13th May 2013

Letters to EXO

13th May 2013

Dear Wu Fan,
I like you.

Don't ask me how. Don't ask me why. Don't ask me when. Because to tell you the truth, I haven't got the slightest of clues either.

I guess I'm just attracted to you?

But to tell you the truth, would rather date one of your idiotic friends like Chanyeol than to date you.

My reason? You. Are. Taken. I don't ever go between a woman and a man. That's not my style.

I guess you were the only one that never saw my feelings. Your girlfriend noticed. And she 'politely' told me to back off. Heck, even YOUR friends noticed!!! That's why they started to hang out with me a lot. Even though I don't remember a majority of their names, they still accept me a in a way.

Well anyways. I decided to write a 'confession' letter. And yeah. Laters

Yours Truly,
This Stupid Love-Sick Fool


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skinnedburger #1
looking forward on this :)