7
Chapter 3: Wooooo update please
Soshisone789 #8
Chapter 2: Please update soon author-ssi!:)
Chapter 2: (y) hahahha i find it cute