Chapter 2


“You’re late.”


Eli was already waiting for Kevin in front of their house. He entered the car and as soon as he shut the door, Kevin speed off.


“Woah, slow down, take it easy! What’s wrong with you?”


He looked at his cousin’s face, a bit shocked. He has never seen him like that.


“Did something happen between you and Jiyeon?”


Kevin wasn’t really listening; his mind is still confused with what happened just now. He can’t stop thinking about the guy he just met.


What was his name? It’s AJ isn’t it?


“Vinnie, are you okay?”


Kevin snapped back to reality and turned his head to look at Eli.


“Uh, what were you saying?”


“Geez, did you drank bad milk or something?”


“Haha..I’m fine.”


“Yeah right.”


Kevin sighed.


“It’s just…I met someone.”


“A hot girl?!”


Eli’s eyes were filled with excitement.


“No...urm..a hot guy.”


Eli’s face expression changed immediately.




Kevin stopped the car as they reached Eli’s restaurant..


“What do you mean a guy?!”


Kevin reached the backseat to grab a small brown paper bag.


“Here’s your burger, hurry up or you’re going to be late.”


Eli stepped out of the car with his burger in one hand but standing still in front of the door.


“I have to go now, take care, Kyoungjae~ah.”


Kevin drives away.


“Wait Kevin!”


Eli stood there as he watched Kevin’s car disappears from his view.


“What just happened?”




At the luxurious Kiss Me Hotel,


Kibum is anxiously waiting for his friend Kevin.


“He is never late like this. What’s taking him so long?”


Kevin came rushing with a bag in one hand and his coat on the other. He looks messy and slightly panting. That’s so unlike him.


“Hey Kevin, are you okay?” asked Kibum with a curious tone.


“Why is everybody keep asking me that?”


“Hyung, are you okay?!”


The young boy put down the cups of latte on the nearest table and rushed to Kevin’s side. He put one hand on Kevin’s forehead and another hand on his own forehead.


“’re not sick.”


“I’m not sick, Dongho.”


Kevin gently pulled away Dongho’s hand from his forehead.


“But why you’re late? You never came late to work.”


“Big deal. You guys came late almost every day. Especially you, Dongho”


“Had a bad morning, Kevin?” asked Kibum


Kevin sighed and nodded.


Kibum gave him an encouraging smile and patted his back. Kevin looked at his friends, something is different.


“Oh yeah, why are you guys early? And, what’s with the new clothes?”


Kibum and Dongho both looked at Kevin in disbelief.


“Have you forgotten?”


“Forgot what?”


Kibum slap his forehead.


“We’re going to have a new boss today!”


“It’s today?”


Kevin totally forgot about the new General Manager of their hotel that will come that day. The post had been vacant for a few weeks since their former boss; Mr. Lee quit the job to open his own little business with his wife in the countryside since he is already nearing his retiring age.


“I heard that your new boss is around your age.”


A not so tall but slim guy walked towards them.


“Joon hyung you know?”


Joon smirked, “There’s nothing in this hotel that I don’t know.”


“21 years old, to be exact.” He added.


“That’s the same age as Kevin.”


Kevin held up his head upon hearing his name.




“His family just moved back to Korea from New York. He was raised in the States.”


“Just like Kevin hyung.” Said Dongho happily.


“Well, a lot of people grew up in the States…not just me.” Kevin mumbled by himself.


“The word has it that he’s pretty strict. They said he has this serious attitude. And his stares? Ohh scary like a black cat from a dark alley. Thinking about it gives me the chills” said Joon


“But isn’t he too young to be the new General Manager?”


“This guy got excellent academic records. He’s the best student with impressive amount of awards. And he studied from Columbia University.”


“...and to top it all.”




Joon smirked.


“He’s the nephew of our hotel’s CEO.”


“Mr. Nam’s nephew?!”, Said all three boys in unison.


“That’s true, and his name is...


“AJ Kim” Said a voice came from behind them.


Kevin got chills all over his body upon hearing the voice. It can’t be him? There are a lot of people with that name and they might sound similar but there’s no way that it’s him. >___<


Kibum, Dongho and Joon turned to the direction of the voice. All three of them were stunned at how handsome Kim Jaeseop was.






Kibum bowed a little and pulled the stunned Dongho with him.


“I’m Kim Kibum marketing director of this hotel, and this will be your secretary, Shin Dongho.”


Kibum nudge Kevin to turn around, but Kevin stood still.


“Hi, I’m Lee Joon one of the Head Chefs of this hotel, nice to meet you.”


“And you are?”


Kevin hoped he’s wrong. He hoped that his ears deceived him, and that it’s not the same voice he heard earlier that morning. He took a deep breath and turned to face his new boss.


“I’m Woo...


Kevin couldn’t finish his sentence, as his hopes fell down. It is the same AJ.


Jaeseop was equally surprised. He froze. They both stare at each other for a few seconds, no words exchanged. The atmosphere is awkward and Kevin is pretty sure he could smell orange juice from Jaeseop’s coat. Or maybe it’s just him.


...Sunghyun. Kevin Woo’s the name s-sir…”


Kevin finally able to finish his sentence after much struggling.


“Nice to meet you, Kevin.”


So we meet again.




I kindda made Joon (Jun) older since I made this before Dongho left and Jun was not yet a member of was a coincident that my character's name was Lee Joon so I a psychic or what? haha just kidding! ^_^)v

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Chapter 13: I just red all your story and i love it **
Can't wait for a next update :3
beely3063 #2
Chapter 9: Then, dear lovely author-nim, where's my next chapter???
Chapter 9: O.O wait- what