I need you

Twisted in love

I woke up once again, with a split headache.  As I look  around my surroundings, I notice that the place looks familiar.

 "Where Am I?" I asked myself.

 I tried to get up but somehow, my feet was stuck into something heavy.

 "What is this?" I said.  

Then suddenly a flashback. That's right, a moment ago I was facing Daehyun, one of my worst fear is that he will turn out to be just like my father.  But what I don't understand is that, why did he come back to my father side? what is his reason?   I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't realized the door suddenly open.  But what surprised me most is that there was no one behind it, and then suddenly a breeze of air passed by that it made me cringe down to my spine.   That feeling of someone watching you, gives me the creeps.

 "Well, well, well, it's princess Ailee. Long time no see" the voice suddenly said behind me.  

I knew that voice, I met that voice before...and then a light pops out of my mind as my eyes et went big.....Hyun soo.  As I turn around to look at the person, I realized that it was indeed Hyun soo, but something is odd with him.  He wasn't what I remember before.   The dark shadow that was around him was gone,  it was nothing but a pale face who was standing right infront of me.  

"what happened to you?" is the first thing i asked.

 "What do you mean? I was always here, watching you"  he then said.

 "Watching me? how is that even possible? You disappear before Daehyun arrived at this place?" I said.  He didn't moved an inch, his eyes was scary yet kind for some reason.  Not like before.  

Hyun soo didn't speak, as he suddenly smiled timidly at me, as to I guess his answer to my question.  He then suddenly moved, I moved back, knowing that he had some sort of deadly poison aura around him.  

"Don't come any closer, I'm warning you" trying to be braved, knowing that once he touch me, I could die in a second.

 "Tsk tsk, you still believed at what Kevin said back then...that is just rubbish, to keep me away from you, since he does'nt want his secret lover to be taken away from him." he suddenly said. What? Lover?

"What do you mean? by lover? me and kevin? " I said curiously as my brows was not enough of a sign to realized that I was indeed curious.  

Hyun soo let out a loud laugh that an echo was heard across the hallways.

 "Silly, and here I am thinking that you are smarter than you look, Ailee"  he then said, he continue to moved and I continue to back out until I hit the wall of the bed room near the doorway.  

Hyun soo was closer, closer that I could smell his breath, a minty smell that it kind of hynotizing my whole being.   He then place his left arm behind my ear, as if he was about to manipulate my insides.  He lean over as he whisper something to my ear that I did not expect to hear.

 "Kevin is not a demon but a hibicus, he can manipulate your mind in dreams. He was the one who was visiting you in your dreams all this time, and the best part is...Ailee....Daehyun is not your step brother, he is an angel who destroy the heir of the throne. In which means he will destroy the master, he was build for that"  he then said, I was about to asked him more question but Hyun soo disappear on me, before I could get a chance.  

I was left dumbfounded, my legs shakes as I cringe down, and tears suddenly fall down. 


Himchan's POV

As we all gather in the meeting room, I see that everyone was unsure of what the outcome would it be.  This is a big thing for us.  But we are build to fight, to save the one's that need to be saved.  I felt my heart ache as I suddenly remember the smiling face of Ailee.  The girl I loved was captured by someone we trusted.  

Daehyun, once I get my hands on you, I will crushed you like a bug for betraying us and Ailee. I thought.

"Himchan, would you like to add something for this operation" Yongguk then said to me but my mind was too occupied. 

I didn't hear him calling me until Jongup hit my arm.  I was ready to beat the hell out of this kid for doing such a rude remarks on his hyung when I realized that everyone was looking at me.   

"Hyung are you ok?" Jongup asked, I nodded hastily.  

"Y-yeah, why?  Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked, pretending that I wasn't aware of what we where talking about.

Yongguk gave me a 'are you kidding look',  I snap out and immediately say what was bothering me.

"Ah, sorry everyone, I wasn't really listening, my mind was too occupied by what had happened lately with Ailee and Daehyun kidnapping her. That bastard, we trusted him and he betrayed us" I then said. 

"Honestly, I don't know why he took Ailee  noona.  Maybe he had another reason why, but still he could have told us his plan" Youngjae then speak. 

 Everyone agreed at what he said but deep inside me, I wasn't opposed to it.  Youngjae might be right, but one thing is for sure, Daehyun had another intentions and i'm sure of it.  

"So when are we going to attack, Yonggukie, we need to moved soon or we might be too late saving her." I said, impatiently.  

"We want to make sure that our plan work, we can't be impatient at a time like this, Himchannie, for now, we practice until we can't anymore, it's going to be a tough battle, so be prepared." Yongguk then said as he look at  everyone.  

I let out a sigh, this is making me itch to save her even more.  I decided to attack tonight when everyone is resting.  I know it's a risk to take but I have to save her, I have to save Ailee.  Before it's too late.  


Midnight came, and everyone is at their room sleeping peacefully.  Without any noise to wake them up, I gather my stuff, I know it's going to be tough carrying them all by myself but if it's for her, I'm willng to risk my life just to save her.   I made my way out infront of the head quarter quietly, I breath easily, afraid that someone might had caught me.  On what I was about to do.  Little did I know that someone had did noticed,  Junhong woke up out of nowhere and had seen a glimpse of me.  That boy is quick to notice things.

Junhong follows  me as I was about to leaved the premises, "Hyung? Himchan hyung, what are you doing? Yongguk hyung will have a fit once he found out what your about to do" he then said, with much panic in his voice.  

"Junhong-ah, you know I can't just sit and wait when Ailee was in a dangerous place.  I would do anything for her, Yongguk know's that but I don't understand why he doesn't want to attack asap." I told the maknae.

 "But hyung, Yongguk hyung was just looking out for us, for our safety. I'm sure he was worried at what would happend to Ailee noona as well, but hyung, you can't just be hastily when you know you can't defend any of them by yourself. Think about it hyung, so please, go back inside, i'm begging you, let's do this together the right way" Junhong then said.

It suddenly made sense to me, the boy is right, no wonder Yongguk favor him more than the rest of us.  

He was young and smart.  I let out a breather with a heavy heart and place my hand on his shoulder,

 "Your right, Junhong-ah, its too risky to just do it myself, I'll talk to Yongguk about this one more time, and this time we will do it together the right way",  i then said as I look at the maknae, Junhong let out a big smile and that was enough for me to realized that we are more than just a team, we are a family.  




A/N: Sorry for the late update everyone.  Hope you like this one.  Yay 600 views.  Thank you. ^^  <3 M

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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/