The Finale

The Finale

He woke up to the bright ray of the sunshine.

The warm air around the room started to fill his nose.

The young male couldn't help but let out a smile.

Walking off the bed, he yawns.

His feet lazily dragging themselves to the fridge, for him to find something to eat.

His lips curl into a bigger smile as he sees the letter left on the fridge for 1 whole year, and the paper wasn't looking that good.


Good Morning Baek, your breakfast is obviously in here. It has to be. I know what you love to eat—BACON!!!!

- Bacon's Lover—Eggyeol

He remembered this, of course.

It was one year since he gave this, but this male had remembered this.

He lets out a laugh before eating whatever was in the fridge.


He inserts his hand in his pockets as he walks down the lonely streets of Seoul.

He greets people he recognized, which was most of who he encountered.

"Oh, Baekhyun-ah, where's that tall boy I always see you with? What's his name? Chanhyun? Chanyu? Ah! Chanyeol!" One of the people he recognized started.

Baekhyun smiles before walking down the streets again.

"Baekhyun-ah, can we walk another round? My legs are still not worn-out! Let's go!" Chanyeol yelled.

The two were walking for hours now, and the giant was still not exhausted.

"Aw? Can't we take a break? Lucky for you! You have long legs because you're tall!"

"My Baekkie is tired? Want me to give you a piggy-back ride?"

Baekhyun chuckled at the memory.

He soon stopped in front of a flower shop he and Chanyeol frequently visited before.

His lips curved a smile as he remembers another moment with him.

"Baek-ah! Let's buy some flowers!"

"Yah! Are you gay?"

"Shut up! Your boyfriend is buying flowers for you! Be thankful." He says.

"Yeah right." Baekhyun says.

They enter the flower shop and his eyes marvel at the flowers around him.

"Which one do you like?" Chanyeol asks.

"The red rose, that one." Baekhyun points out.

"Let's take it."

"Thanks, Yeollie."

He walked more and more around the streets of Seoul while smiling.

Again, he stopped, but now in front of a coffee shop.

"Baekhyun-ah, happy anniversary!"

"Aww, thanks Chanyeol!" Baekhyun said as he wraps his arms around Chanyeol.

They always loved coffee, more than how Baekhyun loved bacon, more than hwo Chanyeol loved eggs, more than how Baekhyun loved eyeliners an more than how Chanyeol loved guitars.

But never more than how they loved each other.

They either started their day with coffee, just get coffee any time of the day or end the day with coffee.

Sometimes, Chanyeol would be the one dragging Baekhyun from their work.

That day, they spent the whole afternoon, talking and sipping coffee.

Baekhyun chuckled.

The thought itself made him smile.

He walked with the smile that he always worn with Chanyeol.

He was smiling like the year before.

"Chanyeol, that dork." He mumbles before stumbling upon the park.

His bright smile turns into a frown.

"Baekhyun-ah, thanks for loving me."

"Despite the fact we're both males," Chanyeol says.

"Thanks for loving me."

"Chanyeol. What does this mean?" Baekhyun asks.

Chanyeol stays quiet.

"What does this mean?!"

He kept quiet.

"Baek. I'm sorry.." Chanyeol starts.

"Yeol, what are you talking about!?" Baekhyun asked, his eyes slwoly getting teary.


Baekhyun's eyes were now red and tears were threatening to fall.

"Let's break up."

His tears finally fall.

"I'm sorry, Baek. It's just,"

"It's okay."

"I still love you, Baek." Chanyeol mumbles as Baekhyun walks out.

Baekhyun's heart ached at the memory.

His tears couldn't stop from dropping.

And his tears didn't dry as he stands in front of his next destination.

The hospital.


"Baekhyun? What are you doing here?"

"Why are you here?" Baekhyun asks.

"Answer me." Chanyeol says.

"I'm here for my meds, I have a flu." Baekhyun said.

"What about you?" Baekhyun asks.

He kept silent.

It was eight months from their break-up.

"I'm actually a patient here, ever since the break-up, yeah." Chanyeol stated.

"Ha, really?"

"Baek, do you still love me?"

That was a pathetic question, actually.

But. He sounded sincere.

Baekhyun does a slow nod.

"It still hurts, too." Baekhyun says.

He leaves as he feels the tears coming.

"Baek, I still love you too. I'm sorry."

On Baekhyun's way out, he meets the counter and knew what he was going to ask.

"Excuse me, what is the diagnosis of the patient Park Chanyeol?"

Baekhyun sobs as the memory came back.

He cried as he walked to his last destination.

"Chanyeol-ah, you know you shouldn't be sorry," Baekhyun says to the thin air.

His tear-stained face was facing the dark sky.

His family members left an hour ago, he was the only one left.

He cries nonstop.

Because his tears wouldn't stop falling.

'He has a disease. Heart disease to be exact. And it will only be a few more days until his last breath.'

The lady from the counter's words kept replaying in his head like a broken record.

He falls to the ground, as he cries like there's no more tomorrow.

He covers his face with his knees, and sat beside his grave, with the dark gloomy sky above, adding even more sorrow to his death.

Park Chan Yeol

☆ November 27, 1992

December 15, 2013

A loving son, best friend and boy friend.

Baekhyun's sorrow was expressed through the dark, gloomy skies and he knew that he won't be able to meet him again.

Baekhyun sobs as he quietly sits on the ground.

He still loved him.

But he knew that was the finale for them, and there won't be anymore beginnings again.

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