Hunted by the past

Twisted in love

I open my eyes, after a long time that I was sleeping, i think.  It was dark, there were no soul in sight, Where am I? What is this place?  I thought.  It was unfamiliar, and scary.  I got up and realized that I was not in my room, "What just happened? Why am I not in my room?" I asked, speaking as if someone can hear me.  But the truth is that I don't know where am I nor whose bed I was sleeping in.  But something is off, I felt that I have been here before yet I don't know when? I search for the light, after a while as I walk in the dark room, unknown to me.  I reach for something that it felt like a lamp switch.  I turn it on and it lit up, "Oh, so that is a lamp" i said to myself, relief to see clearly where I was, I look around.  The room was pretty, if as it was made for some royal girl that you just seen in movies.  I shake my head, trying to make my vision clear, "Am I dreaming again?" I asked myself, so to make sure, I slap both of my cheeks, "Ouch! I guess not....coz that hurts" I said.  I started to walk around as I look at the picture that was on the wall and near it.  They where a picture of a happy family, a girl with her mother and father.  The girl and the mother was smiling, except for the father whose seem to not happy taking a family portrait with them.   "What's behind those frown face of him...isn't he happy that his family was complete and why is the rest only smiling?" I said curious.  As I was looking at them, I notice that the girl kinda look like me when I was little, I notted my eyebrow, taking a deep look at the girl and suddenly, I realized that the girl was really me. 

"Why is my picture here?" I asked, when I thought I was alone, the door suddenly open, and a creek was heard that it made me jump to my toes.  There it stand someone familiar, Kevin.  He was grinning at me, that kind of grin that it annoyed the hell out of me.  The mood suddenly change as I see that it was him.  "Don't  you knock?" I asked him, Kevin just smirk a laugh, that it got me really annoyed more at him.  "Sorry, but you seem more interested on the picture than what's around you, besides, I don't wanna ruin your moment there" he said as he was pointing at the picture that I was busy looking at earlier.  I crossed my arm and frown at him as I walk back to the bed.  "You must be curious as to where you are, Ailee?" Kevin suddenly said, it got my attention all of a sudden.  But I didn't let him see that, "Where am I anyways? and Whose house is this?" I asked despite my curiosity.  Kevin smile a little, "in time you will know, Ailee, but for now, kinda needed it" he just said, in which it didn't help since he didn't answer my question.  I was dumbfounded by his sudden response as he left me alone once again, in a room whose I don't know belongs to.  

The room became quiet again, the silence is killing me desperately.  I need to get out of! but how? What if someone see's me? No, there is no one in here...there couldn't be anyone guarding the door, woudn't? I thought, as I walk towards the door, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "this is it..let's do this...Ailee, Fighting!" I encourage myself as I place my hand towards the door nob and turn it as I open it slowly.  My heart was beating heavy as I peek thru behind the door, even the alley was a bit dark, the only light that was on is like a fire torch, the one's that you seen in a medival movies of some sort.  "Wah, that is so outdated, seriously" I said as I seen how it was,  the hallway is kind of giving me the creepy vibes, but somehow I managed to walk pass by it.  As I reach the end of the hallway, I can hear voices, one of them is from Kevin and one is from someone whose so unfamilar yet I think I heard it before.  I slowly walk towards it, not making any sound or noise for them to hear, as I peek, I can see Kevin talking to a man, who is sitting in a big chair like a king's chair.  I can't see his face yet I can see Kevin talking to him, I moved a little closer to hear them talk.

"Kevin, thank you for bringing her here, you did a good job" the man said.

"It wasn't easy master, but I managed to fool her to come with me, i have to used special power's to make her come here, without her knowing about it" Kevin reply to the man.

"Even tho it was against her will, you managed to take her here...I see..but how?" the man asked.

"Well, I trick her to someone she would trust, master, that way she can easily come with me, but the circumstances didn't go the way it was planned, I have to do something beyond against your rule to do so, and I'm sorry for that" Kevin honestly said to his master.

The man hand rub his chin, curious as to what Kevin was saying, "And what would that be? Young man, what did you do that was agaisnt my rule?" he then said curious to what Kevin will say.

"Well, you see master, it was beyond my control, the emotion I have is unbareable to stop, so...I..hmm...kissed your daughter, with the form of someone she like....until she blackout....master" Kevin said, gulping as he said every word. 

My mouth open wide as I heard the reason, why I was here.  I knew that something was wrong when I was kissing Himchan..that it turn's out it wasn't him at was Kevin who transform into Himchan, "Argh! that could he pretend that he was Himchan" I said angry at him for doing so, I was occupied with my own thoughts when suddenly I hear a big loud slap on someone's face. I look back to where Kevin stand and seen his face turning to the side as the man was scolding him.

"How dare you used such forced to my daughter...pretending to be someone who she liked...that slap is not enough for what you caused, you know that once you broke my rule a hurtful consiquence is going to happened to you" the man said to him.

"Yes, Master, I was aware of I took the risk to bring her here, even if it means to break the rule, I did it to please you master. Since i know that you have been wanting for her presence in your house." Kevin then said, still looking at the man like nothing had happened.

"Very well, I appreciate your courage, and your braveness to do so. But this is the last time, you hear me? This won't happened again, once I find out that it did, be prepared to die." the man then said to him, Kevin nodded "yes, master" as  he agreed to what the man was saying to him.  

What? Die? Did i hear that right? i thought to myself, suddenly a sudden rushed of fear rushed beneath my skin.  I shake my head, trying to take that thought out of me, "Whoa, that man is cruel than I thought, but why is he referring to me as his daughter?" I said curiously.  Then it flashed back to me on what Kevin said that day, when he was talking about my mother. "...I guess your mother didn't tell you", that words stuck in my brain all this time, still don't know what he meant by it, but something is building in my thoughts like a puzzle.  As I was going to head on to moved down the stairs, I suddenly see Kevin move while this strange man is speaking to him.  "Go, and guard her room, make sure she can't leave the premises" the man demanded, "Yes, ,master" Kevin agreed as he walk towards the stairs, where I was sneaking to hide.  Kevin was getting closer,"aish! just my luck!...I better head back before I get caught" I tell myself as I went back to the room that I was before.  I finally reach the room, but as soon that I got in and closed the door behind me quietly, I pouted, "What should I do now? I need to get out of here...Think, Ailee..Think!? I said to myself.  When suddenly a brisk of cold air was felt inside the room, "Why does it feel cold in here all of a sudden? the door is closed and there is no window...where is that cold air coming from?" I said, curious.  I search for the source of the cold air, but what i saw is far more scarier than the one's I have seen before.  Scarier than the dark shadow I have been dreaming.  



A/N: Yay! another update!! ^^ Hi everyone! hope you all are doing great. Sorry if this is a bit lacking, and there's no BAP in it. But what could be more scarier than what she dream about? Hmm, curious? Well, i'll tell you but you have to wait till the next chapter lol... ^^ Thank you everyone for never ending of reading this fan fic, i really appreciate your time and effort to read such a boring fanfic.  I know I'm still lacking on some levels but I'll try to improved...yet I can't promise you since promises tend to get broken...but I'll try my hardest. and please don't hesitate to leave any comment on the box below..I will appreciate more if you guys do, it will keep me motivated to know what you all thought about the story...and maybe a bit of suggestion on what the next chapter will be like..till then..enjoy everyone ^^ <3333333333  M 


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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/