Chapter 1: New student, EXO roommate and Employee

Is It Popping (EXO Sehun, Luhan, Suho fiction) (Mainly: Sehun)
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Scene 1:

Hey I’m Naz I was currently attending Neon Design College but now I had transfer because I was out control whilst hanging out with gangs my parents decided to send me and live with my strict aunty Vanessa whose off duty military sergeant so I can a job and attend a private university to help fix my life. Today after school we will be moving into new wealthy neighbour where she will be renting out her best friend Yoona mansion for a couple of months, oh school I began running towards the school.   

“Ah ay..... My shoes hey watch it, what ruthless jerks. Couldn’t they see me, just speeding like a deep idiots?” I exclaimed angrily.

As I shake my head in anger and enter the school gates I notice one of  them drop a black and gold bracelet as I pick it up I decided to return it but then I realize it was 8:15 on my I-pod which caught me by surprise since it’s my first day as a University student I decided to rush to the principal office but didn’t know where it was suddenly there were a couple male students approaching me they look like delinquents that usually get into fights but even dough I gain up the courage as my knees shake nervously and ask them,

“Mmm...Excuse where is the principal office?” I said timidly, curiously observing their react to my question one student replied as the others watch from head to toe and smiled mischievously.

“Oh you see the white building over there next the Library that it, are you a new student?” he asked nicely

“Yeah, thanks men”, I responded calmly and giggle and left towards the building when I arrive there I saw general office, as enter the place I told the secretary that am the new transfer student from St.Lucia that will be attending “Chrome Digital Arts University”, then she remember what the principal said “Miss Lina there a transfer student named Naz Mel that will be doing graphic design and technical aspect subjects to improve herself  as an artist since she here on a scholarship please take care of her and assign to her home room class I have already explain to her teachers everything okay”.

“Oh, you must be Naz Mel, welcome to Seoul and Chrome Digital Art University it’s my pleasure to assist you with anything you need”, Miss Lina replied cheerfully

“Wow thank you, so what class do I have now Miss”, I asked

“’s your schedule Naz, right now you have “Computer Aided Design” class now did you bring your laptop and text books for rest of classes?” she said curiously

“Yes I did, oh I see”, I responded nervously first day of class I’m already late oh well I’ll catch up I thought suddenly the secretary bought me to my home room she introduced me to my teachers Mr.  Kim Jin and Mrs. Lily Min when walk into the class everyone stare at me whilst I was wondering when I am going faint as I began to feel my heart racing through wild blood in my body I hold my breath count to three and release as I heard Mrs. Min said please introduce yourself Miss Mel.

“Hi everyone my name is Naz Mel am from St.Lucia which is located in the Caribbean. Nice to meet you all”, I said smiling nervously which turned out be a small laugh the students suddenly began laughing I think they thought it was funny not realizing that could see piece of my sponge bob boxers under my skirt, I felt embarrass then one female student named Irene known as the class president said

“Hey you guys calm down she just loves sponge bob, she teased me with a smirk then said

“Naz just take your sit in the back by Jackson over there”, she smiled

 As I look at the teachers they agree to let me sit there, as I approach my sit I notice the boy she called Jackson next to me was very handsome but still there was some toughness about him I thought, he was mysterious and cool looked familiar “That’s Jackson from GOT7”, I then remember. As soon as I sat down in front of me there’s a talkative student named Tasha who turns towards and began asking questions about my country and hobbies

“So your name is Naz, nice to meet you I’m Tasha Gin my dad owns this school since his the Chairman of the Seoul Art schools foundation”, she said boldly then smile confidently.

As I blink my eyes in shock and exclaimed excitedly “Wow that’s great ”, I thought she seem cool decided to become friends with her as we chat it seems that we have a lot in common once it comes to music and food. When class began we shared books and snacks in between lessons it was so much fun, after class break came she bought me to meet up with her close friends Kelly Pang and Rena Mizoki she told me that they knew each other since high school we sat down eating ice cream together we began having conversations about an underground dance club named Street Z, I was curious why it was called that so I ask them about it.

“Why do they call it Street Z?” suddenly silence ran through the table as they watch me serious then Kelly answered “since you new here Naz well it says in history there was a huge street battle where famous be boy groups perform against four member rookie group called Double ZZ until they lost in a freestyle street dance and they disappear after that no one know where they are now”, she burst out a laugh for no reason “Is she nuts”, I wondered as I release a heavy signed .

“Whoo...... freaky so do they still have street battles now”, I asked curiously

“Yeah, the groups now are awesome but I think back then it was a lot more crazier with cool routines so flawless, I wish I could be in a dance group like the Double ZZ”, Kelly said cheerfully

“That would be fun well let’s form one I can break dance well I did so many varieties dancing when I was young and some karate classes it was good”, I replied

“Wow me too but Tasha knows a lot about material arts since was a toddler she won so many trophies”, Rena smiled as Tasha and I laughed

“So what you girls saying, are you agreeing to do this group thing if so what we will called ourselves”, Kelly asked seriously then  out of the blue I thought of “Popping luck or Little Z” it’s fun but cool so decided to  them

“How about “Popping Luck” or “Little ZZ” chooses one girls”, I said excitedly

Tasha, Rena and Kelly thought the names were very catching and cute it’s seems like a pop girl singing group then Tasha wondered carefully thinking about “ if we can become an awesome group that sing and dance with her dad’s help we can become a popular girl group around the world it would be spectacular but then she realize it would be stressful and the group would break up”, so she decides not to tell the others about her thoughts so dance group is going become awesome , after separating into groups of two we played rock, paper and scissors finally the winner was “Little ZZ”.

“So we are “Little ZZ” then”, Kelly said

“Yeah we are Kelly”, Rena and Tasha answered excitedly as they watch me smiling I was fill with joy suddenly the bell rang when Tasha and I back to class we saw our teacher Mr. Yang he mark the register again and said

“Listen up everyone it’s seem that you guys are lucky school will be dismissing at 12:30 today because will be having an important staff meeting anyways your subject teacher is here do your best”, he smiled as he left the class giggling, I saw it was a young handsome man as he enter the girls began blushing like bees suddenly his eyes landed on me which caught me by surprise as he pointed his figure at me

“You there what’s your name Miss”, he asked gently. His voice was so silky like milk it made me melt as I answered timidly he smiled at me then replied “Well Naz I’m your graphics teacher Mr. Sengri Jung anyways you may take your sit oh yeah welcome to Chrome and Seoul”, he responded cheerfully

“Thank you sir”, I said kindly as he watch me the girls became jealous suddenly he notice and said “Everyone we going to have a fun class today please draw your classmate items this it will be assignment due for tomorrow so can get started now”, he said calmly smiling as the girls giggles the boys seem to think Mr. Sengri was a head as I thought. I asked Tasha if she don’t mind being my partner in this assignment she agreed immediately without any doubts.

“Naz look here, you can draw my make up items okay but can I please draw your shoes it’s nice”, she said

“Oh wow thanks, sure Tasha but will you finish it for tomorrow?” I asked curiously

“Anything is possible with God’s help”, she responded calmly when she told me that I believe her at once somehow I began feeling weird like someone was staring at me like a hawk when I turn left it’s Jackson by himself no one seem to be interacting with him so I decided to poke him, he look at me scaring with anger blazing his face which took me by surprise suddenly a tear steam run down my face slowly. Out of the blue his expression change completely as he watches me cry, he pull out a rag and place it on my desk, Tasha was shock when she saw Jackson reaction towards me. I took the rag got up ask for my permission to use the bathroom and left the class all of the sudden Jackson was behind me then I felt warm hand my arm and realize it and stop walking as I felt nervous and timidly whispered.

“Let go of me, please”, as I stared at him in the middle of his eyes I could feel the tension between us then he drop my wrist and came towards me slowly then he whisper in my ear gracefully “I’m sorry that I cause you to cry” when I lifted my face I saw how sincere he was, all of a sudden I felt my heart beating like a disco drum for his love without any thought I hug him tightly he began to blush as I felt his heart beat same as mine

“Thank you Jackson”, he stared at me surprise somehow I heard a male loud voice shouted

Jackson POV

“I couldn’t bear to see Naz, she looked like an angel something about just the way her body move in her uniform just so hypnotizing oh wait am not some kind of ert stop Jackson”, I said running out of the classroom quickly trying to catch up to her as soon as I held her wrist her face was cover with tears, I thought

“Let go of me please”, she said timidly crying

“Men she’s really sensitive”, approach her calmly and whisper an apologize in her ear gently as I stare at her face it appear red like tomato, I didn’t notice I was blushing too, my heart couldn’t to flipping like flipper all of sudden Junior appeared

“Jackson how could you!” he shouted embarrassing me I ain’t gay, I quickly leg of her hand.

“Damn that Junior, he should have come at break anyways I’ll make you my girlfriend soon Naz”, he smirked


“Jackson how could you!” it’s Junior kang the famous prankster his best friend which is gay, I heard there were many rumours of  him not being gay and he had with many former female students and even got a three of them pregnant. Suddenly Jackson get annoy when he saw Junior whilst he shake his head

“Junior don’t you have class men”, he replied seriously

“Jackson baby you know the answer anyways who’s this ugly duckling that’s hogging your shirt feeling your y body I want to sleep with”, he laughed as he roll his eyes at me, Jackson was furious

“Listening you deep moron I gotta

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