In shock



"Well, COME ON! YOU HAVE A GIRL TO SAVE!" he yelled as they jumped, running into the car....

......"We need to be stealthy. Why would we go so close to the address? We aren't trying to be found out, are we? I'm pretty sure that's how Jonghyun found the address. Relax, this part..I got." he smirked. "To the girl and Jonghyun!!" he said to while putting his hand in air while the driver pulled off.



The water wouldn't stop flowing on the soft surface. Your sight wasn't clear because of it, and the colors of the room were mixing in your sight. But one thing was for sure, that person, that tried to save you, was right infront of you, still. "Kai..." you tried to say while blanking to clear the water from your eyes. You then saw the man glared down at his legs, tied up almost everywhere. "Kai.." once again as he glared up at you. You expected him to glare and flex his eyebrows downward, but instead he glared in worry. His eyes spoke to you. "Just because I am like this, doesn't mean you need to worry. I'm fine."

"But I know you're not fine." your eyes replied to his. Glimpsing away from his stares, you watched the blinking thing around his stomach area. It clipped onto the rope tightly, as you knew what it was. If Kai moved too much, he could easily electricute earlier today.


(Listen to Exo- wolf while reading) 


"Go upstairs!" the angry man yelled.

"But Kai! Kai, answer me!"

"Just go!" he yelled. You headed into Daemim's room as he followed, throwing Kai down on the floor. Kai was a bit dizzy from just waking up. He then glared at you who was now on the edge of the bed. "kwanchana? (Are you okay?)" Before you could answer, he looked up at Daemim, who gave him an irritated expression. While his mind was setting back to normal, Kai grabbed Daemim's legs, pulling him into the room. You got away from the action while sitting on the edge of the bed that was near the wall. "Kai!"

"Listen to her before you hurt yourself." Daemim demanded. Kai ignored, getting closer to him and placing his open palm on his face. "Shut up." pushed his face down to the floor. Kai got up and grabbed Daemim's foot and pulled him down the stairs. You only heard the sound of thumping, hearing his head bash on every step. Kai stood over him and watched him attempt to stand up. "Let me get my punches first."

Daemim finally stood up, having his bangs cover his eyes. "Oh really?" as he grabbed a bottle. Kai stood back. "Really, a bottle? You wouldn't."

"You think I wouldn't?" as he swung at him. Kai ducked. "Try again buddy." as Daemim kept swinging at him, missing everytime. He swung the last time, breaking the glass into the wall, red juices leaked from the broken container. Kai chuckled to himself. "Why are trying to hit me? I'm just getting my punches back from earlier."

Daemim was panting from all that just happened. "Girl.."


"Everything you do....the girl is still mine..."

"Nuh...listen carefully...she is frightened by you."

"hmmm....and?" Daemim said breathing and standing normally now. Kai gave him a look just as Daemim walked to the closet. "What are you doing?" he asked. Daemim ignored him, pulling a rope from the closet. Kai gasped. "Nope, get away from me." he said quickly as he ran to his kitchen. While he was running, a piece of hardwood tricked him, followed by a nail catching his sneakers. Daemim wrapped his ankles and arms with rope and pulled him, releasing him from the nail. Kai tried to free himself, but the grip of the rope was far from loose. Daemim forced him on the chair, tying him up even more. "What is this?" Kai continued on in pain because of the tightness. "It's my wickedness." as he took him upstairs while tied to the chair.  When Daemim got the chair to the room where you were, he pushed it down, with Kai's body hitting the floor. You gasped, running to the fallen chair. "Kai!! No!!"" as you attempted to pick him up. Daemim helped while putting a black blinking device on him. "What is that?" you asked. 

"Let me out of here mim!" Kai yelled while moving frantically. Daemim put on his grin again while he took out a piece of cloth from his pocket. "Electri-fire." he said, placing the cloth tightly around his mouth. "Any big movement, and he'll get electricuted." he said while Kai proceeded to jump around. Studying Kai's behavior, you noticed his body was moving way to vigoriously. "Kai, stop moving!" you yelled out to him. You pushed Daemim away from him.

"Hmmm...MMmmmmmHhhbMmmBB...." he said through the cloth. "Kai, be still befo-"

"Hmmm...IIIMMMMMMMM!!!" Kai outbursted. Daemim's grin eviler. "Like that."

Kai's body hestitated slowly and soon stopped moving. His head glared downward at his legs with an unconcious posture. Daemim walked to the door. "Learn your place." as he trailed down the steps as always. You shook him, smacked him, everything to get him to move again, but he remained unconcious. It scared you. "Kai! Kai!" is all you could say.



At this point, he still looked a bit dizzy. You moved closer to him and pull down the black cloth from his mouth. All he did was breathe.

"Is that better?"

He nodded. He glared around the room but never said a word. "Kai, I'm going to stay right here. Don't you worry." reassuring him. He glared at you and smiled lightly, still showing the nauseous face. Feeling his forehead, he felt normal. Staring at him, you saw he wasn't focused on you any longer, but at the window. "Kai." you called to him. He peered at you, but once more at the previous area. You turned to see what he was looking at. You paused. Out of all things that happened in your life, you didn't think that you would feel so safe then how you felt at that moment. Outside was a man glaring down at his phone, then glaring around at the trees. His hair was similar to the color of Daemim's, however, a lot shorter. You rubbed your eyes to make sure it wasn't a dream. ~Was I being watched over this entire time? Are they my angels?~(Joke: chansa gattin no....)

Maybe that's why Kai said not to show feelings on your sleeve. Because there was always a person there to protect and guide me.





Xd the last part was deep . woww....I like writing these. Hope you enjoyed it ^^*

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Chapter 35: Was nice story author-nim!!!
noomin #2
Chapter 34: Update sooon plzzzz
noomin #3
Chapter 33: Update soooon plzzz
noomin #4
Chapter 32: Update soon plzzze
noomin #5
Chapter 31: Finally an update luv this chap
noomin #6
Chapter 30: It's getting more interesting than before i luv ittt plzz update soon
alifahleo #7
Chapter 30: woooahhh.. JStalker love it so much
Pleaseeee continue to update, im still waiting for ur story ^^
Smteamint #8
Chapter 30: Continue to update!!! Love the story ^_^
Chapter 26: Omg omg omg o.o pls update soon! Not can wait !!!
noomin #10
Chapter 25: Omgggg this is the TRUE side of daenim