Puppy Love?

When I finally came back to reality, I pushed him away. "Oppa... Stop." I said, looking at my feet. I felt horrible inside. I just in a way, cheated on Minwoo. And the worst thing was, I kind of liked the kiss. Not to even mention I had the teeniest crush on him when we were younger and friends. 

"Omo. Eunhee-ah. I didn't mean to. I-I don't know what came over me. I really... I'm sorry." Sungyeol apologized. 

"It's... okay... Can we just go home now?" I asked him, still looking at me. 


Sungyeol and I walked back to my house in silence. No one said a word and the only sound heard was the chatter of the people still around us. When we reaching my house, I nodded him good-bye and walked up the steps. "Eunhee-ah," Sungyeol called out to me. I turned around. "I'm really really sorry. It won't happen again." he said. I nodded and gave him a small smile before I unlocked the door and went in. 

I finally reached my room and opened the door quietly. Minwoo was asleep on his bed and looked very peaceful. I closed the door quietly and walked over to him. Crouching down, I looked at his cute face. Putting my hand on his cheek, I kissed him once, just to feel that he was still mine. Minwoo woke at the touch of my lips and sat up in his bed. 

"When did you get back?" Minwoo asked. 

"Just now." I said and sat next to him on the bed. 

"So.. how was it?" Minwoo looked at me. I looked into his eyes and felt so horrible. I hugged him. "Eunhee-ah." Minwoo was shocked at my action. 

"Mianhae." I said. 

"For what?" Minwoo hugged me back, but I could tell there was a lot of confusion in his voice. 

"I did something bad." I adjusted my head so that my cheek was on his shoulder. 

"What did you do? Whatever it is, I'm sure I can forgive you." Minwoo said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. Minwoo nodded and I broke the hug. "Okay so, I was talking with Sungyeol right, and I finally remembered what he was talking about. Turns out he's my Sungyeol oppa from a long time ago. There's this whole back story that I can tell you later but basically, we were child hood buddies and we haven't seen each other in years." I explained.

"Oh. That's cool. Congratulations." Minwoo smiled at me. "So what's the bad thing?"

"Okay so, you see, we were talking right, at this park and we were about to walk home when he pulled me back and kissed me." I said. The room got quiet as I looked at Minwoo's face. I could literally see his eyes get smaller as this sad aura came out from him. 

"And then what happened?" he asked. 

"And then... I pushed him away and asked him what he was doing and he kissed me again without saying anything." I said. Minwoo's shoulders deflated. 

"And then?" he asked again. 

"And then... I kissed him back for a little but then I pushed him away again and he apologized for kissing me and I feel really really really really reallyyyy bad Minwoo." I hugged him but he didn't do anything. "I understand if you're very mad at me and if you don't want to be with me anymore but please forgive me at least." I whispered. 

Minwoo hugged me back and sighed. "Oh Eunhee.. What am I going to do with you." He gave me a small smile. "I'm not mad. Well, I am upset but he kissed you right? First? So technically you didn't do anything too bad? I mean, it's Eunhee! She's cute and adorable and sweet and kind..." Minwoo smiled at me. "What guy wouldn't want to kiss you? Hmm?" Minwoo chuckled. I hugged him again. 

"Minwoo-ah!!" I cried out. "You're so sweet. Saranghaeyo." I said. 

Minwoo chuckled again. "Saranghaeyo." 

We stayed in that position for a little while and then I went to wash up. I was so thankful Minwoo didn't break up with me or get too mad at me. In fact, I was amazed that he would still be the way he is afterwards. Maybe it was his inner dog trait that led him to be so kind. 

After I washed up, I went back to our room and saw that Minwoo was fast asleep again. I giggled quietly and fixed his blanket so that it was covering him. I kissed his forehead and slid into my own bed. Tomorrow would be an awkward day. In fact, it would be extremely awkward. I fist pumped once and said 'hwaiting' in my head before falling asleep. 


Hey guys. I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I updated my Maid fanfic just now and it was sooooo longgg! xD I wrote so much that I decided to split it into two chapters lol. If you haven't checked it out. Please do hehe ^^ Anyways, I hope you guys had a good week. I just went back to school and ugh it was so horrible. Idon't like school TT~TT Anyways, it's late. I should sleep. Sorry for writing so much. I love you guys. BYEE <3

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 25: youngmin and kwangmin? LOL
btw, new reader~~~hohoho~~~
I love your story~~~~ X'D
Chapter 25: LOVE LOVE LOVE the ending ^^ First MinWoo now YoungMin and KwangMin? Haha, they might bring twice the happiness to her daughter, and maybe... twice the trouble too? XDD
nalgaewings #3
Awwww you guys <3 Your comments mean so much to me. I might do one but it'll be later because I have these other ideas in my head and I want to finish my maid one first. xD Sorry~
crazykpoper #4
mind if u have a sequel please? :3 im kinda like a new reader :P it took me only 2 days to read depite how busy i was XP i love this fics XDDD
Ahaha! Funny youngmin and kwangmin xD hahaha sequel please?? :))
Youngmin and Kwangmin :))
My 2nd Bias heheh
Please Make A sequel Phuuuuuuleaseee.........
Im sure you can make it great like this story ^^
Omgggggggg you need more views and subs!
Keke.. Cute ending ^^
Kwangmin and Youngmin ^^
Kyyaaa!! Seqeul xD
Awesome~~ sequel!! Sequel!! Lol~~~