part ii.

The Bridesmaid

One clear an sunny day of May, nine year old Kim Taeyeon first caught glimpse of two people promising forevers and always. Still brandishing that adorable bob cut and displaying clumsiness kids her age all seem to incur, Taeyeon sees and experiences how beautiful weddings are first hand.

It was her Aunt BoA's wedding and everyone in her family were there. The Ķims had always been close just like that. Her aunt had looked very beautiful that day, happiness and bliss visible on her soft and gentle features. The little girl stares and wonders how someone can look so content and so happy like that; she hadn't known it before but there was something that brides seem to radiate during their wedding day that makes them so beautiful. She's getting married to some guy named Yunho, Taeyeon knows him. He's that guy her Aunt had always been with. She remembers him being introduced as her aunt's bestfriend and Taeyeon smiles. Apparently, one can marry their best friends if they are old enough.

As she watches BoA march through the aisle, her eyes never leaving that of Yunho's, she thinks about how it must feel like. Walking into the arms of the person you love. How it must feel like to take that one step towards forever. The vows are just plain words written on paper, but once said with sincerity, it turns into something more. They turn into promises of love, into promises of being together always for better or for worse. It's beautiful in every sense, and it makes Taeyeon yearn for something as magical and as eternal as that.

On a clear and sunny day of May, nine year old Kim Taeyeon sees how beautiful and how magical it feels to fall in love.








Taeyeon was sixteen when she had her heart broken for the first time.

It was from the head of their student council on which she had been the vice president for. She had always admired and liked how Kris managed to do well with everything he does, considering that he is a Chinese and Korea isn't his homeland. Somehow though, he was able to excel in both his studies and his other extra-curricular activities. Well, aside from being the president of the entire student body, he is also the captain of the basketball team and the head of the school's debate team. How can someone just manage all of that at the same time? But apparently, Kris did, and Taeyeon found herself admiring him more.

Admiration turned into affection, and affection somehow evolved into something else. Everyday, she gets to spend at least two hours with the boy and the smile he gives her make the falling part seem so easy and so fast.

It's the crashing part that destroys everything for Taeyeon.

She realizes that loving someone doesn't always mean being loved in return. She sees that love isn't always sweet; it also brings pain and when it hurts, it hurts bad. It is difficult for both parties, for the one being rejected and the one rejecting. Taeyeon sees it in Kris' eyes as he told her that he doesn't see her that way. She sees it in the way he can't seem to meet her eyes, and the way he worries his bottom lip. It's very different from the albeit awkward yet eandearingly bright aura she had been used to seeing from the boy.

Seeing how hard this must be for Kris makes it easier for Taeyeon to crack a smile after, telling him that it was fine. That she wasn't expecting him to like her back anyway. She tells him with the best smile that she can muster that he doesn't have to feel bad, she just wants him to know, that's all. He doesn't have to do anything about it.

And when Kris tells her, "I'm sorry," Taeyeon smiles. It's what she does best anyways, and so she bites back the choke in and the tears threatening to spill anytime soon and tells him, it's fine.

Well she's not really, but she would pretend everyday if it means seeing that smile bloom on Kris' face again. So that night, while she cries herself to sleep, she lets it sink in that love isn't always pleasant, but as she remembers the smile of Kris' face and the sound of his laughter echoing in her ears, Taeyeon thinks that it does not make it beautiful any less. It's just a different kind of beautiful, but it is still beautiful nonetheless.








Hyoyeon had been the fifth in her family to suffer the curse. Two weeks before her twenty fifth birthday, she found out that her boyfriend for three years had been cheating on her all this time and had been ing her best friend behind her back. If it wasn't tragic enough, he even fled with all their shared savings not even leaving a single penny for Hyoyeon.

It was awful really, Taeyeon had been a witness of all the nights her older cousin would cry and just drown herself in liquor which always end up with her drunk and muttering words like or I loved you so much, how can you do this, during those times, Taeyeon would leave her homeworks and tend to her cousin, giving her all the comfort she can afford to give.

On the night of her twenty fifth birthday, Hyoyeon announced that she enlisted herself to be a nun; all that happened made her look at the world in a different light. Everyone had supported her back then, Taeyeon worries her lip though. Hyoyeon being a nun means her having no chance of ever marrying again. Just after her twenty fifth birthday.

The truth is, there is this kind of a curse enveloping the Kim family that Taeyeon had always been aware of. Every single maiden of their bloodline not being able to get married before they turn twenty five loses all the chances of all. Strangely, this curse never failed even once. Whether it be a tragic disaster of death or bizarre things that make one just give up on marriage or just not meeting anyone at all. No one marries after they hit their twenty fifth year.

Yoona tells Taeyeon it doesn't have anything to do with a curse. Things like that just happens, and this happening for five times doesn't make the curse legit but Taeyeon still believes it. If it's not a curse, then what could it be? Anyways, Taeyeon is determined to marry before she reaches her finish line. She has to...she will.









Sehun would be the closest Taeyeon would ever be to falling in love.

Sehun and his smile, Sehun and his good looks. Sehun and his ability to make everyone feel special, Sehun and his ability to make Taeyeon feel special. Sehun, Sehun, Sehun.

Yoona had introduced the boy during the first day of their last year at the university, and Taeyeon swears she heard the gateways of heaven open when she first caught glimpse of Sehun's smile. It turns out, he had been Yoona's long time friend, and they were really close until Sehun and his family moved to the States. He's back now though, and the two has been closer than ever. Taeyeon would have been jealous, since well, Yoona is her best friend and Sehun is basically the man of her dreams. But she's not, she's actually happy that the two are getting along really well. You know, having your future husband close to your best friend is supposed to be a good thing.

If she sees the fleeting glances Sehun throws at Yoona whenever he thinks the girl is not looking, or the smile he only seem to show whenever the girl is around, Taeyeon doesn't say anything. Her unconscious mind blocking any possibilities because she can't afford having her heart broken again. Not this way.

It doesn't change the fact that Sehun smiles the brightest whenever Yoona is in the room though.









She meets Byun Baekhyun a year later. It was a part of Taeyeon's life that she wants to bury inside her closet of things she doesn't want to remember if that is alright. All she remembers is seeing a young boy with the cutest puppy smile and his baseball cap worn backwards, an expensive camera around his neck, a sly smirk, and the next thing she knew, her life is overcome with albums full of her most embarassing and cringe worthy pictures which involves her, weddings and prefectly timed shots.

Oh, she's going to kill that brat someday...someday.








"Pops, do you still love grandma?" Taeyeon had absentmidendly asked. She and her grandfather are spending the day doing nothing underneath the big tree at the back of the house. The wind had always been great in here, plus the view is spectacular. One of the reasons why despite her busy schedule in the city, she always, always find time to come back here every once in a while.

Her grandfather chuckles and looks at the view of the city in front of them. It looks so peaceful and quiet like this, a total opposite of what the city really is. Taeyeon wonders on how something so loud and so disturbed could look this beautiful and serene in this distance. Maybe they are right. Maybe everything is really just a matter of perception.

"Yes," he plainly answered, but the smile and the look on his face is enough for Taeyeon to hear the hidden words behind them. Love doesn't stop after death. As long as one is still around, love just goes on and on and on. If love is true, you never stop loving even after your other half is nowhere around this world anymore. Taeyeon wonders if that is a good thing.

It's been four years since her grandmother had passed away, leaving her grandfather alone to continue his years on earth without her. She doesn't remember seeing his grandfather cry though, at least not in front of them. Not because he doesn't mourn for her absence, but because he knows she would forever be with him anyway. In every fragment of the memories they made together, her grandmother will live on. They promised eternal love in front of the altar after all.

"She's probably pointing angry fingers at us now from heaven for doing nothing in such a nice day," he said closing his eyes. Her grandfather looks so peaceful, as though he can still feel her grandmother's presence.

Taeyeon laughs, "Yeah, she probably is," knowing her grandmother, the possibility is high. She falls into a peaceful bliss once more, allowing the wind flow freely across them. She smiles, knowing that his Pops is content and happy. She smiles because they had been the perfect proof that true love exists. She smiles because she knows that someday, she's gonna find someone who would build those fragments of memories with her. That she would find love that would conquer even death. "I miss her," she says and her grandfather just sighs and closed his eyes.

"Me too too,"









If not today, then when?

An ad in one of the commercials on the television caught Taeyeon's attention. It says something about acting on one thing now, because you will never know what may happen in the future or what you may be losing by just sitting there and doing nothing, and well, something about deodorants and pits whitening lotion (err...); but putting that aside, the ad actually made sense. Taeyeon thinks she should be acting now, and not let time drag on.

"I'm going to confess," she tells Yoona in one of their girls night in as they call it, since they do not like going out so. Yeah, you get the pun.

Yoona just stares at her with wide eyes, choosing to drown herself in edible and delicious treat of an ice cream tub than to try and stop Taeyeon with anything she wanted to cook (or summon as what Sehun would like to term it). Taeyeon and the kitchen isn't actually a safe duo, if the globs and black thingies she's now taking out of the pan are any indication. She originally planned to fry fish fillets, Yoona wonders where the fillets went.

"Spill then," she says nonchalantly opening up for another spoonful of luscious chocolate ice cream.

Taeyeon shakes her head and places the fillets (coals) on a plate for serving. Yoona prays that she won't have to eat those. "No, I mean I want to confess my feelings...for Sehun."

Yoona chokes on her ice cream, and sends icky slimes of chocolate goodness across the couch. Taeyeon runs to the kitchen to fetch her a glass of water and Yoona uses this time to calm down and digest what her best friend just said. When Taeyeon came back, Yoona is already less of a disgusting ice cream spitting freak and more of a guilty, anxious filled best friend.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I'm going to tell Sehun I like him." oh great, so she isn't kidding. "I mean, I've been liking him for as long as I can remember now and I just think that it's probably time for him to know."

Without knowing it, Yoona had started picking onto those strange looking abominations that Taeyeon wanted to call as food and globbed them down like it's the most delicious treat inthe world. Taeyeon looks at her, confused, but hey. At least someone is eating her dish right? She could always call the ambulance whenever her friend's mouth starts bubbling up.

"But, you have lived this long without letting him know. What made you change your mind now?"

Yoona really hopes her nerves aren't showing too obviously right now cause she can basically feel her insides dying at this moment.

"I like him Yoona, you know that," oh damn right, I do, Yoona thinks as she eats another of the black sticks, or were they fillets, "and I think I should let him know somehow." Taeyeon says with that small smile that seems to ensue whenever Sehun is involved in a conversation.

Yoona whacks herself in the head mentally...fifty five times.

"You're gonna help me right?" Taeyeon asks her and she sounds so hopeful and Yoona just hangs herself in an imaginary rope inside her head. She doesn't know what else to do, and so she eats the last piece of those supposedly fish fillets (supposedly.) Taeyeon gasps, "Hey, are you alright? You finished my fish fillets!"

Yoona widens her eyes in horror, agape and looked at the now empty plate filled with soot black crumbs and broken parts of the fish fillet that Taeyeon cooked. Taeyeon cooked it. And she just ate them all. She must have been really stressed out.

Now that the reality had sunk in, adrenaline and the rush fading away, Yoona feels her stomach rumbling in a strange way (no, the stomach doesn't sound like that when it rumbles. definitely not.) Yoona clutches her stomach which feels like it's twisting knots and ropes by the way, and lets out a painful gasp. She feels last night's dinner and all her conscience pushing to come out of her system.

"Y-Yoona, are you okay?" Taeyeon contemplates on calling the ambulance but her friend's mouth isn't filled with bubbles yet so she assumes she'll live.

"I-Is your bathroom fixed..." she gasped weakly, just what kind of toxin did Taeyeon put in those fillets for her to fill like all her insides are dying to come out of her system? Taeyeon rushed towards her, eyes filled with worry.

"Why? Do feel something funny?"

"I'm feeling s-something alright, but it's most definitely not funny...ahh," she gasped and ran quickly to the bathroom at the end of the hall clutching her stomach. She can hear Taeyeon shout something about the bathroom door or something but she can't really understand it right now.

As she sat on the toilet seat, she cannot just feel last night's dinner coming out of her. Taeyeon just told her she's going to confess. To Sehun. The man she was supposed to marry. That Oh Sehun. This is so messed up. And to make things worse, she's nearing dehydration because her stomach decided that this is the best time to kill her.

Oh no, things can definitely get worse though. Since Yoona is now reading a text from Sehun saying that he's coming to get her at Taeyeon's place. "Oh crap, we're supposed to meet the wedding organizer today," she is about to text him back but then another text came saying that she had better told Taeyeon about the wedding by now, because if not, he would tell her himself.

Yoona felt like her whole world came crashing to her because no, she hasn't told Taeyeon yet, and no, he can't tell her himself!

She immediately cleaned herself because this is a matter of life and death and is she doesn't move now, she might lose one of the most precious thing in her life. All she is praying for now is that Sehun be caught in some kind of traffic to delay the time.


Bzzt. Bzzt.

Be there in two minutes princess :))


"Uggh, don't give me those silly emoticons of yours now Oh Sehun!" she lashed out. Where are those annoying reckless drivers that causes traffic almost every day of her life when she needs them? Now she only has less than two minutes to tell her best friend that she is marrying Oh Sehun, the guy Taeyeon has been liking for the past four years. Great.

Yoona turned to open the knob of the door, but gods of all gods, it won't budge! Then Yoona remembers Taeyeon shouting about the bathroom door...being whacked out and remember to not lock the door from the inside. The girl could feel tears of frustration welling on her eyes. "Stupid! Stupid!" she groans.

Just then, there was a ring from the doorbell. Yoona froze, no it can't be. She hears Taeyeon rush towards the door.

Please don't let it be Sehun. Please don't let it be him, she closed her eyes tightly.

"Sehun? What are you doing here?" Taeyeon's voice a pitch higher.

Yoona collapses. Great. This is so great. Everything is going by her plan. This is so great she can just die in this bathroom right now. She began to twist and turn the knob frantically but the stupid door just won't open (actually it is more of her being the stupid one for locking the door but she doesn't have the time to think about that now).

"Is Yoona inside?" she hears Sehun ask.

"Yes, yes I'm here!" she feels like crying but the need to open the damn door is greater than the need to vent her vacuum like emotions right now.


Meanwhile, outside...


"Yoona? Oh yeah, she's here. She's taking the greatest *number two of her life though." Taeyeon pointed at the empty plate in front of them. "She finished all of my fish fillets,"

Sehun widens his eyes, "Oh," realization seeps in, "oh that's bad."

"Yeah, totally,"


Flash to the epic bathroom escapade by Im Yoona, featuring the door that just won't ing open.


"I. AM. NEVER. GOING. TO EAT. ANY. OF. THOSE. THINGS. AGAAIINN!!!" Yoona groans as she hits the door knob with the only thing she can grasp in this wretched bathroom. Shampoo bottle. Yeah, that can totally work.

Seeing the impossibility of the feat, she threw the rather empty bottle aside and began to clack her fingers. She's left with no choice. Taeyeon would kill her later for having her bathroom door destroyed but she would have to worry about that later. Right now, she has a friendship she wants to save. And so let that bathroom door be damned...she began kicking frantically.

If Taeyeon had heard some weird noise coming from her bathroom, she ignores it. What could matter more than Oh Sehun sitting across her, looking like the prince that he is. Just when she decided to confess, he walks into her apartment like this. Taeyeon wonders if this is the sign she's been waiting for.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Yoona," Sehun paused, "she hasn't told you anything didn't she?"

"Yoona?" Taeyeon thinks, "No, I don't think she has."

Sehun whispers I knew it, but Taeyeon fails to hear this. Her attention focused to the way Sehun worries his lip and fimbles with his fingers. A thing he tends to do whenever he feels unsure about something.

"Is there something she should be telling me?"

Taeyeon was caught suprised when Sehun suddenly moved to her side of the couch. She can feel her heart beat like horses on a race because Oh Sehun is so close she can smell him. And he smells nice. Oops. ert alert.

"The thing is" a pause. Sehun furrows his eyebrows, his face showing how hard it must be for him to say the words he is about to say. Taeyeon wonders what it might be.

"What is it?" she chuckles lightly, and then realization hits her. Could it becould Sehun be...confessing to her right now?!

After he sighs deeply, he faces Taeyeon again and held her gaze for a while. Yes, he's definitley making a confession! Oh god. "Kim Taeyeon,"

Taeyeon doesn't trust herself for words and so she just nods her head and looked at him with hopeful eyes. "The truth is..."


"Yoona and I..."


Just then a loud crash is heard from the back of the house followed by frantic yellings from Yoona herself that sounds awfully like, "hun DON'T!!"

But then Sehun is pulling Taeyeon to face him again and his hands are on hers. And everything is just so confusing and fast and




"Yoona and I are getting married."






a/n: *number two = taking a poop; number one is when you pee

a/n2: there is no way the curse in this story is true. don't worry ladies, it's safe to marry even after you reach twenty five.

a/n3: comment and upvotes are deeply appreciated everyone.

a/n4: i love byun baekhyun. 





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Chapter 1: The plot and the flow are really good, but what does attract me the most is the way you write. It's above beautiful.
Please don't abandon this story. Please continue it T_T
Chapter 1: This is beautiful but ugh now I want to get married TT^TT